Survival Duels
The Deck Masters Appear

Survival Duels Rules & Information Surviv10

The Fancy Introduction

Original Survival Duels Story wrote:
Survival Duels is a forum Event based on Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime's Survival Duels arc. In anime, those are mandatory Duels issued by Professor Viper at Duel Academy. Bio-Bands are special kind of bands that were used to drain both the victor and loser's energies upon the conclusion of the Duel. It is the skill system for open duels regardless of dorms or grades. Professor Viper tried to resurrect Yubel with the energy collected from those bands.

Survival Duels: The Deck Masters Appear is the 2nd installment of the Survival Duels series. It is a major update, not something like refreshment, more like a completely new concept derived from the original idea. In this installment we introduce you the Deck Masters. We will explain all the details after the introduction story.

The Story of Survival Duels: The Deck Masters Appear wrote:
Professor Viper has been trying to get energy from duelists with his evil plan by using Bio-Bands and forcing duelists to go against each other. His plans went good for some time, but the great duelists of our academy saw what was going on and warned others. Thus, Viper did not have dueling response he needed for his evil plans to resurrect Yubel. Since then, no one has seen him. But, recently he has been spotted at KaibaCorp. He offered a new idea to Seto Kaiba himself, for the duelists in Duel Academy. Viper has been inspired by Noah Kaiba and his Deck Masters concept in Virtual World, the one Seto and others were trapped in once. As much as Seto hated every piece of Noah, he had to agree that the concept was great for his business. He agreed to make that concept possible in Duel Academy via Bio-Bands. With the technical help of Seto Kaiba, Professor Viper has set new threat to our duelists. He did not only make Bio-Bands legal in the academy, he even made seto code the Deck Master system into it. The plan of Viper is to make duelists hungry for each other's Deck Masters and thus create a dueling atmosphere between them. Now duelist's life energy is not only connected to Bio-Band, but the duelist is also able to transfer his energy into his Deck Master to be able to use its power to win the duel. Of course, by taking such risk, duelist can win faster or lose faster. Either way, the one who benefits is Professor Viper and the duelists can't do anything about it, all they seek for is more powerful Deck Master. Viper did a great evil move here and we ca just hope our duelists will think of something to interrupt this evil plan, or else...

WTF is a Deck Master?
Concept of Deck Masters is taken from the original YGO anime series and details about it can be found here: Our concept is a bit different, we just took the main idea and shaped it so that it fits our needs for Survival Duels.

  • Deck Master is a special kind of monster which you include within your deck when doing Survival Duels. You can purchase Deck Master in Deck Master Shop. After purchase, it will be shown in your profile. Deck Masters have different Stages depending on their abilities and requirements in order to buy them will be listed in the Survival Duels Season topic, which is located in THIS section. After purchase, you can include your Deck Master in your decks for Survival Duels (for example: if your deck is 40 cards, now it will be 41). Then, at the start of your duel, you browse your deck and banish your deck master facedown. Deck is shuffled and you can start the duel.

  • While dueling, during either player's turn, you can choose to Special Summon your Deck Master by ignoring all the summoning conditions and taking that all the summoning conditions written on them were fulfilled (for example, Chaos Sorcerer is your Deck Master. You Special Summon it as your Deck master and act like you fulfilled its summon condition to banish 1 Light and 1 Dark monster from your graveyard. Then if it gets destroyed later on, you would be able to resummon him for example with Monster Reborn, because it is taken that he was properly summoned. This also means if your Deck Master has statement like "This card cannot be special summoned", you would ignore that condition and special summon it as your Deck Master. However if it gets destroyed later on, cards like Monster Reborn would not be able to summon it, because you ignore summoning conditions only when performing the initial summon of your Deck Master). The summon of Deck Master cannot be negated and cards cannot be activated in response to the summon.
    Special Cases: Lava Golem, for him summoning conditions must be fulfilled, in other words you have to tribute two opponent's monsters for him. We have put it like this, because one of the big impacts Lava Golem does is actually that tribute of opponent's monsters.

  • If you have summoned your Deck Master, you can use it as it's used normally, like attacking, using its effects, tributing it etc. However once summoned, your Life Points become linked to your Deck Master. This means, you cannot lose the duel by lowering your LP to zero, instead you live as long as your Deck Master lives on the field. Once it gets removed from field by any means (destroyed, banished, sent to graveyard, bounced back to hand or deck, tributed etc), you have time until the end of that turn to get it back on the field. If you fail to do it, you lose the duel (for example, your Deck Master got destroyed and you summon it back by using Monster Reborn before the turn ends, you're still in game baby). If both you and your opponent lost the Deck Master and fail to summon it back to the field by the end of the turn, you both lose at the same time and thus, duel is declared as a Draw (no DP earned, nor lost, Bio-Band stays the same). Note that, before you summon your Deck Master, you duel regularly and you can lose by LP like in a normal duel. Also, losing a duel by other means like decking out is still possible. Deck Master is only linked to LP, but not other things.

  • Your Life Points are still counted for other purposes. You cannot lose the duel by lowering em to zero, but all other things still apply (for example, if a monster requires you to pay 800 LP not to get destroyed by battle, and you are unable to pay because you got only 200 LP left, then you cannot use that effect anymore). Also, if your LP hits zero, it cannot go below that value (for example, you got 100 LP left and opponent deals you 1000 damage, that is not equal to -900 LP, but zero).

  • Additional rules.
    - If you use more copies of your Deck Master in your deck, those copies have no connection to your Deck Master. They are just regular monsters and have nothing to do with it. How do you know which one is your Deck Master? Well, in case you forgot, Deck Master is the one banished face-down at the start of your duel. Your Deck Master does not count as regular monster, meaning if you got 3 copies of same card in your deck and your Deck Master happens to be the 4th, you can do that because Deck Master does not count as a regular monster in your deck.
    - If your Deck Master is used as a material for other monster like Fusion, Ritual, Synchro, Xyz etc, you do not transfer your Deck Master to these, meaning there is no new Deck Master, it is still the one you started with. This implies that if your Deck Master is used for a fusion summon and goes to graveyard, you have to summon it back to the field by the end of the turn, or else you lose the duel. Same with Synchro if used as synchro material. You just go by rule that Deck Master has to be on the field, so if it ends up in graveyard or somewhere else than the field, you lose the duel at the end of the turn. For Xyz there might be a misunderstanding because technically an overlay unit stays on the field, however official rules declared that overlay units are not counted as on the field, thus if your Deck Master became an overlay unit, it is no longer on the field which implies that you will lose the duel at the end of the turn.
    - Deck Master has to be on the field once summoned to keep you alive, this counts also opponent's field.

More Infos About Survival Duels?!
  • Survival Duels are duels done in Survival Arena and have same concept as duels for Battle Arena, with a slight difference that in Survial Arena you have to use Deck Master and it has to be a match duel (no option to choose single or match like in BA). To start a Survival Duel, you just have to include your Deck Master in the deck you play with, but you are not obliged to summon it in your duel if you don't need to, or don't feel like summoning it. If you still need to look at the rules for Survival Arena, then look HERE.

  • Survival Duels are counted in the League same way as Battle Arena duels.

  • Bio-Bands are bars that indicate your Bio-Band Level. Usually it raises by 1 when you win a match in Survival Arena and decreases by 1 when you lose a match there. However, this will be stated in the Survival Duels Season topic where all the specific dueling rules for that season will be presented, and thus can be altered for the season it applies to.

  • The one that makes the Bio-Band bar full is winner of Survival Duels and we name that as Master of Survival. The default award is Master of Survival Achievement icon in your profile, which lasts until someone else wins the Master of Survival title. All these details about how you become Master of Survival will be listed in Survival Duels Season topic specifically.

Now, get yourself a Deck Master and try to be the Master of Survival!