alright so, its OCG, its still fresh out the oven {For the most part} and i dont see it that often, so heres my deck that iv made and wanted feedback on. tips and tricks, additions and takeouts, anything to help me advance this deck is appreciated.

Help with Prophecy Xyz Beatdown? FIZIC
this is my current decklist. for reference if you cant see in the pic i will also post the card names and number

Main Board:


Amores of Prophecy - 1
Emperor of Prophecy - 2
gagaga magician - 1
hanged man of prophecy - 3
hermit of prophecy - 2
high priestess of prophecy - 3
magical exemplar - 1
sangan - limit
spellbook magician of prophecy - 2
strength of prophecy - 3
temperance of prophecy - 3


Book of Moon - Limit
Bound Wand - 2
Heavy Storm - Limit
La Maison the Spellbook Tower - 2
Spellbook of Alma - 3
Spellbook of Life - 2
Spellbook of Power - 3
Spellbook of Secrets - 3
Spellbook of wisdom - 2
Spellbook Organization - 1
Wonder Wand - 1


Spiritual Water Art - Aoi - 2

Side Board:

Effect Veiler - 2
Maxx "C" - 3
Mystical Space Typhoon - 2
Night Beam - 1
Divine Wrath - 2
Seven Tools of the Bandit - 1
Shadow Imprisoning mirror - 1
Trap Stun - 1
Xyz Reflect - 1
Xyz Wrath - 1

Extra Deck:

Alchemic Magician - 3
Empress of Prophecy - 3
Hierophant of prophecy -3
Magi Magi * Magician Gal - 3
Wind-Up Zenmaines - 3

And now this is open to feedback/discussion and strategies.