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Dorms [ATMI]

7 posters

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyDorms [ATMI]

This is where all members and faculty sleep and spend their free time.

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

Jason finally gets to the Slifer Dorm and gets to his room. He checks around and sees that it hasn't been altered since he disappeared. Black-Winged Dragon said, "It's good to be home and not trapped." Jason was exhausted. He laid down in his bed and fell asleep. He woke up and went to the kitchen area to make breakfast. He threw out all the old food and replaced it with the food in his bag. When he finished he took out the trash and saw a mysterious man. He looked at Jason and said, "Beware. You're in great danger." Jason pulled his sword and asked, "Who are you?" The person started to leave but Jason ran after him and caught him in time. He flipped the person over and saw that it was his father. Jason dropped his sword and said, "Dad...is it really you?" His father responded, "Yes son it is me." Jason started to cry because he was glad to see his father. Jason asked his dad, "Will you join Black-Winged Dragon and I?" His father nodded in agreement and bonded his soul with the millennium key. Jason sheathed his sword and went back inside his dorm to come up with a strategy with Black-Winged Dragon and his Dad. After three hours they all came to an agreement on what the plan was and set out for the mountains.

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

Mimgrim arrived at his slifer red dorm house door and entered it. he looked around his rom and sighed.

"Why so sad?"

"Don't you alread know? i thought you coul read my thoughts and all that."

"I can but i decided to stop doing that scince ou cant read mine."

"hmm well the reason I sighed was because i am going to have to leave this place soon due to the fact that I don't age."

"so the mortals who live here don't know about the vampires?"

"Most of them dont."

"guess that means you better hurry up and start collecting the milenium items."

"Hold on a sec will you i feel hungry unfourtantely." Mimgrim started to head towards the refigerator.

"Why is the unfourtanet?"

"I'm a vampier, what do you think?"

"ah yes I forgot you resent ever getting turned into a vampire."

"Nice to see you care."

"i have more important things on my mind then you self wallowing."

"I do not wallow!"

"sure you don't." said ruby with a sloght tease to her voice.

Mimgrim rolled his eyes as a got in front of the refigerator, he opened it up and took out a packet of blood opened up and drank it "now then, you have any idea on where to go?"


"Geat just great uess i am just going to have to go wandering around randomlyand hope i don't fall off a cliff."

"sounds like a plan to me."

And Mimgrim left is dorm and set off in a random dierection that took him to the mountains.

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

Rashaden stumbles back into his room, exhausted. He flops onto his bed and unsheaths the Rod he recently acquired. He slowly examined it running his hands over the Eye on the rod. Suddenly a bright flash of light exploded from the Rod, blinding him.He tried to throw the Rod to the floor but found he couldn't move.

The light finally subsided. As Rashaden opened his eyes to see he was no longer in his room. He didn't even think he was on Earth anymore. What he saw before him was a white ground that stretched as far as the eye could see. Then, suddenly, he saw more golden items floating in front of him that looked similar to his Rod.

"These are the other Millenium Items." that deep voice echoed in his mind. "What you have in your possession is known as the Millenium Rod. It's last known owner was a guardian of the Pharoah's tomb. He was corrupted by the power of the Rod and eventually fell to the Pharoah's power"

"Wait, wasn't he guarding the tomb of this Pharoah?" I asked aloud "How'd the Pharoah defeat him?

"The Pharoah's spirit resides within the Millenium Puzzle," the voice said as an image of an upside down pyramid attached to a chain like a necklace. "Collect the remaining Millenium Items and your path shall be revealed. Fail and your soul will be doomed to the Shadow Realm."

Then suddenly another flash of light blinded him and he found himself back in his room where he proceeded to pass out.

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

Jason came back to the Slifer Dorm and walked to his dorm room to get something to eat. He walked back out and sat down to see if there was anyone to duel.

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

(Tallus Fell)-

I walked around and followed Jason. I sat down next to him.

"How come we can't find anyone to duel? I bet there's someone around here. I'd quite like to duel a vampire. Might be funny. Them being undead and all, yet me still being older."

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

jjh927 wrote:
(Tallus Fell)-

I walked around and followed Jason. I sat down next to him.

"How come we can't find anyone to duel? I bet there's someone around here. I'd quite like to duel a vampire. Might be funny. Them being undead and all, yet me still being older."

I don't know but I really want to duel an Atlantean because they uses seals related to the Seal of Orichalcos.

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

In an empty dorm, a damaged wall, rotting away, slowly began to cry a small trickle of water. The wall began to dampen and slowly bend like a womb with a growing child. Expanding away its normal form, the wall had become a semisphere that nearly took up the already pitifully small room. The wall began to crack and small tears could be seen where the wall was becoming paper thin. Finally, one of the cracks burst, but, defying all logic and reason, no torrent of liquid burst forth from the hole. Slowly, almost invisible at first, a light mist left the breach. As it left, the area around the fissure slowly rotted away, allowing more mist to escape. The mist continued to build up in the room as the rot on the wall continued to grow. The phenomena clearly was not something of this world, and entire wall rotting away in a matter of minutes with no sounds. The entire room was flooded with a fog that was as clouded as milk, yet left not marks on the scare furniture in the room. The ants and cockroaches that had colonized the room generations ago felt nothing of this alien entity, not even the slightest dampness. They did not notice as the fog moved away from the wall while retaining its perfect prism form, nor did they notice as the door began to bow and bend as the fog pressed into it. They did not notice as skeletal feet shambled past them, and they did not notice as the matching hands corrected a fallen chair. All they did notice was that their world had just been expanded to an incalculable degree, all into a beautiful oceanside view...

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

ULTRABAM1997 wrote:
jjh927 wrote:
(Tallus Fell)-

I walked around and followed Jason. I sat down next to him.

"How come we can't find anyone to duel? I bet there's someone around here. I'd quite like to duel a vampire. Might be funny. Them being undead and all, yet me still being older."

I don't know but I really want to duel an Atlantean because they uses seals related to the Seal of Orichalcos.

Look no further for I have arrived yet again and I challenge you to a Shadow Duel. What do you say? Dont try to convince me out of it I have already made up my mind I would like your item.

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

Whatup1111 wrote:
ULTRABAM1997 wrote:
jjh927 wrote:
(Tallus Fell)-

I walked around and followed Jason. I sat down next to him.

"How come we can't find anyone to duel? I bet there's someone around here. I'd quite like to duel a vampire. Might be funny. Them being undead and all, yet me still being older."

I don't know but I really want to duel an Atlantean because they uses seals related to the Seal of Orichalcos.

Look no further for I have arrived yet again and I challenge you to a Shadow Duel. What do you say? Dont try to convince me out of it I have already made up my mind I would like your item.

"Tallus I got this one" says Jason as he stands up. He pulls out his sword and looks at Whatup1111, points it at him and says," Let's do this." Jason the puts the sword on his wrist and it changes into a duel disk. "Ready when you are."

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

ULTRABAM1997 wrote:
Whatup1111 wrote:
ULTRABAM1997 wrote:

I don't know but I really want to duel an Atlantean because they uses seals related to the Seal of Orichalcos.

Look no further for I have arrived yet again and I challenge you to a Shadow Duel. What do you say? Dont try to convince me out of it I have already made up my mind I would like your item.

"Tallus I got this one" says Jason as he stands up. He pulls out his sword and looks at Whatup1111, points it at him and says," Let's do this." Jason the puts the sword on his wrist and it changes into a duel disk. "Ready when you are."

(Tallus Fell)-

"Not this guy again. (I say something about decks that I can't reveal to anybody. This bracket is here to show my character would have said more than one sentence.) It shouldn't be too hard, now you know. (XD, you won't until you duel him. Just being in character.)"

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

jjh927 wrote:
ULTRABAM1997 wrote:
Whatup1111 wrote:
ULTRABAM1997 wrote:

I don't know but I really want to duel an Atlantean because they uses seals related to the Seal of Orichalcos.

Look no further for I have arrived yet again and I challenge you to a Shadow Duel. What do you say? Dont try to convince me out of it I have already made up my mind I would like your item.

"Tallus I got this one" says Jason as he stands up. He pulls out his sword and looks at Whatup1111, points it at him and says," Let's do this." Jason the puts the sword on his wrist and it changes into a duel disk. "Ready when you are."

(Tallus Fell)-

"Not this guy again. (I say something about decks that I can't reveal to anybody. This bracket is here to show my character would have said more than one sentence.) It shouldn't be too hard, now you know. (XD, you won't until you duel him. Just being in character.)"

Jason says,"You have a good deck but the key is still in my hands." Black-Winged Dragon and Jason's dad we're huffing and puffing from being scared that Jason might lose them. Jason said to them," I know, I know it was very close but I've got an idea." Black-Winged Dragon said,"You got lucky. Next time who knows what'll happen." Jason's Dad said, "Black-Winged Dragon is right son my deck isn't made to take on (Whatup1111's deck). You have to think of something else." Jason nodded and said to Tallus,"I'm gonna make a run to the shop real quick I'll be back soon."

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

ULTRABAM1997 wrote:
jjh927 wrote:
ULTRABAM1997 wrote:
Whatup1111 wrote:
ULTRABAM1997 wrote:

I don't know but I really want to duel an Atlantean because they uses seals related to the Seal of Orichalcos.

Look no further for I have arrived yet again and I challenge you to a Shadow Duel. What do you say? Dont try to convince me out of it I have already made up my mind I would like your item.

"Tallus I got this one" says Jason as he stands up. He pulls out his sword and looks at Whatup1111, points it at him and says," Let's do this." Jason the puts the sword on his wrist and it changes into a duel disk. "Ready when you are."

(Tallus Fell)-

"Not this guy again. (I say something about decks that I can't reveal to anybody. This bracket is here to show my character would have said more than one sentence.) It shouldn't be too hard, now you know. (XD, you won't until you duel him. Just being in character.)"

Jason says,"You have a good deck but the key is still in my hands." Black-Winged Dragon and Jason's dad we're huffing and puffing from being scared that Jason might lose them. Jason said to them," I know, I know it was very close but I've got an idea." Black-Winged Dragon said,"You got lucky. Next time who knows what'll happen." Jason's Dad said, "Black-Winged Dragon is right son my deck isn't made to take on (Whatup1111's deck). You have to think of something else." Jason nodded and said to Tallus,"I'm gonna make a run to the shop real quick I'll be back soon."

You got lucky due to the fact that you left in the middle I didn't get to side again otherwise I had your item. Consider yourself luck.

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

(Tallus Fell)-

"Well, this is mildly awkward. Jason will probably be back pretty soon. If one of you two does get trapped in the shadow realm, I'll tell my other side to go easy on you. He probably won't, he created that place. Doesn't let me boss him around while he's in there. Doesn't let me boss him around full stop, unless it means he might get to eat someone's soul."

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

jjh927 wrote:
(Tallus Fell)-

"Well, this is mildly awkward. Jason will probably be back pretty soon. If one of you two does get trapped in the shadow realm, I'll tell my other side to go easy on you. He probably won't, he created that place. Doesn't let me boss him around while he's in there. Doesn't let me boss him around full stop, unless it means he might get to eat someone's soul."

When he comes back this time I will be ready for him.

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

Whatup1111 wrote:
jjh927 wrote:
(Tallus Fell)-

"Well, this is mildly awkward. Jason will probably be back pretty soon. If one of you two does get trapped in the shadow realm, I'll tell my other side to go easy on you. He probably won't, he created that place. Doesn't let me boss him around while he's in there. Doesn't let me boss him around full stop, unless it means he might get to eat someone's soul."

When he comes back this time I will be ready for him.
Jason ran back and said,"Hey Tallus I got my new deck." Jason saw Whatup1111 and says,"Have you been waiting here for me this whole time?"

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

ULTRABAM1997 wrote:
Whatup1111 wrote:
jjh927 wrote:
(Tallus Fell)-

"Well, this is mildly awkward. Jason will probably be back pretty soon. If one of you two does get trapped in the shadow realm, I'll tell my other side to go easy on you. He probably won't, he created that place. Doesn't let me boss him around while he's in there. Doesn't let me boss him around full stop, unless it means he might get to eat someone's soul."

When he comes back this time I will be ready for him.
Jason ran back and said,"Hey Tallus I got my new deck." Jason saw Whatup1111 and says,"Have you been waiting here for me this whole time?"

Yes I was only this time Im ready to take the key from you. Care to duke this out? You and your new deck and all.

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

Whatup1111 wrote:
ULTRABAM1997 wrote:
Whatup1111 wrote:
jjh927 wrote:
(Tallus Fell)-

"Well, this is mildly awkward. Jason will probably be back pretty soon. If one of you two does get trapped in the shadow realm, I'll tell my other side to go easy on you. He probably won't, he created that place. Doesn't let me boss him around while he's in there. Doesn't let me boss him around full stop, unless it means he might get to eat someone's soul."

When he comes back this time I will be ready for him.
Jason ran back and said,"Hey Tallus I got my new deck." Jason saw Whatup1111 and says,"Have you been waiting here for me this whole time?"

Yes I was only this time Im ready to take the key from you. Care to duke this out? You and your new deck and all.

You win you get the key but not the spirits in them and if I win I get the puzzle.

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

ULTRABAM1997 wrote:
Whatup1111 wrote:
ULTRABAM1997 wrote:
Whatup1111 wrote:
jjh927 wrote:
(Tallus Fell)-

"Well, this is mildly awkward. Jason will probably be back pretty soon. If one of you two does get trapped in the shadow realm, I'll tell my other side to go easy on you. He probably won't, he created that place. Doesn't let me boss him around while he's in there. Doesn't let me boss him around full stop, unless it means he might get to eat someone's soul."

When he comes back this time I will be ready for him.
Jason ran back and said,"Hey Tallus I got my new deck." Jason saw Whatup1111 and says,"Have you been waiting here for me this whole time?"

Yes I was only this time Im ready to take the key from you. Care to duke this out? You and your new deck and all.

You win you get the key but not the spirits in them and if I win I get the puzzle.

Congrats for keeping the key for 2 duels I will hope to see you tomorrow same time same place.

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

ULTRABAM1997 wrote:
Whatup1111 wrote:
ULTRABAM1997 wrote:
Whatup1111 wrote:
jjh927 wrote:
(Tallus Fell)-

"Well, this is mildly awkward. Jason will probably be back pretty soon. If one of you two does get trapped in the shadow realm, I'll tell my other side to go easy on you. He probably won't, he created that place. Doesn't let me boss him around while he's in there. Doesn't let me boss him around full stop, unless it means he might get to eat someone's soul."

When he comes back this time I will be ready for him.
Jason ran back and said,"Hey Tallus I got my new deck." Jason saw Whatup1111 and says,"Have you been waiting here for me this whole time?"

Yes I was only this time Im ready to take the key from you. Care to duke this out? You and your new deck and all.

You win you get the key but not the spirits in them and if I win I get the puzzle.

"Again. I only won one duel but it's enough to keep the key. You're a good opponent Whatup1111 but I'm gonna hold the key some more. See you around" said Jason. He walked over back to Tallus and said, "Where do you wanna go now?"

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

ULTRABAM1997 wrote:
ULTRABAM1997 wrote:
Whatup1111 wrote:
ULTRABAM1997 wrote:
Whatup1111 wrote:
jjh927 wrote:
(Tallus Fell)-

"Well, this is mildly awkward. Jason will probably be back pretty soon. If one of you two does get trapped in the shadow realm, I'll tell my other side to go easy on you. He probably won't, he created that place. Doesn't let me boss him around while he's in there. Doesn't let me boss him around full stop, unless it means he might get to eat someone's soul."

When he comes back this time I will be ready for him.
Jason ran back and said,"Hey Tallus I got my new deck." Jason saw Whatup1111 and says,"Have you been waiting here for me this whole time?"

Yes I was only this time Im ready to take the key from you. Care to duke this out? You and your new deck and all.

You win you get the key but not the spirits in them and if I win I get the puzzle.

"Again. I only won one duel but it's enough to keep the key. You're a good opponent Whatup1111 but I'm gonna hold the key some more. See you around" said Jason. He walked over back to Tallus and said, "Where do you wanna go now?"

I hope to see you soon. The shadows await your presence. Run for now but you cant run from the shadows forever.

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

Whatup1111 wrote:
ULTRABAM1997 wrote:
ULTRABAM1997 wrote:
Whatup1111 wrote:
ULTRABAM1997 wrote:
Whatup1111 wrote:
jjh927 wrote:
(Tallus Fell)-

"Well, this is mildly awkward. Jason will probably be back pretty soon. If one of you two does get trapped in the shadow realm, I'll tell my other side to go easy on you. He probably won't, he created that place. Doesn't let me boss him around while he's in there. Doesn't let me boss him around full stop, unless it means he might get to eat someone's soul."

When he comes back this time I will be ready for him.
Jason ran back and said,"Hey Tallus I got my new deck." Jason saw Whatup1111 and says,"Have you been waiting here for me this whole time?"

Yes I was only this time Im ready to take the key from you. Care to duke this out? You and your new deck and all.

You win you get the key but not the spirits in them and if I win I get the puzzle.

"Again. I only won one duel but it's enough to keep the key. You're a good opponent Whatup1111 but I'm gonna hold the key some more. See you around" said Jason. He walked over back to Tallus and said, "Where do you wanna go now?"

I hope to see you soon. The shadows await your presence. Run for now but you cant run from the shadows forever.

We'll see who joins the shadows next time we meet.

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

(Tallus Fell)-

"I think there should be some more people appearing soon. I just.. have a feeling. We'll be able to go duel them. I suggest we wait here for them."

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

jjh927 wrote:
(Tallus Fell)-

"I think there should be some more people appearing soon. I just.. have a feeling. We'll be able to go duel them. I suggest we wait here for them."

Jason said,"Ok we'll wait here." Jason sat down and waited for others to appear.

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

Alikaey wants out of the roleplay.

[14:08:25] Alikaey : I dunno, make up a good and interesting death for me please.

So, here it is.

Alikaey watched from the shadows.

"I think they're waiting for someone, but I don't really want to duel until I know what I'm dealing with.", said Alikaey.
"You know what? You're pathetic." The vampiric boots shout at Alikaey in a dominant manner. "You haven't even got me any souls to feed on recently. Why have you stopped feeding? Too scared?"
"You aren't the boss of me," Alikaey replied, "I own you. You are my item".
"I am afraid you are wrong. It is the other way round. And for that insolence, I'm afraid I will have to kill you."
"But you're just boots. You can't do anything to harm me." replied Alikaey, flabbergasted,
"Perhaps you should have believed me. Let me show you your death."

At this point, Alikaey's legs seem to slowly dissappear into the boots. He starts screaming.

"You've always been a useless little wimp. Embrace your death with pride, or I shall make it more painful"
"NO! You don't have to kill me. I'll do as you say."
"It's too late for that. I wouldn't want me thinking a hopeless coward like you was controlling me, anyway, and I certianly don't want people dueling you for my control."
Alikaey's knees had just been eaten away at this point. He continued screaming.

"Noone will come to help. Noone can help you now, you fool."
Actually, someone did come. A slifer red, who upon seeing such a sight was very confused.
"Yes, you, over here. Get me out of these boots .Really quickly."
The boy, mortified at what was happening and also slightly disorientated, followed Alikaey's instructions.
"Ha, another weakling come to get you out. I'll soon change that."
Suddenly, the boots took full control of Alikaey's body, and bit straight into the boy's neck, knocking him unconscious. At this point, the boots had eaten through most of the body, so it didn't last long. 5 minutes of a purest from of tortue, and it hould have been over.

But the boy who was left unconscious, he was not finished with. The boots proceded to finish him as well, in the same manner, but it should have been even more torture for a mortal victim. Should have been, anyway.

Shortly after this event, organs and bones regurgitated out of the top of the demonic footwear. 1 set was irrelevant, the leftovers from a mortal body. But the other part, this was Alikaey. And it still was. He would be alive for eternity, feeling an immense amount of pain. Forever.

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

jjh927 wrote:
Alikaey wants out of the roleplay.

[14:08:25] Alikaey : I dunno, make up a good and interesting death for me please.

So, here it is.

Alikaey watched from the shadows.

"I think they're waiting for someone, but I don't really want to duel until I know what I'm dealing with.", said Alikaey.
"You know what? You're pathetic." The vampiric boots shout at Alikaey in a dominant manner. "You haven't even got me any souls to feed on recently. Why have you stopped feeding? Too scared?"
"You aren't the boss of me," Alikaey replied, "I own you. You are my item".
"I am afraid you are wrong. It is the other way round. And for that insolence, I'm afraid I will have to kill you."
"But you're just boots. You can't do anything to harm me." replied Alikaey, flabbergasted,
"Perhaps you should have believed me. Let me show you your death."

At this point, Alikaey's legs seem to slowly dissappear into the boots. He starts screaming.

"You've always been a useless little wimp. Embrace your death with pride, or I shall make it more painful"
"NO! You don't have to kill me. I'll do as you say."
"It's too late for that. I wouldn't want me thinking a hopeless coward like you was controlling me, anyway, and I certianly don't want people dueling you for my control."
Alikaey's knees had just been eaten away at this point. He continued screaming.

"Noone will come to help. Noone can help you now, you fool."
Actually, someone did come. A slifer red, who upon seeing such a sight was very confused.
"Yes, you, over here. Get me out of these boots .Really quickly."
The boy, mortified at what was happening and also slightly disorientated, followed Alikaey's instructions.
"Ha, another weakling come to get you out. I'll soon change that."
Suddenly, the boots took full control of Alikaey's body, and bit straight into the boy's neck, knocking him unconscious. At this point, the boots had eaten through most of the body, so it didn't last long. 5 minutes of a purest from of tortue, and it hould have been over.

But the boy who was left unconscious, he was not finished with. The boots proceded to finish him as well, in the same manner, but it should have been even more torture for a mortal victim. Should have been, anyway.

Shortly after this event, organs and bones regurgitated out of the top of the demonic footwear. 1 set was irrelevant, the leftovers from a mortal body. But the other part, this was Alikaey. And it still was. He would be alive for eternity, feeling an immense amount of pain. Forever.

(Tallus Fell)-

"Holy crap, what the Hell happened here?"

I look down, and see bones and organs scattered around, but no skin or muscle tissue to be seen. I have a feeling this means 1 of the items has killed its holder and done some collateral damage as well. Another item is ready for someone else to claim, I guess, though it's probably more like another person is going to be claimed by an item. No point trying to find it, if I touched it, I'd die. Once we have one item, we can only in more through duels. I glance down, and notice1 of the hearts is still beating. It won't stop. It never will. It is the heart of a vampire.

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

jjh927 wrote:
jjh927 wrote:
Alikaey wants out of the roleplay.

[14:08:25] Alikaey : I dunno, make up a good and interesting death for me please.

So, here it is.

Alikaey watched from the shadows.

"I think they're waiting for someone, but I don't really want to duel until I know what I'm dealing with.", said Alikaey.
"You know what? You're pathetic." The vampiric boots shout at Alikaey in a dominant manner. "You haven't even got me any souls to feed on recently. Why have you stopped feeding? Too scared?"
"You aren't the boss of me," Alikaey replied, "I own you. You are my item".
"I am afraid you are wrong. It is the other way round. And for that insolence, I'm afraid I will have to kill you."
"But you're just boots. You can't do anything to harm me." replied Alikaey, flabbergasted,
"Perhaps you should have believed me. Let me show you your death."

At this point, Alikaey's legs seem to slowly dissappear into the boots. He starts screaming.

"You've always been a useless little wimp. Embrace your death with pride, or I shall make it more painful"
"NO! You don't have to kill me. I'll do as you say."
"It's too late for that. I wouldn't want me thinking a hopeless coward like you was controlling me, anyway, and I certianly don't want people dueling you for my control."
Alikaey's knees had just been eaten away at this point. He continued screaming.

"Noone will come to help. Noone can help you now, you fool."
Actually, someone did come. A slifer red, who upon seeing such a sight was very confused.
"Yes, you, over here. Get me out of these boots .Really quickly."
The boy, mortified at what was happening and also slightly disorientated, followed Alikaey's instructions.
"Ha, another weakling come to get you out. I'll soon change that."
Suddenly, the boots took full control of Alikaey's body, and bit straight into the boy's neck, knocking him unconscious. At this point, the boots had eaten through most of the body, so it didn't last long. 5 minutes of a purest from of tortue, and it hould have been over.

But the boy who was left unconscious, he was not finished with. The boots proceded to finish him as well, in the same manner, but it should have been even more torture for a mortal victim. Should have been, anyway.

Shortly after this event, organs and bones regurgitated out of the top of the demonic footwear. 1 set was irrelevant, the leftovers from a mortal body. But the other part, this was Alikaey. And it still was. He would be alive for eternity, feeling an immense amount of pain. Forever.

(Tallus Fell)-

"Holy crap, what the Hell happened here?"

I look down, and see bones and organs scattered around, but no skin or muscle tissue to be seen. I have a feeling this means 1 of the items has killed its holder and done some collateral damage as well. Another item is ready for someone else to claim, I guess, though it's probably more like another person is going to be claimed by an item. No point trying to find it, if I touched it, I'd die. Once we have one item, we can only in more through duels. I glance down, and notice1 of the hearts is still beating. It won't stop. It never will. It is the heart of a vampire.

Jason jumped and scream,"What just happened?"

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

ULTRABAM1997 wrote:

Jason jumped and scream,"What just happened?"

(Tallus Fell)-

"I think an item holder just died, and some other poor kid got tangled up in it as well. No point going after whatever did it, it would probably hurt us too. I'll go to the forest, I'm sure someone will be there. You wanna come, or have you had enough of me?"

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

jjh927 wrote:
ULTRABAM1997 wrote:

Jason jumped and scream,"What just happened?"

(Tallus Fell)-

"I think an item holder just died, and some other poor kid got tangled up in it as well. No point going after whatever did it, it would probably hurt us too. I'll go to the forest, I'm sure someone will be there. You wanna come, or have you had enough of me?"

"I'm going with you. Any place but here sounds good to me" said Jason as he ran to his room grabbed some food, put it in a bag and headed to the forest with Tallus.

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

First stop: The dorms. As expected, Ciaran's Slifer Red dorm was nothing exciting. A small room, with a bunk bed. Apparently he had no room mate as of yet. Not much to drop off either. A suitcase containing his clothes, and a briefcase containing his extra cards. Of course, His deck stayed on his person at all times. He dropped his things in the closet and sat down at the desk, examining his deck. It was strong. But it was far from perfect. It would take some time to advance, but he was sure he would do it. Each day was a chance to obtain further knowledge and experience. Once he was finished, he put his deck back in the box attached to his belt, and made his way out to explore the campus...

descriptionDorms [ATMI] EmptyRe: Dorms [ATMI]

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