Naturia feat. Wanghu

Tribut (3)
3 x Naturia Bamboo Shoot

Non-Tribut (17)
3 x King Tiger Wanghu
3 x Naturia Cherries
3 x Naturia Cliff
2 x Naturia Eggplant
2 x Naturia Fruitfly
2 x Naturia Marron
2 x Summoner Monk

Spell Cards (15)
3 x Burden of the Mighty
3 x Pot of Duality
3 x Gold Sarcophagus
3 x United we stand
1 x Dark Hole
1 x Heavy Storm
1 x Monster Reborn

Trap Cards (5)
3 x Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogan
1 x Mirror Force
1 x Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck (12)
1 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
2 x Naturia Barkion
2 x Naturia Beast
2 x Naturia Landoise
1 x Number 16: Shock Ruler Conqueror of Colors
2 x Number 39: Utopia
1 x Vylon Disigma

An example for battle...but I know...i must try to make this Deck I hope u want to help me! ;D