The Story
After you defeated all 10 duelists you are left on an island with so many questions unanswered. You don't know why you are here or how did you land on this island but all you want now is to find some answers...
After few hours walking through the jungle a woman appears in front of you.
Who are you?!
She tells you to follow her and runs through the jungle. Not thinking much you just try to find her again but the jungle seems to be not your friend.
The Task
1. Sign up for the Episode HERE
2. Find a dark dressed woman somewhere in a topic located in Off Topic section. After you find her, post a link that leads to her location in this thread to complete the task.
3. First duelist to complete the task gets a reward of 300 DP.
4. You can start the task immediately after you sign up.
Notice: All questions related to this episode you can ask here in this topic. If you are not in touch with everything read the episodes before because the story continues.
Last edited by Amy Cool on Wed May 09, 2012 2:35 am; edited 1 time in total