Cyberdark Storm! YwmxR

Monsters (x19):

Hunter Dragon x2
Cyber Dragon x2
Cyber Valley x2
Cyberdark Edge x2
Cyberdark Horn x2
Cyberdark Keel x2
Delta Flyer x2
Dragunity Phalanx x2
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon x1
Red-Eyes Wyvern x2

Spells (x13):

Book of Moon x1
Dark Hole x1
Dragon Ravine x3
Foolish Burial x1
Future Fusion x1
Heavy Storm x1
Monster Reborn x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Pot of Duality x2

Traps (x8):

Dimensional Prison x2
Mirror Force x1
Solemn Judgment x1
Solemn Warning x2
Starlight Road x1
Torrential Tribute x1


I'll appreciate any comments or fixes you think I should implement. Side and Extra Decks not included as text mainly because I'm lazy, but you're welcome to comment on/edit those too.