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descriptionCyberDark Rebirth EmptyCyberDark Rebirth


Cyberdark Dragon (x1)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (x1)
Chimeratech Overdragon (x2)
Cyber End Dragon (x2)
Cyber Twin Dragon (x3)


Dark Horus (x1)
Light and Darkness Dragon (x1)
Cyber Dragon (x3)
Cyberdark Edge (x2)
Cyberdark Horn (x2)
Cyberdark Keel (x2)
Cyber Valley (x2)
Magna Drago (x3)
Twin-Headed Behemoth (x1)
Hunter Dragon (x3)


Overload Fusion (x2)
Polymerization (x2)
Mystical Space Typhoon (x2)
Monster Reborn (x1)
Foolish Burial (x1)
Card Destruction (x1)
Future Fusion (x1)


Magic Cylinder (x2)
Mirror Force (x1)
Solemn Warning (x1)
Cyber Shadow Gardna (x2)
Torrential Tribute (x1)
Negate Attack (x3)

I have this deck IRL and I kinda like how it looks... Ideas and suggestions are welcome!

descriptionCyberDark Rebirth EmptyRe: CyberDark Rebirth

- twin-head
- 3 manga drago
- dark horus

+ 3 phalanx
+ 3 ravine

descriptionCyberDark Rebirth EmptyRe: CyberDark Rebirth

I'm gonna go with... WHY??? Phalanx is weak as F*** and I'm looking to make my CyberDarks as strong as possible... I mean you have a good idea with Ravine but if you're gonna suggest Phalanx and not suggest any synchro monsters then why use it? I know what Phalanx does and it's useless here without synchros... Dark Horus is very useful too since it can bring back my CyberDark Edge, Keel, and Horns plus Dark Horus is a 3000 ATK boost to CyberDark Dragon... If I were to use Dragunities here it'd be for Pilium (I think that's his name the one that allows direct attacks). But seriously CyberDarks' 800 + Phalanx's 500 = 1300 measley points that cannot do anything...

descriptionCyberDark Rebirth EmptyRe: CyberDark Rebirth

dude i thought it was pertty damn OBVIOUS that synchros were IMPLIED with the suggestion of phalanx

if you want to be a effing idiot about thats fine by me but its pertty obvious the sycnrhos are implied with the siggestion about phalanx but if you want to be stupid about it thats fine by me

descriptionCyberDark Rebirth EmptyRe: CyberDark Rebirth

I don't really want synchros... I am abusing the effects of CyberDark monsters... Usually if someone suggests a change like that they usually suggest Synchros too. Just saying... I mean what's the point in taking out some heavy hitters like LADD and Dark Horus only to replace with weaker monsters? Yay I can use Brionic or Orient Dragon... Big deal they are overrated... I do like the idea for Dragon's Ravine though... I may run that in there... I wasn't trying to start a fight over this it's pointless... I don't have any other ideas for synchros either... Dragons would work best here but anything else is kinda useless once they're gone...

descriptionCyberDark Rebirth EmptyRe: CyberDark Rebirth

Comment removed.

Last edited by ZaneVL on Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionCyberDark Rebirth EmptyRe: CyberDark Rebirth

This is kinda the way I used to run them

-Light and Darkness and Dark Horus(maybe, not sure of the way its used)

-2 Cyber dragon (space and I fear chimeratech)

-3 Drago and Twin Headed Behemoth

-1 or 2 Hunter (Ravine gets it where It needs to be fast)

-2 Polymerization and 1 or 2 Overload(in lieu of other things)

-Card Destruction

+Masked DRagons, 1 delta flyer, 1 phalanx, 1 dragunity aklys, 2 exploder dragons, 1-2 red eyes darkness metal, 1 black salvo, 1 black rose dragon, 1 dark armed, 1 allure, 1 cyberdark impact, 2 Deck devastation virus, and whatever traps I felt like or had availible.

I had it more based on the whole dragon/machine kinda thing.Ravine dumps hunter aklys and phalanx to open up options and thin the deck. You can also dump red eyes metal and wyvern to make use of the dragons in other ways.

descriptionCyberDark Rebirth EmptyRe: CyberDark Rebirth

@ All responses - This is mostly for fun not really tournament worthy at this point in time... With that said:

@ Zane - I see where you're coming from for your suggestions... I'd prolly take out LADD for DAD but i like Horus as a 3000 beater with the chance of reviving CyberDarks too... I also understand the increase of draw power, I'll look into it.

@ zombiemaster - I see where you're coming from too... I like some of the ideas but I kinda want the Hunters to stay... I could definitely run Masked Dragons in place of the Magnas... I would run Impact if I had it irl and I love the Chimeratechs Razz My Cyber Dragons and Cyber Ends are the alt art so the deck looks kinda evil lol... I never thought about Deck Devastation though...

descriptionCyberDark Rebirth EmptyRe: CyberDark Rebirth

Honestly, i would take out LAD for DAD it's much more broken. I'm not sure about Horus tough, i mean i understand where you are coming from. I would test the deck myself and see what could be taken/added but DN is down. But anytime you want to test the deck let me know.

descriptionCyberDark Rebirth EmptyRe: CyberDark Rebirth

I have my own variant of cyberdarks if you wanna have a look.

CyberDark Rebirth T7iznm

descriptionCyberDark Rebirth EmptyRe: CyberDark Rebirth

Funi dek be funni. I don't see any proper way to bring out Horus or LaDD without you being in disadvantage after the process. And the talk about Horus being scary ass 3k beater and super pro reviver is quite a nosense and you prolly won't even get to use Horus effect if you're facing a little skilled duelist.

descriptionCyberDark Rebirth EmptyRe: CyberDark Rebirth

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