@ Girlchan: I crossed checked quite a few sites that all had data on total land controlled by the empires in history. The Brits and the Soviets beat the Mongols, not by a lot, but they still beat them. I would post the urls, but I checked this a month ago and my comp auto deletes my site history on the first day on each new month. And I don't know how to turn it off. DX
Also, did you know that there seems to still be an argument between the Brits and the Americans about the end of the Revolutionary War? According to the Brits, the king gave up and pulled out, and according to the Americans, the Brits got their asses handed to them in the war.
I love watching these arguments at my school because it ends with the Europeans and the Americans trying to kick each other's asses. Kinda like last week where the Europeans and the Asians tried to knock each other's blocks off. Ahh, what a great school. XD