There is no way that anyone but yourself can give you an answer for that ::Monkey23::
Reasons being that there are too many cards out there and we don't know what you're thinking.
There are many ways to make a deck:
1. Find an Archetype you like
2. Make a deck around 1 card
3. Make a deck with 1 aim
4. Make a deck around a certain Attribute/Type/Card Type
Something like finding the "perfect" deck doesn't just happen and takes time for you to actually find it. And even if you do find it, it will eventually change into some other deck.
It's best to just go out there and find yourself a deck but if you want suggestions then give us something more to work with (do you like Synchros? XYZ? The artwork?).
For now just make random decks and see what you like, then extend on that thing you like.
Hope I helped a bit with your conundrum ::Monkey37::