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descriptionWangHu Stun EmptyWangHu Stun

Been trying to bring back a classic deck recently - so far, what I got down is this for the main deck:

Gorz x1
Tragoedia x1
Wang Hu x3
Doomcaliber x3
Rai-Oh x2
Banisher x2
Kycoo x2
Breaker x2
Eff. Veiler x2
Spirit Reaper x1
Plaguespreader x1

Burden x3
Forbidden Lance x2
Heavy x1
Mind Control x1
Reborn x1

Compulsory x2
Dimensional Prison x2
Solemn Judgment x1
Solemn Warning x2
Bottomless x2
Starlight Road x1

Might worry about extra after I get the main down in concrete - tips for improvement?


descriptionWangHu Stun EmptyRe: WangHu Stun

Hmm deck is 38 cards, have you forgotten to write something down? Anyway, take out Gorz - reason is because of your spell traps that you want to keep on the field at all times. Add another Spirit Reaper instead - really good this format.

Add in Dark Hole and a Book of Moon/Mystical Space Typhoon/Trap Dustshoot

Meh if you can add 3 Pot of Duality do it.

descriptionWangHu Stun EmptyRe: WangHu Stun

Pretty much what the above poster said. I run these types of decks. People who don't think running PoD with Rai-oh is crazy, but good Stun/Anti-meta players can work around it.

descriptionWangHu Stun EmptyRe: WangHu Stun

its not a stun deck till u see t.g.s because they are always fun to abuse

descriptionWangHu Stun EmptyRe: WangHu Stun

tnacrimson wrote:
its not a stun deck till u see t.g.s because they are always fun to abuse

soooooo wrong in so amny ways jsut go to wikia and look up stun deck and you will see wanghu stun, rock stun, light and dark stun, fairy stun ect......

any way srsly take out gorz as chance of him comming out on field is rather slim

and have you considered mixing the wnghu stun with rockstun?

descriptionWangHu Stun EmptyRe: WangHu Stun

mimgrim wrote:
tnacrimson wrote:
its not a stun deck till u see t.g.s because they are always fun to abuse

soooooo wrong in so amny ways jsut go to wikia and look up stun deck and you will see wanghu stun, rock stun, light and dark stun, fairy stun ect......

any way srsly take out gorz as chance of him comming out on field is rather slim

and have you considered mixing the wnghu stun with rockstun?
i agree with ur posting (both ways :D[if u know what i mean lol])

descriptionWangHu Stun EmptyRe: WangHu Stun

Yeah - the gorz wasn't working for me that well either. I changed the deck up a bit - instead of Wanghu (because it seems with all the MST's running around, my burden doesnt last very long), its now more remove/anti-special summon. Most of the core elements are still there - not liking Wang that much just because of how they can bypass with set... and how all effs these days that annoy me require flip (COUGH! Ryko.. COUGH!)
But yeah, I reckon maybe in this set up, gorz may work a bit better - i did find that gorz was hard to get out XD And I tried some pots but in the long run, the extra one draw doesnt make that much of a difference since most of the decks i struggle with outspeed three dualities (eg. the holy marks etc.)


Gorz x1
BLS x1
Chaos Sorcerer x1
Caius x1
(All three above excluding Gorz, mainly serve a remove function so I thought it be redundant for me to run multiples of them. I run one of each requirement just so that they don't end up being dead draws)
Cyber Dragon x2
Rai Oh x3
DoomCal. x3
Fossil Dyna x3
Breaker x2
Kycoo x2
Banisher x2
DD lady x2

Shrink x3
Forbidden lance x2
MST x2 (May seem redundant with two breakers but its gone good so far and the only alternative i can think of is duality, which i deferred for reasons stated above)
Reborn x1
Dark Hole x1

Fiendish Chain x2
Dimensional prison x2
Solemn Warning x2
Solemn Judgment x1
Starlight Road x1

Extra is basically stardust and some easy Xyzs (not too picky about these since most of the time, my fossil is on the field and when it isn't, i'd rather ss a BLS or chaos than an xyz.)

What do you guys think?
Any criticism/All criticism appreciated
Gone well against most things BUT holy marks, wind up loopers, rabbit maniacs.


descriptionWangHu Stun EmptyRe: WangHu Stun

for new deck:

- Shrink x3
- Gorz
+ Heavy Storm
+ Book of Moon
+ Smashing Ground
+ Fiendish Chain (always max it out)

Also I would side banisher and main Maxx "C"/Effect Veiler same for Cyber Dragon, it's better in the side deck.

Also you need XYZ's like Steelswarm Roach, Utopia, Leviathan, Leviail, Zenmaines etc... and Pot of Dualities x3 again.

descriptionWangHu Stun EmptyRe: WangHu Stun

Test running the changes on DN as we speak - shall post the results

*Running 43 cards
With changes, so now no cyber dragon/or banisher but plus two of Maxx C and veiler

descriptionWangHu Stun EmptyRe: WangHu Stun

OK. So, results are... out of all the 10 duels I just did as a quick test... I won 7 of them - the other 3 quit.

Maxx C was very handy against the two Six Sams i vsed against. Helped me draw fossil and dark hole to clear their field.

Effect Veiler was tbh, not that noticeable... it helped a bit when they used their REDMD but ultimately, slowing them down one turn didn't do much. but it did do good as fodder for my BLS and Chaos and even lasted a turn set on the field for tribute for Caius.

However, I think that running 2 veilers was a bit too much... I kept having 2 in hand for some reason and opponents rarely ever got two eff. monsters of which i both wanted to negate. Maybe 1 veiled and another... Kycoo?

Apart from that, the other tech cards had their niches - overall, pretty good.. cept for that effect veiler... can't think of what to replace it with though... Grand mole?


descriptionWangHu Stun EmptyRe: WangHu Stun

i say go rockstun cuase IMO its one of the best stun decks out there :/

the main cards of the deck are

koaki meriu guardian x 3
koaki meriu sandman x 3
koaki meriu wall x 3

guardian slows opponets monster effects
sand man slows opponets traps
and wall slows down opponets spells

try playing with like 5 more rock monster that fit the bill and then put in TKR and mabey wanghu if you want if not wanghu then go verz golem

descriptionWangHu Stun EmptyRe: WangHu Stun

^shush mim, he does not want to play rock stun.

You can replace the second veiler with Grand Mole or Spirit Reaper - both very good this format.

descriptionWangHu Stun EmptyRe: WangHu Stun

Been running Grand Mole so far and its doing its job finely =)
Helps me get rid of annoying stardusts and massive Aesir syncs.
However, I find that three pots can sometimes be a tiny bit excessive. most of the time, one pot does more than enough - two has helped - but three... I'm trying another dimensional fissure in its spot and seeing how it goes.

Thanks for all the help guys =)

descriptionWangHu Stun EmptyRe: WangHu Stun

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