In nearly every deck that has been considered meta, overpowered, or downright broken there has been one key factor in it that makes it that way, the draw engine. Basically, it's a way of getting cards to your hand by draws, outside of your normal method, which is the draw phase. Decks can have a range of many different ways to draw cards (like Dark World with Dark World Dealings and The Gates of Dark World) or one main strategy to draw cards and increase hand advantage (such as Hyper Librarian + Formula Synchron or any other amount of synchro monsters). Although powerful, these draw engines are not without their faults which may stop the engine completely, for instance if your Hyper Librarian gets hit by Effect Veiler or if Six Samurai United is destroyed before it can remove it's counters and allow you to draw. Simpler draw engines come in the form of single cards, usually spells, like Allure of Darkness, Destiny Draw, and Trade-In.
With that being said, your lesson today is to come up with a consistent draw engine that can allow you to draw 2 or more cards whenever played, can be played in a variety of decks and can only be stopped by 1-2 methods. You cannot use:
Dark World Dealings
Dragged Down Into the Grave
The Gates of Dark World
Destiny Draw
Allure of Darkness
Hyper Librarian
Solar Recharge
Six Samurai United
Reckless Greed
Heart of the Underdog
Fortune Future
Good Goblin Housekeeping
Cards of Consonance
The one who solves it will be the one with the most consistent engine, the least amount of drawbacks and the least amount of weaknesses.
Reward: 500DP
Last edited by LegendaryFrost on Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:23 pm; edited 1 time in total