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Get your game on!

descriptionYCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2) EmptyYCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2)

3 Elemental Hero Bubbleman
3 Elemental Hero Neos Alius
1 Elemental Hero Stratos
1 Photon Thrasher

3 Night Beam
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Heavy Storm
3 Miracle Fusion
2 A Hero Lives
2 E - Emergency Call
1 Monster Reborn
1 Dark Hole
3 Gemini Spark
2 Pot of Duality
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Super Polymerization
1 Book of Moon

2 Torrential Tribute
2 Mirror Force
2 Solemn Warning
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

2 Elemental Hero The Shining
2 Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
1 Elemental Hero Escuridao
1 Elemental Hero Nova Master
1 Elemental Hero Gaia
1 Elemental Hero Great Tornado

1 Steelswarm Roach
1 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1 Blade Armor Ninja
1 Photon Papilloperative
1 Gem-Knight Pearl
2 Heroic Champion - Excalibur

2 Thunder King Rai-Oh
2 Snowman Eater

2 Soul Taker
1 Super Polymerization

2 Skill Drain
2 Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
3 Dimensional Prison
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

Play starts at 9:30, so we go to get a bite to eat before then. We're informed it is 8 rounds on day 1 and 2 on day 2, and there's 11 of us in our group. We decided on a corner to go to after each match. Anyhow, when we get there they have still got a ton of registrations and we start at 11:00 AM.

Round 1 - vs Rabbit

The first game goes how I would've liked. I played a little less OTK aggressive and a little more controlling, and I end up beating him because my boss monster was higher than his. The second game, he gets me down to 1500 life points versus his 4900, and pokes me with a Reaper to discard a useless Miracle Fusion. I have no cards in hand.

I draw ROTA, search Bubbleman, special summon when he has nothing in hand or on field, draw Monster Reborn and Miracle Fusion. I make Excalibur, detach, fuse for shining and attack over Reaper for game.


Round 2 - Agents

Game 1, he sacks me like I did in the last game. I leave him with a Sangan on the field, one card in hand as I don't like his searching for anything (specifically, Honest) and I've got a Shining, Stratos and Neos Alius on the field. He topdecks BLS and shows Honest for game.

Game 2, I draw one monster, Bubbleman, turtle for a while and lose. I drew Gemini Spark and a handful of traps.


Round 3 - Rabbit

Starting to regret not siding Bottomless. Anyhow, this one I lose to. He draws Rabbit-TGU three times with Heavy twice, and unsurprisingly I lost the two times he had Heavy.

1-2. Things are looking bad, I have to run the table to make day 2 or hope for some awesome tiebreaks, which I just don't have because I'm on the bubble.

Round 4 - Chain Burn

Game 1 - he burns me handily before I can make any combos with appropriate and Swift Scarecrows.

Game 2 - I side out all my monster hate and he gets me down to 2000 life points before I OTK him.

Game 3 - He is left with 1 card in hand while I have 900 LP left. I topdeck A Hero Lives, Stratos into Alius, overlay for Excalibur, detach, Miracle with 5 targets removed and attack for game. He ended up not setting Just Desserts (I won because of a misplay).

2-2. By this point, seven of us are still in, out of eleven, and all three members of our local team are still there. Jeremy at 3-1, JT and I at 2-2.

Round 5 - Rabbit (ARGH)

Actually, I end up doing well against him. I win the dice roll, I lose game one because of TGU - Rabbit - Heavy shenanigans, win game two and complete the comeback in game three with Miracle Fusion and Dark Hole putting in some work.

Also - one card I want to see for the day? Book of Moon. I can't find that card, even though it's in the deck.


Round 6 - Wind-Ups

We actually casually chatted before this match even began, since we were bubbling and one of us would be out this round. Nice guy, was playing Wind-Ups, but I don't think he knew how to play them very well. I ended up winning two games in a row as a result. I just made guys that were bigger than his and he couldn't get over them, so he had to - to be able to do damage to me. At which point I'd make a Zero or something to force him to lose a lot of advantage.


Round 7 - Skill Drain Stun

This guy admitted he didn't have anything to side against me because I was playing Heroes, and we traded blows for a bit in game one with his Chainsaw Insect versus my Photon Thrasher before I ended up with things bigger than he could get over, like Gem-Knight Pearl. I transitioned into straight Heroes in game two and ended up taking game two as well, so all of a sudden I had ran four in a row.

5-2. Last round before day 2. Jeremy was finally out at 4-3 going into round 8. JT and I were both 5-2. Gilles (one of our friends in the group) was 5-1-1 and guaranteed day 2. Another three of us were at 5-2, crazily. All that hinged was round 8. One more win...

Round 8 - Infernities

He wins the die roll, opens Grepher and pitches a card with another card. Sets his hand, Reborn into Infernities, and I can't do anything as he loads his field with a Void Ogre Dragon, set Barrier, and four monsters. I have a mostly monster hand, and I'm forced to scoop extremely quickly.

I open game two, I play defensively since I don't really have a good counter for his cards and I don't have much offense. He ends up doing the same combo and I haven't got an out for it on the field. I end up scooping soon after as I can't really play with what odds he's giving me, though I put up a struggle.


I end up 204th out of 800 and missed day 2 by better tiebreaks/winning that last game. Even if I had gone to day 2, anyone 5-3 wasn't getting in as 8-2 was the bubble point. JT also went 5-3, but all in all three of our group went on to Day 2.

So. I played through the entirety of day 1. At the end of the day, I set my deck box on a table by accident and one of our group turned it in to the judges. I ended up having to retrieve it to the amusement of our group.

Though Day 1 is over, there is still the end of day 1 and day two festivities to be told!


descriptionYCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2) EmptyRe: YCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2)

take a 9mm with u next time u go to a ycs

descriptionYCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2) EmptyRe: YCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2)

Why, lol?

descriptionYCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2) EmptyRe: YCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2)

for the infernity players

descriptionYCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2) EmptyRe: YCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2)

Pah. I was wondering why people were still playing Rabbit. It seems to lose to everything except maybe Wind-Ups and too few people knew how to play them well enough to have a Rabbit player face Wind-Ups all day...

descriptionYCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2) EmptyRe: YCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2)

> Rabbit at 2
> It's still broken

descriptionYCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2) EmptyRe: YCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2)

^ Rabbit and Tgu are on 2, that's the big difference.

descriptionYCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2) EmptyRe: YCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2)

Because they can't replace them with Staple Cards, right?

Rabbit is still a great deck, but usually HEROs shouldn't lose to them, nor to Wind-Ups.

descriptionYCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2) EmptyRe: YCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2)

pIrate wrote:
> Rabbit at 2
> It's still broken

Good job Mr.Obvious ^

descriptionYCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2) EmptyRe: YCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2)

Placido wrote:
pIrate wrote:
> Rabbit at 2
> It's still broken

Good job Mr.Obvious ^

Good job Captain Obvious, you got what I obviously meant.

descriptionYCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2) EmptyRe: YCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2)

you just discovered some facts, and u call me captain obvious
****, Please.

descriptionYCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2) EmptyRe: YCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2)

Rabbit's more sacky than good right now.

descriptionYCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2) EmptyRe: YCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2)

Part 3 cheers

descriptionYCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2) EmptyRe: YCS Toronto Report - Dante Sparda (Part 2)

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