Ok, so as my name says I like to play Fabled's. They may not be one of the most used Archtypes, but I just enjoy playing them, everytime I play them I just feel happy. I am a person who changes his decks very often when he loses with them, but Fabled are just so fun to play, it is just amazing that one or two cards can turn the game totally around.
So as you can hear I am very fascinated of Fabled's (They dun call me Mr Fabled For nothin') and I'd like to make my Fabled deck competitive.
So, I know a bit about the meta, but I am not the best deck builder.
I will present you now Mr. Fabled's infamous Fabled Deck (with Fabled's)

Monster: 26
1x BLS
1x Chaos Sorcerer
2x Effect Veiler
2x Fabled Grimro
2x Fabled Krus
2x Fabled Kushano
2x Fabled Soulkius
2x Fabled Cerburrel
2x Fabled Raven
1x Fabled Chawa
1x Fabled Ganashia
3x Ryko
1x Dandylion
1x Plaguespreader Zombie
2x Tour Guide from the underworld
1x Lightray Diabolos

Spells: 9
1x Charge of the light brigade
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
2x Mystical Space Taifun
1x Pot of Avarice
2x Pot of Duality
1x Foolish Burial

Traps: 5
2x Reckless Greed
1x Solemn Warning
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Compulsory Evacuation Device

Extra Deck:
3x Fabled Ragin
2x Fabled Valkyrius
1x Fabled Leviathan
1x Armory Arm
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Mist Wurm
1x Gaia Knight, The Force of Earth
1x Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
1x Wind-Up Zenmaines

So, this deck is more focused on grave action. Ryko helps getting Kushano, Soulkius, Plague and Dandylion to the grave and destroys one card, so I can get a little adventage. Well, the rest is pretty much just discarding my fableds with Raven, Kushano, Chawa and getting some Synchro/XYZ action on. BLS and Chaos Sorcerer can save my ass when needed, and Tour Guide can help getting Kushano to the grave quickly. I only have some staple spells and charge of the light brigade for milling and getting ryko when I need him ( I played Lyla too before but I found myself milling too much). I could add Dark world dealings and such, but I feel like Fabled's are fine with their own discard effects, I never really needed DWD's or card destruction. Fabled Soulkius is a bit special. Sadly his effect states "send" and not "discard" so I won't activate the discarding effects of my fabled's, but he can help getting some monsters to the grave like Kushano, Plague and dandy. Also with 6 stars I can easily synchro summon to lvl 8 and higher. I'm testing Diabolos at the moment, but I felt like it could give a nice little add because all my Fabled's are light and I fill the grave farely easy. The effect veiler's are for the metagame (I heard after the death of priority that veiler is pretty good again)
So, what do you guys think? Maybe someone has some tips on how to make this deck better. I could easily use my wind-ups or Fire Kings and stuff, but I really enjoy playing Fabled's (as said above) and I'd like to go competitive with them. :3