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descriptionPriority EmptyPriority


Many people do not know about this and most of the people who know don’t know the exceptions. After you read this article you will.

Let me start with an example.

A duelist summons a monster and then sets “Bottomless Trap hole”. His opponent summons “Dark Armed Dragon” and declares priority, in that case even if the duelist activates “Bottomless Trap Hole” in response to “Dark Armed Dragon’s” summon it can use its effect once. If the monster is aimed it’s effect would resolve destroying the monster and “Bottomless Trap Hole” would remove from play “Dark Armed Dragon” but if Bottomless Trap hole is targeted then the effect would not resolve as “Bottomless Trap Hole would be activated and “Dark Armed Dragon” would be removed from play.

I am pretty sure it is not clear to you.

But before I explain to you about Priority let me tell you one thing.

Priority always ensures the activation of an ignition effect - paying the cost- but not the resolving of it.

For example, a duelist summons “Destiny Hero – Doom Lord” and declare priority to remove from play your opponent’s monster. The opponent chains “Compulsory Evacuation Device” using it on his own monster, As “Compulsory Evacuation Device’s” effect resolves first the opponent’s monster is no longer on the field so “Destiny Hero – Doom Lord’s” effect does not resolve as the targeted monster is no more on the field.

It is the same case if “Book of Moon” is chained to “Chaos Sorcerer”. The monster is not removed from play as “Chaos Sorcerer” can only remove face up monsters.

Now let us go back to first case of “Dark Armed Dragon” – I will explain it you in detail.

“Dark Armed Dragon” removes a dark monster, that is, paid the cost and effect activates. “Bottomless Trap Hole” has been chained to it. As the last chain resolves first “Dark Armed Dragon” is removed from play but “Dark Armed Dragon” is not needed face up on the field for its effect to resolve so the targeted monster would be destroyed.
If “Dark Armed Dragon” targets “Bottomless Trap Hole” the effect would not resolve as “Bottomless Trap Hole” is not on the field.

Get it?

I know what is on your mind now. What happens if the player does not activate Priority.

Mandatory effects like that of “Zaborg the Thunder Monarch” cannot be passed. Where as in the case of “Dark Armed Dragon” it’s not a compulsory effect and if Priority is passed then “Bottomless Trap Hole” would be chained and it would be removed and nothing would be destroyed and cost of removing a dark monster wouldn’t have been paid.

You did not master Priority yet.

There are some cards which are necessary to be there on the field for its effect to resolve unlike other ignition effects.

The most commonly used card amongst these (in KCVDS) is Zombie Master.

This is where what I said earlier comes into picture again

“Priority allows ensures the activation of an ignition effect - paying the cost- but not the resolving of it.”

When Zombie Master is summoned and a monster is discarded as cost through priority if Bottomless Trap Hole or Book of Moon is chained to it then the special summon does not occur because Zombie Master has to be face up on field for its effect to resolve.

This is mentioned in its Japanese text but not in English one. The “Rule makers” decided not to make “Zombie Master” too powerful and added this exception.

The other cards like “Zombie Master” are “Lyla, the Lightsworn Sorceress” and “Cyber Vary”.

These 3 are the cards whose ignition effects do not resolve if they are not on the field.

Locked so that only Jin Kazama can reply

Last edited by Assassin on Mon May 18, 2009 3:43 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Locked)

descriptionPriority EmptyRe: Priority

Heh, Assassin. You need a mere 5.5 on this article to get L1 Teacher status.

You have fully explained Priority, given examples of where priority -could- work but doesn't. The only thing you failed to mention in this article was that some things don't have priority, for example monsters with compulsory effects.

Another 9.5 for a total of 19/20.
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