BoM is Book of Moon, not Bottomless Trap Hole (BTH). Watch your typos Dante. XD
-1 Marshmallon
-1 Card Trooper
-3 Zaloog
You don't want cards in the grave here, so Card Trooper is pointless. You have Spirit Reaper so you don't need Marshmallon. Zaloog is a very situational card and because RotA is limited to 1 now, he's not as good. He and Exiled are actually both situational cards but when RotA was at 3 you could pull them out only when you needed them which made them awesome. Now that they aren't as easily searched they're not worth tossing into the deck imo. They lead to dead draws.
-1 PoA
-1 Dust Tornado
Dust Tornado is always a side deck only card if you're going to use it, because there are plenty of decks out there where it will be a dead draw. PoA is tempting but is just a dead draw too often to make it playable unless you are playing a deck that very quickly dumps monsters into the grave (and most of those decks like to keep them in the grave anyway).
-7 / +7 = 40 cards
+1 Shrink
+1 BoM
+2 Sakuretsu
That should even up your s/t lineup. Definitely max BoM and maxing Shrink is probably a good idea too. As Dante said, either go 3 Sakuretsu or 0. 1 is just random.
+1 Stratos
+1 Doomcaliber
+1 CCV
Stratos is an automatic +1 card advantage so if you're gonna use Alius you should automatically use him too. Max out your Doomcalibers since it works well with Alius and Raiou. Last up is CCV. At 1st you're gonna say that you only have 2 targets for it, but remember that you'll be using 3 copies of Shrink! Shrink any of your Dark monsters (other than Chaos Sorcerer) and you can use it as a CCV target. That works especially well if your opponent tried to BTH you and you already used Shrink to fizzle the BTH.