Duel Academy
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descriptionSeperation between dorms EmptySeperation between dorms

i think it should be you can only post or even enter dorms the same as you thats it no higher no lower. I think it would get a lot of people more intrested in dorm switches. As it is there is no really no diffrence of a title i think it would be a great idea. Plz message back.

descriptionSeperation between dorms EmptyRe: Seperation between dorms

The difference between titles is prestige. Besides, I'm pretty sure we had this rule a LONG time ago and it was taken away for a reason.

descriptionSeperation between dorms EmptyRe: Seperation between dorms

O i didnt know but i think that would be awsome because you would be closes with people from your dorm it would be more realistic.

descriptionSeperation between dorms EmptyRe: Seperation between dorms

Well thing is, as much as we want to act as academy from anime, some things are not good for a forum. That would be for example good in a way you say it but on the other side, if ppl dont see or dont have access to a place or an event here they dont get a motivation :D

for example, as slifer, you have hard times here becoming ra yellow and some members just cant do it, they lack something. it would not be good to limit their views or fields they can post. Maybe in a community that has daily 100000 visitors that would be okay and after all necessary thing but here, its not to be done. If slifers make 70% of the forum all higher dorm threads would be empty since no one would be able to reply. that would cause ras and obis to cry :D

descriptionSeperation between dorms EmptyRe: Seperation between dorms

i both like and dislike this idea

i dislike it for the reaons amy said but i like it cause it could give more peoplr incintive to rank up possibly

also if im not mistaken in the anime people in higher dorms could visit the lower dorms.... so if you were to try and do that alot of people would try and rank up more

also as to what amy said about some slifers not habing it well it is true but thourgh the clasd room and dueling more they will grt better and be able to move up eventually though if you were to take my suggestion of a mentor program they would have a even better chance to learn better and get the chance to rabk up better

descriptionSeperation between dorms EmptyRe: Seperation between dorms

This is impractical. There's little reason for you to post on other dorms' pages. Thus, locked.


descriptionSeperation between dorms EmptyRe: Seperation between dorms

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