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Crystal Beast Deck Help

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descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyCrystal Beast Deck Help

Here's the deck (Updated):


Reason I run 1 Lightning Vortex is cos it lets me clear the monsters on my opponents field and more importantly, I can dump a Beast into the grave which helps getting Rainbow out quicker, plus if I have 1 CB in my backrow and a Blessing and Hamon or Dragon Queen in hand I can get the CB back and it may mean I can summon Hamon or Dragon Queen.

I have 1 Cobalt for Rainbow summoning and also because I can send Sapphire to top of my deck if they are both out and it means next turn I'm guaranteed a free CB of my pick in the backrow for Hamon, Dragon Queen or Rainbow.

I run 2 Rare Value for draw power

And the traps I run are to deal with anything I don't like until Hamon or Rainbow come to play.

Please let me know what I can do to improve this deck guys. I was originally going for a Hamon or Rainbow speed summon type deck, but now I'm trying to fit in Crystal Abundance turbo to a small degree. So please let me know what I should swap in and out to make the main focus of this deck Abundance OTK turbo, with Hamon and Rainbow as backup if I can't Abundance OTK

thanks Smile

Last edited by Mai_Valentine on Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:51 pm; edited 2 times in total

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

If the deck is about getting out Rainbow Dragon (and/or Hamon)...

- Running Crystal Pair might be a pain, since you have to let the CB go to the grave in order for it to work. Reluctantly suggesting to side it, since Macro decks can kill it. Or don't even use it.

- 2 Amber Mammoth is useless. Run 1. Protecting another CB doesn't do anything, unless you tend to leave all your CBs in attack mode.

- Cobalt Eagle isn't usually recommended, since it means you don't have as much variety of cards to work with, as you determine your topdeck with a CB on the field.

- Use Malefic Cyber End Dragon in order to fend off your opponent. It can also pull of wins, being a big beater of the deck.

- 2 Crystal Beacon. You'd love it, trust me. A free Pegasus doesn't hurt.

- Two turtles isn't necessary either, unless you find yourself going Hamon a lot.

- Emergency Provisions drops your continuous spell count by somewhat. I don't like it, but your choice here.

- CB aren't typically used with traps, since you need those zones filled up. So I recommend using just one; Treacherous Trap Hole, never a dead draw.

- Drop a Crystal Blessing? Your choice here. :/ Can be a dead draw.

- Fill up with Summoner Monks. You typically run a lot of spells, and some of them are dead draws.

- I run 1 crystal tree, since balancing your continuous spells after using tree is quite easy. Also, dead draw.

- Double Duality. You wouldn't typically special summon a lot, since it focuses on S/T control.

- Now, fill up that extra deck. Lightning Chidori is good. Zenmaines helps. Any staples, since CBs aren't typically powerful in stats.

- Monster Reborn, sir. A game-changing card, you want it.

- Card Destruction. It ditches a lot of CBs for that Rainbow Dragon, and "helps in a pinch."

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

XraishionX wrote:
If the deck is about getting out Rainbow Dragon (and/or Hamon)...

- Running Crystal Pair might be a pain, since you have to let the CB go to the grave in order for it to work. Reluctantly suggesting to side it, since Macro decks can kill it. Or don't even use it.

- 2 Amber Mammoth is useless. Run 1. Protecting another CB doesn't do anything, unless you tend to leave all your CBs in attack mode.

- Cobalt Eagle isn't usually recommended, since it means you don't have as much variety of cards to work with, as you determine your topdeck with a CB on the field.

- Use Malefic Cyber End Dragon in order to fend off your opponent. It can also pull of wins, being a big beater of the deck.

- 2 Crystal Beacon. You'd love it, trust me. A free Pegasus doesn't hurt.

- Two turtles isn't necessary either, unless you find yourself going Hamon a lot.

- Emergency Provisions drops your continuous spell count by somewhat. I don't like it, but your choice here.

- CB aren't typically used with traps, since you need those zones filled up. So I recommend using just one; Treacherous Trap Hole, never a dead draw.

- Drop a Crystal Blessing? Your choice here. :/ Can be a dead draw.

- Fill up with Summoner Monks. You typically run a lot of spells, and some of them are dead draws.

- I run 1 crystal tree, since balancing your continuous spells after using tree is quite easy. Also, dead draw.

- Double Duality. You wouldn't typically special summon a lot, since it focuses on S/T control.

- Now, fill up that extra deck. Lightning Chidori is good. Zenmaines helps. Any staples, since CBs aren't typically powerful in stats.

- Monster Reborn, sir. A game-changing card, you want it.

- Card Destruction. It ditches a lot of CBs for that Rainbow Dragon, and "helps in a pinch."

I agree with these fixes, but why not Malefic Rainbow instead of Malefic Cyber? I also find that gem flash energy can help, if you can balance it into your S/T zone with your CBs.

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Thanks for the help guys! Here is how the deck is looking now: https://i.imgur.com/uuB3gwj.png

I kept my traps as tbh, while I get I need backrow space, they do help me not get run over by my opponent. Someone summons a Blue Eyes or a Stardust and attacks? Dimensional Prison and that's gone. And as for Crystal Pair, like I said, it lets me get a CB into the grave and another in my S/T zone of my choosing, which helps my get enough for Rainbow quicker and thins my deck too as well as making all damage that turn 0.

I'm considering putting a Crystal Promise or Monster Reborn in place of MST, not sure on that one.

As for XYZ's I've got:

2x Wind-Up Zenmaines
1x Leviathan Dragon
1x Utopia
1x Daigusto Emeral (for recycling Summoner Monks, Hamon and Rainbow and extra draw power)
2x Gagagaga Cowboy (Is a solid attacker with it's effect, can burn while if defense and has better defense then my Emerald Turtle for stalling)
2x Lavalval Chain (I can send CB's to grave to thin my deck so I can pull Rainbow easier or send the right CB so I can SS Rainbow from hand. Or I can place Pegasus, Monk, Hamon or Rainbow to the top of my deck to get what I want when I want it)
2x Maestroke the Symphony Djinn (I can stall with it or flip a troubling monster face down to maybe kill it)
1x Black Ship of Corn (Can kill any 2100 or less face up monster, inflict 1k LP damage to opponent)
1x Shock Master (helps give face down control)
1x Photon Papilloperative (I can go on the offensive with this, and do bonus damage if they try and stall in defense due to the opponents monster losing 600 Atk)
1x Steelswarm Roach (Helps stop opponent Synchroing or XYZing)

So, what else needs changing? I don't wanna go over 42 cards.

Thanks again for the help guys! Smile

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

I approve of these fixes. However, you may want to consider running Leviair in the side as you run singles of CBs. You're kinda screwed if they get banished.

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Alikaey wrote:
I approve of these fixes. However, you may want to consider running Leviair in the side as you run singles of CBs. You're kinda screwed if they get banished.

Hmm, that's a good point. But the thing is, I can typically get over that by summoning them to S/T zone with Pegasus effect. Though maybe 1 wouldn't hurt Smile

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

No one fixes the side and extra, I will. I'm good at siding and extra ._.

Pot of Avarice is no needed. You you will need CB on field on in Graveyard.

1 MST? Why no +1 more.

Use Imperial Iron Wall to protect your CBs from being banished. But sometime you will have to use Fissure instead of Iron Wall.

May consider Effect Veiler and Maxx.

Shadow-Imprisoning is good, this deck doesn't have any dark anyway.

Soul Drain to negate effects from the Graveyard.

I'm sure that you built your extra in fast. You got it randomly.

First, don't use 2 each. Instead of it, use 1.

Leviair like Ali said.

Get more rank 4 monsters (Pearl, Fairy King, Kachi Kochi, Giant Hand, Shock Master, Shark Drake, etc,...)

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

if ur think of playing them competetive
id get myself 3 terra and a few malefics
and some anit meta cards

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Thanks for the suggestions.

I'm not sure about Maxx C or Veiler because then I need to lose something and I wanna keep 2 Ruby for her eff to SS CB's and swarm or XYZ. I also don't wanna start throwing D Prison or something else out for a monster that's only gonna be useful in certain situations. I mean, unless there is a nasty eff or my opponent starts SSing like mad Maxx C and Veiler are essentially dead draws. I'd rather have cards to compliment my CB's directly.

Took out one Duality for a second MST like suggested though. Am considering taking out one Crystal Beacon for either a Crystal Promise or one Terraforming.

Here's how the deck is looking now: https://i.imgur.com/5dlJxSK.png

Also, I didn't add the continuous Traps as while I may run traps myself, they aren't gonna be sticking around once flipped ya know? If I were to play Imperial Iron Wall I can't get the 5th effect of Rainbow Ruins to XYZ spam by SSing a backrow Ruby. I also can't play Crystal Abundance. Plus even if one of my single CB's get removed I have Hamon.

I'm considering running Pot of Avarice so if Hamon dies I can get him back into my deck and draw 2, what do you guys think?

Also, this is my third deck I've made since I started playing the game 2 weeks ago, is it good for a beginner? Smile

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

I can see this deck winning in ranked matches. It's definitely really good if you've only started playing 2 weeks ago. It seems like it would be consistent, as well as powerful enough to get out Dragon Queen, Rainbow, or Hamon.

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Thanks! Smile Anything to swap around? I was thinking of adding in either 1 Crystal Promise for Ruby or Pegasus or to get an XYZ out quicker. Or Pot of Avarice to shuffle Hamon and Rainbow back in the deck. Or a third Abundance for OTK. Not sure as I dunno if those would warrant swapping out one Beacon :/

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Time for me to put in some real advice.

-1 Hamon (I generally don't like this card)
-1 Emerald (1 is enough. It's not very power and the effect isn't too great)
- All traps (CB decks will be facing a lot of backrow destruction. You also don't want to pile up your S/T zone with set cards)

+2 Malefic Cyber End (Replacement for Hamon. Much easier to get out)
+1 Duality (Searches out Sapphire)
+1 Terraforming (Gets the field spell. Don't run more than 1 or it would become a dead draw)
+1 Monster Reborn (Why yu no run dis? Reborn your Sapphire/Ruby and spam)
+1 Treacherous Trap Hole (Replacement for the traps. It's effectively a -2 for the opponent)

-1 Zenmaines (1 is usually enough)
-1 Daigusto Emeral (You don't really need to return anything in this deck. And Avarice is better anyway)
-1 Shark Drake (Random beatstick that doesn't really do much good in this deck)

+2 Cyber End Drag (For Malefics)
+1 Vylon Disigma (Great card. Gets rid of annoying monsters and if your opponent has a CB, you can steal it and have it in the S/T zone for Crystal Beacon/Rainbow Ruins)

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Alikaey wrote:
Time for me to put in some real advice.

-1 Hamon (I generally don't like this card)
-1 Emerald (1 is enough. It's not very power and the effect isn't too great)
- All traps (CB decks will be facing a lot of backrow destruction. You also don't want to pile up your S/T zone with set cards)

+2 Malefic Cyber End (Replacement for Hamon. Much easier to get out)
+1 Duality (Searches out Sapphire)
+1 Terraforming (Gets the field spell. Don't run more than 1 or it would become a dead draw)
+1 Monster Reborn (Why yu no run dis? Reborn your Sapphire/Ruby and spam)
+1 Treacherous Trap Hole (Replacement for the traps. It's effectively a -2 for the opponent)

-1 Zenmaines (1 is usually enough)
-1 Daigusto Emeral (You don't really need to return anything in this deck. And Avarice is better anyway)
-1 Shark Drake (Random beatstick that doesn't really do much good in this deck)

+2 Cyber End Drag (For Malefics)
+1 Vylon Disigma (Great card. Gets rid of annoying monsters and if your opponent has a CB, you can steal it and have it in the S/T zone for Crystal Beacon/Rainbow Ruins)

I took out Leviathan XYZ for Disigma and my Crystal Tree for Reborn as you suggested, but I dedided to leave Hamon and traps in. Reason I kept Hamon is while I know I have to lose 3 CB's to summon him unlike Malefic Cyber End, he makes up for it in 2 ways; 1- the opponent will always lose 1k LP each time Hamon destroys their monster so it means the opponent can't stall me out by summoning just 1 monster face down like they could with Malefic, as they will still lose LP regardless.

2- Unlike Malefic Cyber End I can attack twice a BP with Hamon out. Again, means the opponent can't stall me with 1 monster. I get why people would suggest Malefics over Hamon, but I'd rather finish the opponent ASAP then have them stall me out and risk them getting something dangerous. If Malefic Cyber end did piercing damage then I would absolutely take Hamon out for it, but sadly Malefic doesn't and I feel it limits me too much during BP and gives my opponent too much room to stall until a Dark Hole or Mirror Force or something else pops up.

As for taking my traps out. Like I said, I get why traps are considered a no no for CB decks, but they help me keep myself from getting run over if I draw nothing but spells like Rare Values, Crystal Beacons and Crystal Blessings. Plus, they have a nice bluff on them. If I mill and select a Crystal Blessing or something my opponent can see and I set a trap like D Prison face down, cos it's a CB deck and they've seen me select Blessing they are automatically gonna assume the face down D Prison is the Blessing I just added to hand and not bother MST'ing it. Then, boom! D Prison bluff! And even if they don't see a Blessing or some spell added to my hand they are generally gonna assume cos it's a CB deck and no one runs nasty traps in CB decks that it's something harmless and not bother "wasting" an MST on it. In other words, they stop me getting run over and can bluff the opponent into not singling it out for destruction until it's too late. At least that's what I find happens usually on DN,

Thanks for the other tips, I dunno what to swap out for Terra though :/. If you have any suggestions please tell me Smile

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Just returning to this, and looking back at the new deck list.

You don't have to take out Hamon for Malefic Cyber End Dragon, but it's easier to summon and can stall and waste your opponent's resources on it.

Consider Lightning Vortex. You typically want your CBs in your S/T zone, so dumping them in the grave doesn't generally help.

Agreeing with Alikaey, Emerald Tortoise isn't worth running at two, since you only need one of each CB. Even with the massive defense and the Hamon lock, doesn't generally help you very often.

Put back the crystal tree, and take out a Beacon. Crystal Tree stacks up your S/T zones, and a third beacon can drop dead if you don't have those S/T zones. Also, they both can be dropped with Summoner Monk, so not much of a difference there.

Can't really decide anything on the extra deck. Can you update the photo? I'll attempt to help a bit more when I can see the deck better.

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Sure! Smile Here's the updated deck: https://i.imgur.com/IFyvjlN.png

I added in Reborn for the 1 Crystal Tree. As Ali said, it lets me SS Pegasus or Ruby, both of which are invaluable.

As for Tortoise, I keep it in for it's defense. I know 2k isn't super high, but it's the only real defending CB there is. And besides, I already have games where sometimes I barely draw any CB's so I don't wanna lower my monster count any more.

As for 3 Beacons, I agree they can be difficult to work with. I just had a game with 2 in my opening hand and it was like 7 turns before I could use one of them. Im considering swapping one out for either:

A third Blessing as then I can get back a CB dumped via Lightning Vortex's discard cost to the S/T which would be a nice little shortcut to get one more in the S/T zone quicker.

Or I'm thinking of running 1 Crystal Promise to spam Pegasus effect (Either SS one that has beed destroyed and in S/T zone, or I could summon a Pegasus and use it to place a second in S/T then Promise the Pegasus in S/T) also I could Ruby Spam for multiple monsters to make an XYZ in 1 turn.

Or a Morphing Jar for draw power and deck thinning

Or a Pot Of Avarice to shuffle Hamon, Rainbow etc. back into the deck if it gets destroyed by a trap, and also extra draw power.

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Quick Question: If I should swap out Crystal Beacon for Crystal Promise, maybe I should ditch 2 Beacon for 2 Promise? As I said, it would let me Pegasus effect spam, or Ruby summon to XYZ spam/ bring up multiple defense in 1 move if facing multiple attacking monsters. Is it worth chucking 2 Beacons for 2 Promise though?

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Beacon's one of the main Spells of the deck. It thins the deck and helps you swarm the field. People usually fetch Ruby with Sapphire's effect, but keeping Ruby in the deck for Beacon is much faster. Especially if you have more Sapphires in the S/T zone.

As for Promise, it's basically a Monster Reborn for CBs in the S/T zone so running 1 is sometimes nice. I'd say take out a Vortex/Pair/Mirror Force for it if you're going to play it. It's not really needed though.

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Oh, ok. So should I keep Beacon at 3 and lose 1 Vortex for a Crystal Promise? Or 1 Beacon and 1 Vortex for 2 Promises? What do you think? Smile

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Lose 1 vortex. Beacon is a free summon, and can start your swarms. Vortex drops your hand advantage easily for field, but you want the CB in your S/T zones.

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

I think she wants 2 Vortex to discard CBs => Rainbow easier. That idea is not good at all. Beacon is so much better as XraishionX said.

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Ok then, I'll drop one Vortex for a Promise. Or should I drop one Vortex and one Beacon for 2 Promises? I mean I'd still have 2 Beacons in deck but would have 2 Promises. Is that something I should do? Or just keep 3 Beacons in deack and only 1 Promise? Smile

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

3 Beacon. 1 Promise.

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

ok, thanks Smile

Here's the deck currently: https://i.imgur.com/jMIlxjt.png

I'm considering adding a second Promise in place of something. I was thinking maybe 1 MST, or a Bottomless? Whaddya think? Smile

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Where'd you get two abundances from? Oh Shit If that's going to be so, use Destiny Hero Diamond Dude. Otherwise, drop it for Blessing. Abundance gets cloggy and dead draws when you're in a baaaad situation.

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Oh, okay then. Should I swap one out for a second Promise? I'm not sure, as well it could lower the chance of drawing a Beacon when I need it. Please lemme know Smile

Also, thanks so much for all your help guys! I really appreciate it Smile

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

I don't see how adding in another promise would hurt the chances of drawing beacon if you still run 3. I'd swap Abundance for Beacon.

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Ok Smile

Here's the deck now: https://i.imgur.com/irLs5i6.png

Anything else I should swap in or out? I was thinking of taking 1 Tortoise and 1 Bottomless for 2 Tour Guides to get a Zenmaines or Leviair XYZ out quickly. Zenmaines could help me hold out if I get into trouble. What do you guys think? Smile

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

You should update your deck by fixing your first post. Easier to see.

You run Hamon and Rainbow at the same time?

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Ok, I will. And yeah. I run Hamon to get a boss monster out quicker then waiting for all 7 CB's in my grave. And I run Rainbow because if it's a long duel and all my CB's end up in my grave or S/T I can SS a Rainbow Smile

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Should I run 2 Tour Guides? Maybe take out 1 Emerald Tortoise and 1 Bottomless (or some other trap)? That way I could get a free Zenmaines out to stall if I need to defend for a few rounds to draw something good.

What do you guys think? Smile

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

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