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Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

! High Dutchman Gianus
Frisky Badger
12 posters

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyLesson #33 [Solved by needaname]



In nearly every deck that has been considered meta, overpowered, or downright broken there has been one key factor in it that makes it that way, the draw engine. Basically, it's a way of getting cards to your hand by draws, outside of your normal method, which is the draw phase. Decks can have a range of many different ways to draw cards (like Dark World with Dark World Dealings and The Gates of Dark World) or one main strategy to draw cards and increase hand advantage (such as Hyper Librarian + Formula Synchron or any other amount of synchro monsters). Although powerful, these draw engines are not without their faults which may stop the engine completely, for instance if your Hyper Librarian gets hit by Effect Veiler or if Six Samurai United is destroyed before it can remove it's counters and allow you to draw. Simpler draw engines come in the form of single cards, usually spells, like Allure of Darkness, Destiny Draw, and Trade-In.

With that being said, your lesson today is to come up with a consistent draw engine that can allow you to draw 2 or more cards whenever played, can be played in a variety of decks and can only be stopped by 1-2 methods. You cannot use:
Dark World Dealings
Dragged Down Into the Grave
The Gates of Dark World
Destiny Draw
Allure of Darkness
Hyper Librarian
Solar Recharge
Six Samurai United
Reckless Greed
Heart of the Underdog
Fortune Future
Good Goblin Housekeeping
Cards of Consonance

The one who solves it will be the one with the most consistent engine, the least amount of drawbacks and the least amount of weaknesses.

Reward: 500DP

Last edited by LegendaryFrost on Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

Hehehe, completely crazy one here but it's pretty consistant. It's an ojama draw engine. Don't stop reading just because it's absurd, it works.

The first major card is ojamagic. When sent to the graveyard, you can add one of each ojama to your hand. Think about it, that's a +2 CA, even when you add in the -1 from sending to grave somehow. So combined with a hand destruction on its own, it becomes a +1 CA, before you go for a magical mallet/ card destruction. This would make it 0, but say you have TWO ojamagics. Then, it becomes a +3.

If you don't have any part of the engine, it contains cards that help you draw on their own; magical mallet and hand destruction can also double in helping you find them. You could also use pot of duality to quickly locate the required cards.

The ojamas, as well as cards like thunder dragon giving a +1 CA that you can quickly use, allow you can also run pot of avarice because they are monsters and the main engine involves them, possibly discarding them.

The last section of the engine is a bit weird also, even though it is purely for drawing. The bamboo sword engine is notoriously inconsistant, becasue you can never find the cards you need. But with all the swapping around from this engine, if you run 1 broken bamboo sword and 3 golden ones, you are quite likely to find the broken bamboo sword somewhere along the line, and hold on to it until you find the golden swords. If you have just 1 golden and 1 broken bamboo sword, you still make it out at a 0 CA. Once you start getting the other ones, it becomes better and better, because when you have broken bamboo sword the golden ones are the same as pot of greed.

Overall, the deck runs very swiftly, often allowing you to reach up cards in a single turn. The engine very rarely -1s in the search for cards, and it always has an obvious path, so no deep thought about what order to play cards needs to be done. What I have described here is quite a big engine, but in decks with few main cards being required it works well; it's quite consistant when ran in an exodia deck, or the like.

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

This is probably one of the most underrated cards in the most underrated deck. Dragon's Ravine. The average duelist would automatically assume with it being a field spell it isn't going to do too much. That is where they are wrong.

Dragon's Ravine Effect: Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can discard 1 card to activate 1 of these effects:
● Add 1 Level 4 or lower "Dragunity" monster from your Deck to your hand.
● Send 1 Dragon-Type monster from your Deck to the Graveyard.

Of course, the first deck that can benefit from this is Dragunity. Ravine in my opinion is more important than Phalanx or Dux. With taking advantage of both effects, First turn you can discard Phalanx to fetch Dux and get your Stardust out first turn, or using the second effect to put Phalanx into the grave from your deck, and wait for next turn to fetch Dux(unless you had a dirty first hand:P).

Another Deck that can benefit from the Ravine is Chaos Dragons. the amazing meta deck that everyone lusts for. Say your opening hand you have

Dragon's Ravine
(any Dark monster you play Like Red Eyes)
Solar Recharge
Red Eyes

First Instinct tells you to Solar Recharge your Ryko and hope to get the right cards into the grave OR You could take advantage of Dragon's Ravine by discarding your dark monster to put Eclipse Wyvern into your grave. BOOM goes the dynamite. Red Eyes get attached to Wyvern then PUlsar banishes the light and dark which gives you two High threat monsters, creating the infamous loop.

This card can perform many great things if you can maximize it's full potential. It can even defeat the dreaded dead drawing when played with the Dragunities because you're always searching out your next card to start the loop. It can also provide ysanother target for Red Eyes in Chaos.

The only drawback to this powerful engine is the fact that it is one Field Spell card. It can be easily popped off By MST or many other different card effects. A near perfect solution for this. Malefic Stardust Dragon.

Effect: Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 "Stardust Dragon" from your Extra Deck and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. There can only be 1 face-up "Malefic" monster on the field. Face-up Field Spell Cards cannot be destroyed by effects. Other monsters you control cannot declare an attack. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, destroy this card.

Basically it keeps your Ravine from being popped, which is good. But since it is a Malefic, the only Drawback is the fact that only he can attack. But hopefully by the time he is destroyed, the rest other your field will be ready to continue the pace.

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

Isn't that a search engine?

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

Advance Draw.

Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname] 278px-AdvanceDrawDPCT-EN-SR-LE

Normal spell Card; Tribute a level 8 or higher monster and draw 2 cards.

This card and absolute zero on the field is raigeki and pot of greed.

Other popular, commonly played monsters you could use if you wanted:

-Stardust Dragon
-Red Dragon Archfiend
-Master Hyperion
-Archlord Kristya(basically just returns her to your hand and draws 1)
-Junk Destroyer
-Beast King Barbaros(skill drain decks!)
-Colossal Fighter
-Red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
-Dragunity Arma Leyvaten(which is a free +1 if you're currently abusing the LADD loop)
-Light End Dragon(after it's used the effect so many times it's useless)
-Scrap Dragon
-Metal Reflect Slime

Ways to stop it? Uh... Spell canceler, anti-spell fragrance, magic jammer, and if you REALLY wanted, you could solemn it... But i don't think anyone will object to you sacking something level 8+

In short, Advance draw is a great card in my opinion. It loses to
Trade-in because you have to actually control the face-up monster, but
trade-in was banned so shh.

Last edited by IkoSeiko on Fri Jun 15, 2012 7:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

IkoSeiko wrote:
-Play Fusion Gate
-Banish two to fuse The Shining
-Advance Draw, tributing Shining
-Effect of Shining adds the two banished HEROs to your hand
-Draw 2

This does not work. You will draw 2 cards if Advance Draw is not negated but since tributing is a cost and The Shining has an optional "when" effect, it will miss its timing and the effect of The Shining will not activate.

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

That's one of those things I never really understood. If that doesn't work, why do things like using gravekeeper's descendant to sacrifice recruiter let you blow up a card AND search a GK? Isn't recruiter being tributed as a cost for destruction, with the search effect optional?

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

Recruiter's effect isn't optional. If it doesn't say "you can", it's mandatory.

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

Yeah, contected konami and had it explained, I get it now.

Even without the shining, I still like advance draw, so I maintain my submission.

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

Magic Planter, Safe Zone, Fiendish Chain, Call of The Haunted/Limit Reverse

Other cards that can go are Mist Valley Falco, Divine Wind OR Shrine of Mist Valley, Genex Ally Birdman and Gusto 9 recruit loop with double Caam, Serenity of Gusto, as well as Pot of Avarice etc.

Safe Zone + Magic Planter is a plus 1, and if Safe Zone is attached to enemy Laggia he can't negate Planter etc. Falco recycles CotH and Chain lingering around, sets up for Mist Valley Thunderlord and is a 2k beater. Also can utilize the immense field presence gained by the Gusto loop to fuel Divine Wind. Birdman also uses the ample field presence while letting you summon from the deck. The Gusto loop fills the graveyard, allowing you to use Caam for even more draws and Pot of Avarice for a pure plus 1.

Overall; Magic Planter, Caam and Pot of Avarice all give you huge draw power while unlike cards like Allure of Darkness or Destiny-Draw, they net you a plus 1.

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

lets see...first off i will list draw cards you forgot to list >_>

Card Trader-not to good but can work in some occasions

Dekoichi the battle chanted locomotive-pretty good in machina deck

morphtronic accelerator- nets a one for one destruction and also lets you draw- like a personal smashing ground

Pot if Avarice-...well self explanatory really.

Karakuri steel shogun MDL 00X "Bureido"

I am going to choose karakuri and the Bureido draw engine because it is just so similar to Six Samurai United.

The karakuri draw engine does not only hinge on Bureido because it also has the card Karakuri Anatomy which may well be a perfect replica of Six Samurai United except instead of just summons it requires changing a karakuri's position. Most people would say that changing position isn't something that really happens all to often but when it comes to Karakuri...they would be wrong. This is true because of the 2 cards Karakuri Shogun MDL 00 "Burei" and also Karakuri strategist MDL 248 "nishipachi". of these two, the first works better with anatomy and the second works better with Bureido.

The reason for this is that Burei can summon nishipachi from the deck and change 2 card positions: one from its own effect and another from nishipachi's. After this, you can use anatomy to draw 2 cards.

the reason that nishipachi works better with Bureido's effect is that Bureido can instantly summon him and then instantly draw after which you have already gained a two card advantage.

Overall, the Karakuri draw engine is very strong but has one major weakness in that if the karakuris are unable to change positions then it can not draw at all

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

Jurrac Dino,
Draw 2 card at the end phase that he destroy a monster by battle, He doesn't need a combo, as long as he destroy a monster (even token), you can tribute him to draw 2 card.

Kuraz, the Light Monarch
Destroying your stuff is not a big deal, you can destroy a floater, unused Continuous Trap Card like CoTH/Safezone/Fiendish chain, token, himself or even unbeatable monster in your opponent's side in emergency. The only problem is that he is a *5-6 monster, so you need to either tribute summon him (unless you have mausoleum or something), or special summon him.

Morphing Jar
#derp, what? Totally satisfy the given condition. Doesn't need any combo at all. Just flip him over.

Vortex Trooper
#just random card that fit the criteria

Worm Lynx
Drawing 1 card during each end phase, yes, each end phase even your opponent's end phase. That means with 1 Worm-Lynx, now you draw 3 time more often, 5 time more often with 2 worm lynx, and 7 time more often with 3 worm lynx.(well one is already enough, and two is overkill).What you need to do is just protect him and keep it on your side.

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

needname and Ruby are the closest, just missing that little extra kick.

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

To add to this, the Karakuri engine can also go into other synchros after the draws which also ups speed and field advantage. After getting a free draw and a free monster from Bureido, you can also synchro the nishipachi with any other monster you have on the field to get another synchro which if Bureido can continue the loop and let you draw more and if possible, Naturia Barkion which covers up one of the decks most problematic walls:forced attacks.

All Karakuri monsters except for the synchros have to attack if possible. This is problematic because of traps which can kill them during the battle phase such as mirror force and dimensional prison. Furthermore, another problem lies in the fact that a deck so focused upon swarming the field which does not have negation abilities like the six samurai decks do, is very susceptible to cards like torrential tribute and needle ceiling. In my opinion, the best way to cover these weaknesses is the card Naturia Barkion because it simply negates all traps.

Overall, the karakuri draw engine is very versatile and can lead to free synchros and a maintaining of overall hand advantage. Although it can only be used in one deck, it completely outclasses other draw engines such as the destiny draw engine in that the card needed to create the draw loop can always be summoned because it does not have to be in your hand, but rather it is in your extra deck. Think of it as having an allure of darkness which gets you a synchro material and a card to your hand but you dont have to banish and that is always in your hand...great right.

on another note...cyber valley also passes these conditions and is a machine which means that if a machina engine is added to the karakuri deck, it can either get a fortress or draw some cards to you.

Last edited by needaname on Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

well you could use book of eclipse is effect turns all face-up monsters on the field face-down defense position and at the end phase flip all of your opponents monsters and draw 1 card for each one flipped. it a quick play so it work on your opponents turn to save you in hairy situations and at his end phase you get your extra draws out of it.

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

Book of eclipse lets your opponent draw. And anyway, I don't care about answering the lesson, I just wanted to write my amazing ojama draw engine down somewhere.

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

Ok, this is my draw engine:

Use "Creature Swap" to give "Sasuke Samurai #3" to your opponent then attack it with something weaker. If you use "Spirit Reaper" you can continue to attack and draw each turn until one of them is removed from the field. Alternatively, you can combine this card with "Give and Take". Special Summon this card to your opponent's field then attack it with a weaker monster without fear of having being destroyed in battle to instantly fill your hand. Not to mention it can assist with a Synchro Summoning, or create a good opening for a monster of yours that does peircing damage.

Last edited by galamoth on Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

hmm ok what about magical mallet you return any number of cards from your hand and u shuffle and draw the same amount. it gives you a draw engine while helping you get rid of some cards u don't need.

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

i found it use geartown then MST it to spc summon ancient gear engineer form deck, then summon nitro synchron then snyc nirtro warrior then use de-synchro to do it agin that meens that u get 2 draws on ur furist turn. i did it! i guess unless u have ur turn on the 2nd turn it only ca be stoped by slown jugement and salmwon waring

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

I remember this guy yesterday used junk synchron with tuningwares, deapsee floats, desynchro, and machine duplication. During the entire duel he was drawing 2-4 cards a turn. Opened with unknown, Oneforone, machine dup'd tuningware, synch for formula, play junk special tuningware back, synch with two tuning ware for hyper lib, desynch formula... I've said enough.


Tried it, it works, though sadly I didn't come up with it

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

Hmm so far needname gave the best answer so he gets it.

descriptionLesson #33 [Solved by needaname] EmptyRe: Lesson #33 [Solved by needaname]

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