monsters 22
1x dandy
3x doppelwarrior
2x quickdraw
2x level eater
2x junk synchron
2x effect veiler
2x bolt hedgehog
1x ryko
1x sangan
2x sync explorer
2x warwolf
2x unknown synchron
1x debris

spells 12
1x dark hole
1x heavy storm
1x book of moon
1x monster reborn
2x mysticals
1x one for one
1x pot of avrice
1x reinforcements of the army
3x tuning
traps 5
3x call of the haunted
1x mirror force
1x starlightroad

extra 15
1x black rose
1x brionac
1x drill warrior
1x formula synchron
1x junk berseker
1x junk destroyer
1x junk gardna
1x junk warrior
1x road warrior
1x quasar
1x shooting star dragon
1x stardust
1x t.g. hyper librarian
1x catastor
1x nitro warrior

some help making it faster. I was thinking of puting 3 level eater,3 quickdraw and 3 explorermaybe even a boost warrior