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descriptionNew Mega Monarch Deck EmptyNew Mega Monarch Deck

I built a new Monarch Deck using the new Mega Monarch Cards on DN recently, and I wondered what fixes and changes other people would suggest that could be done to make it better stand up to the meta. I would also like some feedback on well people find this deck to be built.

Here is a screenshot of the deck from DN as well:


The list is as follows:

Monsters 22:
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness x1
Mobius the Mega Monarch x1
Mobius the Frost Monarch x1
Granmarg the Mega Monarch x1
Granmarg the Rock Monarch x1
Caius the Shadow Monarch x1
Raiza the Storm Monarch x1
Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch x1
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch x1
Marshmallon x2
Krebons x1
Level Eater x2
Spirit Reaper x2
Nova Summoner x2
Mystic Tomato x2
Battle Fader x2

Spells 10:
March of the Monarchs x1
The Seal of Orichalcos x1
Return of the Monarchs x1
Soul Exchange x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Dark Hole x1
Swords of Revealing Light x1
Double Summon x1

Traps 10:
The First Monarch x3
Localized Tornado x2
Mirror Force x2
Black Horn of Heaven x2
Dark Bribe x1

Side Deck:
Delg the Dark Monarch x1
Kuraz the Light Monarch x1
Monster Reincarnation x1
Light-Imprisoning Mirror x1
Dark-Imprisoning Mirror x1
Ordeal of a Traveler x1
Solemn Warning x1
Solemn Wishes x1
Dark Bribe x2

A couple things I want to note:
Black Horn of Heaven is a bit like a free and easier version of Solemn Warning, and I can run more than one. With the emphasis on Special Summoning these days, I find it quite useful a lot of the time.
Localized Tornado works great for recycling the monsters and cards in your graveyard, and running two of them can let you last for a long time. Particularly against the ever annoying and still rather present Exodia Stall and Draw Engine Deck.
Also I sided the Mirrors to help protect against the Chaos Ligthsworn Decks that are very present these days.

But any way, fixes, suggestions and opinions are most welcome.

descriptionNew Mega Monarch Deck EmptyRe: New Mega Monarch Deck

Try the frog engine for monarchs, it's better

descriptionNew Mega Monarch Deck EmptyRe: New Mega Monarch Deck

BlackWarGreymon wrote:
Try the frog engine for monarchs, it's better

I would if it wasn't so generic, over used and frankly cheap. (like Exodia Draw Engine Decks are on DN lately). I like mine more.

So other than rebuilding my whole deck, any other suggestions?

descriptionNew Mega Monarch Deck EmptyRe: New Mega Monarch Deck

- Granmarg the Mega Monarch x1
- Granmarg the Rock Monarch x1
- Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch x1
- Zaborg the Thunder Monarch x1

^Because they are bad

+ Caius the Shadow Monarch x1/2
+ Raisa the Storm Monarch

- Swords of Revealing Light x1
- Double Summon x1


Like it or not you will have to remake the deck, too many bad cards, too many fixes I have to give.

If you do not like the frog engine try the Tele Destiny Hero engine or the Zombie one. You need Effect Veilers or Fiendish Chains and Enemy Controllers.

descriptionNew Mega Monarch Deck EmptyRe: New Mega Monarch Deck

Train Heartnet wrote:
- Granmarg the Mega Monarch x1
- Granmarg the Rock Monarch x1
- Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch x1
- Zaborg the Thunder Monarch x1

^Because they are bad

+ Caius the Shadow Monarch x1/2
+ Raisa the Storm Monarch

- Swords of Revealing Light x1
- Double Summon x1


Like it or not you will have to remake the deck, too many bad cards, too many fixes I have to give.

If you do not like the frog engine try the Tele Destiny Hero engine or the Zombie one. You need Effect Veilers or Fiendish Chains and Enemy Controllers.

I looked over your suggestions and most of them I implemented. But I did keep Swords of Revealing Light. Mainly because I use this deck on DN whose Shuffle tends to screw me over...alot. It saved my butt 3 times just last night, because I wasn't managing to draw Monsters.
So now this deck looks like this:

Monsters: 22
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
Mobius the Mega Monarch x2
Mobius the Frost Monarch x2
Caius the Shadow Monarch x2
Raiza the Storm Monarch x1
Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch x1
Marshmallon x2
Krebons x1
Level Eater x2
Spirit Reaper x2
Nova Summoner x2
Mystic Tomato x2
Battle Fader x1
Effect Veiler x2

Spells: 10
March of the Monarchs x1
Return of the Monarchs x1
The Seal of Orichalcos x1
Enemy Controller x2
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Dark Hole x1
Swords of Reveling Light x1

Traps: 11
Dark Bribe
The First Monarch x3
Localized Tornado x2
Mirror Force x1
Black Horn of Heaven x2
Ordeal of the Traveler x1
Fiendish Chain x1

Side Deck:
Effect Veiler x1
Battle Fader x1
Raiza the Storm Monarch x2
Mobius the Frost Monarch x1
Mobius the Mega Monarch x1
Granmarg the Rock Monarch x1
Granmarg the Mega Monarch x1
Enemy of Control x2
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror x1
Light-Imprisoning Mirror x1
Mirror Force x1
Dark Bribe x1
Fiendish Chain x2

I main decked Ordeal of a Traveler, just in case. So does this look better? I'm trying to develop a new Build for Monarchs that could work well, so I don't really want to copy those other varieties cited. I will however keep them in mind so I can use them for research ideas to implment in this deck.

descriptionNew Mega Monarch Deck EmptyRe: New Mega Monarch Deck

Switch over to other dueling platforms already :c

It's already been proven that the DN shuffler is unreliable when used to play Yugimonz.

As for the deck, it still looks a bit too slow for me. You're mainly relying on "can't be destroyed by battle" monsters to act as tribute fodders and while that is fine and all, the summon of a Monarch will take 2 Normal Summons. That is just a no.

More Battle Faders if you want something to save your behind, as that stops OTKs and provides a tribute.

Marshmallon x2
Krebons x1
Level Eater x2
Spirit Reaper x2
Nova Summoner x2
Mystic Tomato x2
Swords of Reveling Light x1
Localized Tornado x2
Ordeal of the Traveler x1

These cards ^

Replace them all with cards that have synergy with one another. Meaning cards that work REALLY well with other cards. I can't stress how important synergy is in this game now. Everything you go up against in a competitive environment will be able to spam monsters which can only be achieved through synergy. If your deck is unable to work because your cards are failing to cooperate properly with each other, then you may as well surrender.

15 cards you will have to replace. More than enough to make this Monarch deck into something unique and creative if you manage to make these 15 cards work consistently.

I don't really understand why you run Localized Tornado. There are better cards to recycle the grave into the deck without risking depleting your entire hand, and in this current format, a lot of cards require you to have cards in the grave. Try Pot of Benevolence at worst, but the best card would probably be Transmigration Prophecy.

Fiendish Chain and Veiler. Decide between the two. 2/3 Veilers and no Fiendish, 2/3 Fiendish and no Veilers or 2/3 Veilers + 2/3 Fiendish. I'm saying this because a deck will most definitely be able to utilize one card better than the other, and sometimes it helps to save space.

As for the side deck. Clear it out. There's hardly anything that counters either against the opponent to stop their deck, or to counter the opponent's side deck that's attempting to stop yours.

Popular side deck cards are Imperial Iron Wall, Royal Decree, Maxx "C", Droll & Lock Bird, D.D. Crow, Imprisoning Mirrors, Mystical Space Typhoon, etc. You get the idea.

descriptionNew Mega Monarch Deck EmptyRe: New Mega Monarch Deck

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