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More Mods and Admins?

Plague Rose
7 posters

descriptionMore Mods and Admins? EmptyMore Mods and Admins?

I've noticed that all of the mods and admins have nearly the same time zone, which also means that they're are asleep when the other time zone is in huge need for Admins and Mods to be on. Just because it's 4am for one mod shouldn't mean it's 4am for the other, I'm just suggesting to make a night shift Mod crew of some sort. Maybe someone needs help in the day except it's night for most of you, maybe someone needs a dorm test or BA thread to be looked at. Either a mod or make a CL or something that can handle these things when needed during ALL time's and not just what is day time for them ;D

descriptionMore Mods and Admins? EmptyRe: More Mods and Admins?

I dunno. I feel as if there's usually always at least one Mod on just about at all times. I myself am on as much as i am able to be and I know for a fact that I have a weird sleep schedule due to work and other things so My times that I'm on vary a lot. However I'm usually always on through the day my time being EST and depending on what day it is i am on up until 4 am some mornings.
I also know that most mornings when I have to get up at 6 or 7am for a shift at work, I log on just to check things and usually Amy or Dex are always on, most of the time both of them are.(Who knows how long they'd already been on at that point) Jadens' always around at 5-12 EST and as far as I know for spread time zones, Exiled is 6 hours ahead of me. Jaden is 1 hour ahead and Potus is 3 hours behind covering the Pacific and on a lot. Those are just from what I know of personally. Amy probably logs the most hours being on a lot, even with MicroController duty. And Neko is on fairly a lot. This is just what I've noticed in my many logged hours ._.

descriptionMore Mods and Admins? EmptyRe: More Mods and Admins?

I'm on almost 24/7 either it be on my phone or on the website, I have noticed that there is a huge gap in the middle of the day due to mods having work and school, also at night without an admin or without mods having the power to do certain things then some people are out of luck for 10+ hours. I just think we need people to fill in those gaps, either it be people with no work or school or just someone with the right position to keep those times running smooth. Heck I would be transferring and locking all the BA battles and all of that stuff if I had the power to, it bugs me that it takes over a day maybe two for those to be locked, idk just more of something to keep it running, even more so because of all the new things Amy has added to the forum

descriptionMore Mods and Admins? EmptyRe: More Mods and Admins?

I can assure you there is no 10 hour span where there is not a single Moderator on. That is highly pushing it. Considering as in my first post I filled just about every hour slot with at least one Moderator. As for a huge gap in the day time, im not certain as to who's daytime you are referring to because if its eastern standard time I am here. If its another day time you're referring to then I'm almost certain I've listed people for those slots in the first post, I.E (Dex and Exi) Out of the top 10 posters for the month so far, 6 of them are staff. And Disregarding mimgrims automatic spot on that list, 6/9 more than 60%. As for the awarding and locking of BA or Survival duels, I automatically transfer and lock those if I am on and I know Dex and Potus do as well. If there are days taken to transfer those it is due to A. Exact Confirmation being needed to be posted or B. Something being discussed and reviewed in the staff section in the forum about that particular battle.

descriptionMore Mods and Admins? EmptyRe: More Mods and Admins?

Just because a mod or admin is "on" doesn't mean they're responsive. I assure you that -5 GMT from 7-2 there is a huge gap with no mods on, and if there is a mod on they're AFK. With there being over 4000 registered members I just thought it would be appropriate to have more than or just under 30 staff members, not including ones that aren't Mods or Admins. Just saying that there has been plenty of times that someone needed or asked for an admin and no one was around to answer, but I understand that there can't be someone on all the time, but just some extra hands to help with everything.

descriptionMore Mods and Admins? EmptyRe: More Mods and Admins?

I cant agree with your GMT -5 claims as that is my time one as well and as For the past 7 or so days Ive been on every morning from at least 10 am onward. Haven't had any morning shifts lately. And as I've said too my knowledge there have been multiple times where Ive seen Amy and Dex on before that and I can guarantee they've been active as we've been in the chat Just the 3 of us at least 2 or 3 times around 7 am -5GMT just in the past week alone. I'm certainly no Admin so I'm in no place to be suggesting anything. Just stating my view points that from where I see it things are run smoothly.

descriptionMore Mods and Admins? EmptyRe: More Mods and Admins?

Smoothly yes, fast no lol I'm just suggesting we could have both lol. And you can't count for when you're not online, I mean even yesterday and the day before I was on, and I was the ONLY person on in chat and there was like 2 people on forums. This happens to me a lot being the only one on, happens on a daily basis. The site runs smooth and organized, but with all of the new things coming to forums it would be nice to have more mods or admins or leaders or w/e to help the people with the new things. including new forum members come on and it's just me and them and I'm like welll uhhh welcome to slifer? lol.

descriptionMore Mods and Admins? EmptyRe: More Mods and Admins?

Too lazy to read through your long-ass discussion.
Too many admins and mods will make the activity unbalanced making the forum look unprofessional.

descriptionMore Mods and Admins? EmptyRe: More Mods and Admins?

Dexter Morgan wrote:
Too lazy to read through your long-ass discussion.
Too many admins and mods will make the activity unbalanced making the forum look unprofessional.

I'll shorten it for you:
Timezones and activity of staff, pertaining to their online time spans.

descriptionMore Mods and Admins? EmptyRe: More Mods and Admins?

Doesn't even have to be an admin or mod, just someone who can supply links when needed, or transfer and lock BA topics or anything really. IDK it was a thought. Off topic here but how did you get your avatar to support PNG format? everytime I try to use a render as a picture it gets all weird background rainbowed lol. Anways it would be useful...example right now I'm alone and no one here lol.

descriptionMore Mods and Admins? EmptyRe: More Mods and Admins?

You don't upload it you, redirect it.

Also, I'm not sure if locking ba's is important enough to hire new people. It's actually getting quite crowded and hard to update the league and do battle arena's with so many mods.

descriptionMore Mods and Admins? EmptyRe: More Mods and Admins?

Ahh okay now I know what to do to fix the avatar problem, thank you for that. lol and there's got to be a way for the league to just automatically update, of course then you would have to give each member a win loss system app. Anyways you guys have the same amount of Admins and Mods since before the forum revamp, Even VantageSP was put back into slifer, Just saying in most mods down time we have no athrority in chat usually to help people with information, links and ect. Not just BA, survivals, forum clean up and so on

descriptionMore Mods and Admins? EmptyRe: More Mods and Admins?

We have enough people as it is. Too many, if you ask me.

descriptionMore Mods and Admins? EmptyRe: More Mods and Admins?

Potus Mat wrote:
We have enough people as it is. Too many, if you ask me.

I see how it is Potus D: Throwing me under the bus like that D:!! -gets insecure- xD

descriptionMore Mods and Admins? EmptyRe: More Mods and Admins?

GTempest wrote:
Potus Mat wrote:
We have enough people as it is. Too many, if you ask me.

I see how it is Potus D: Throwing me under the bus like that D:!! -gets insecure- xD

Relax, you are not the only person I would prefer never to have been hired.

descriptionMore Mods and Admins? EmptyRe: More Mods and Admins?

^ouch, lol. Well I didn't see Vantage and the others get fired, I didn't even know who ehero was, I didn't even know GTemp wanted to be a mod. but everything happens for a reason. Oh well ^.^ anyways it was just a thought, maybe we have a lot but we dont have a lot on at a certain time and can go hours without anyone being on. The quantity shouldn't change but the time zones of all the mods should cover all 24 hours

descriptionMore Mods and Admins? EmptyRe: More Mods and Admins?

Is it just me or is it wrong for having a deciding factor for hiring mods being Time Zone?

I would believe a mod would be able to handle a situation within a reasonable amount of time. Patience is a virtue broski, we staff have to sleep too. xD

descriptionMore Mods and Admins? EmptyRe: More Mods and Admins?

This is a forum and its not some live stream application lol. We try hard to be present always but there must be a balance between everything. The life is way too complicated to be divided on things like "adding more staff will solve the problem". it will solve one but cause few others to appear too. So, no to this suggestion atm and thanks for trying anyway Wink

descriptionMore Mods and Admins? EmptyRe: More Mods and Admins?

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