Injection Fairy Lily is the main card in this deck, its great with cold wave, freeze the field and do major damage.

41 Cards:

Monsters 17:

3x Injection Fairy Lily
2x Raiou(great beatstick and awesome effect)
2x Doomcaliber( I had some trouble with this card but overall it clears the opponents field)
3x Kycoo( great card stops monster reborns monster reincarnation, pot of avarice, etc)
1x Breaker the magical warrior
2x Drillroid( awesome card clears the field of big defense like defender
2x Giant rat(to search out Injection Fairy lily)
1x Sangan
1x Neo Grand Mole

Spells 10:

3x Cold Wave( freezes the field so injection lily can do some damage)
1x Monster reborn
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Heavy Storm
1x Smashing Ground
1x Fissure
2x Book of Moon

Traps 14:

3x Royal Oppression
3x Solemn Judgment
1x Mirror Force
2x Bottomless trap hole
2x forced back
1x torrential
1x Trap dustshoot


P.S Keep in mind this deck revolves around Cold wave and Injection Fairy Lily!! xD