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Code: Bai Bai

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The Crocodile
Amy Kool
31 posters

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyCode: Bai Bai

This is pretty much everything for me, i've been around for a long long time, and this is getting exhausting day after another, so i came up with this decision, which is my retirement.

For the past 4 years, i've done everything i wannet to do since the first moment i discovered about KCVDS back in 2008, I want to have a team, and i got 4, i wannet to be an admin, and i got that 3 times, i wannet to be KC Pro, and i've achieved that, I wannet to win a tournament in KC, and i've done that, i wannet to win a tournament in DK, DAD and DA, and i've done that everywhere, i wannet to be a better GFXer than Atticus from KC, guess i did that in my own way. And pretty much everything came to my mind when i first started to play this game online, BUT the only thing i never expected is to be DA Head Admin lol, I wannet to be an admin yeah, but to actually be in EJ Shoe ? wow .. nope, never never expected this *****.. but it was such a great experience, that reached an end ^_^.

Recently, like 2 years ago, i wannet to be the 1st top poster in DA, but Kira was always there -.- ,But who cares, my name will never be forgotten since no one will get to 3300 post anyways during the next 3 winters. lol

For now, i have to intention of coming back, i have some issues on my life needs to work on, i need to work on many things, and it will take time, includes my college.

This is pretty much everything i want to say, however i'd like to say Thank You for those people who supported me and always been by my side during the past 4 years, and here it goes the list:

- King Kaiba: Man, you were like my mirror, i still remember how we enjoyed our duels, and how we trolled Placido and Kratos .. lol .. that was some awesome days.
- Kratos: bro, i don't know if you are reading this, since you left i believe, but if you are readind, thanks for everything man.
- Atlus: my wife man, you were like my gay soul mate, I remember when we owned DA's war team in the training war we did, Atzo Same xD .. i still remember that, thanks for everything bro, and am sorry you had to leave before i do ^_^
- Placido: You faggot, jerk, asshole, and everything nub you know, and you used to call me -.- lol, To be honest i decided to leave DA when EJ's shows up after you left the game .. not sure if you still check DA .. but if you do, then that's all i need.
- Enigma_m7: man, last time we had a fun duel was that Jurrac vs. Gadgets, and i got owned lol .. thanks for everything man.
- The Detonator: Am pretty sure you don't check on DA much, but thanks for the freat support everywhere.
- Niptaker: I still laugh when i remember how you trolled me on ham lol
- kiryu111: *this word has exceeded its tolerance limit -_-* bag >_> .. amma miss ya ^^
- KingMP94: With me leaving, i guess this makes you the King of Faggots Cool, you always worked hard for this title anyway ._., Hope your time in Oxford is great, i will miss trolling you here and there .. and you trolling me lol
- Amy Cool: I love you girl 👅, hope i wasn't such a noisy boss for ya ^^
- Shadow: My favor thing to do was watching you dueling here and there and owning other academies and teams lol, i never forget our time in RG(team) and RG(academy), DAD, ham trolls, duels .. any many things, i will miss me abusing my powers on you lol.
- TamA: stop abusing your powers -.- lol ..
- EJ: you nigga gave me the best thing ever, being the Head Admin for 5 or 6 months, seriously lost counting, if DA is about to die again, you got my MSN ._. just catch me online and i will revive it again just like i did last time lol
- Mago: We didn't have much chats here and there, so just wants to say thanks for choosing me to be an admin in TAU .. it was a pretty good experience for me bro.
- Jin Kazama: you have my MSN and my Yahoo, and i got yours, so we will stay in contact, anyway, thanks for everything bro, it was fun.
- Edward: You was a good GFXer, and always will be, to think about it we never had a duel together lol, funny that, anyway, take good care of DA skin and banners, dont let EJ the nub lay a hand on it, he sucks at it -.-
- The Crocodile: meh .. many things i have to say, but i will make it short, you've been a good friend mate, supported my beloved RG academy until i shuted it down .. And u gotta love Croco ^^
- Nate-River: bro, simply, there is no word to say here, i had some amazing time in our duels, and how you help when spanish ppl troll me with Exodia lol .. you interfere and they log out, and me get the win lol
- Buzzy aka Buzzkill: You still think am a great deck builder? lol, this ends here ^_^ .. try your best man .. after all THIS IS AN ORDER FOR ANZO SAMA ^_^
- DesignerDrugs: Troller, Spammer, Nigga, Faggot .. can't find a word to describe you, so i will use bitchz .-. ... meh, i will miss ya hun, don't do drugs without me ^_^ ..

And the list is vey long, after all it is 4 years not few months .-. .. so i won't mentioned more names, those whom knows me well, they know that i appreciate their friendship and i will diffenetly miss our time on Hamachi ^_^

~So this is all for me, Not my best moments, but i had to make a topic not just disappear like this ^^

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

Let me be the first to say bye. I am new to the whole Online Dueling scene but I can see that you have been around and are well known in the YGO online dueling community. Hope you sort your IRL problems. Good Luck.

Btw, I intend to be on that top poster list above you and Kira. Well, maybe not Kira....

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

Ciao Anzo~~~ Sad if u leave we got noone to blame anymoar that's sad.

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

Bye Anzo I think everybody gonna miss you Sad

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

bye and i plan on getting into that top poster spot XD

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

omg anzo noooooo. why u leave we had such a great admin team with you. no one left to spam here now Sad

u were not noisy but spammy boss Wink

anyway i know u will check this site time to time so yea stop by or come back when u get time like EJ ^_^

pm me your msn.

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

Im not actually here much so im not up to date with everything, i didnt expect you to leave all this behind you, friend Neutral
I want to thank you for the good times we had being partners always man and i don't want this friendship to end just like this. I gotta tell you few things before you go Smile
Ill pm you, cya soon

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

Amy Cool wrote:
omg anzo noooooo. why u leave we had such a great admin team with you. no one left to spam here now Sad

u were not noisy but spammy boss Wink

anyway i know u will check this site time to time so yea stop by or come back when u get time like EJ ^_^

pm me your msn.

Don't worry, I am sure some of us can fill the spam void. Trust me!

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

cya anzo. dont worry, ill spam the fck outta this forum in your honor

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

niggggga i expect more from u ;d gl in your life man, if you really done everything u want to do well then you need learn how to want more ;p anyway i know i'll still see ya around biatch ._.

PS: u need find a fackin(amy u cant stop me) girlfriend or smth, cya bro.

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

Meh cya mate, knew ya somehow and at the same time didn't know you much but still good luck in life.

PS. Lucky u finished ma YCS GFX before you left, otherwise I would have to hunt you down...

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

Yo Anzo cya man. Wish you the best of luck with your real life stuff.

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

I honestly hope this is not about the complains about the war line-up or smth cuz all that is bs

anyway, u did good stuff for DA hope you enjoy ureself in what u take up next
later boss ::Monkey1::

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

Bye faggot gonna miss your faggot spamming around the DA community...I see what you mean with the accomplishments and nothing being left to do and I sorta feel the same way in my own way lol...

Thanks for your wishes about Oxford. Good luck with your future bro, make the best of it. Your life is what you want it to be...Good luck with everything man, we'll miss trolling your ass constantly.

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai


descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai


now my rise to power can begin ....

someone needs to replace him, and some one needs to replace that person, then I will replace that person.

bye yugi moto you'll be missed

no one ever puts me in there final good byes.....

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

ok so this is my first time saying bye to somebody on DN and especially to someone i dont know. Anzo, to tell you the truth i only know you as a admin, but you really did help us newbies and newcomers out. We really gonna miss ya. All I am going to say is to pay attention to my name as well cuz i have a goal to set to make my HERO deck top tier! I'll be on YCS Philly on May so hope you cheer me on and i'll, no, we will cheer you on with your life as well. Cya and maybe lets duel sometimes in the near future.

loves and wishes'
Pabel Arizaga

P.S. really!? on valentine's day you choose to retire! funny stuff lol and sounds suspicious Cool

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

Cya man, you'll be missed.
I'll make sure EJ doesn't lay a hand on da skin 8D

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

Sad to see you go Anzo, you will be missed.

But now we need another admin, this guy named Exiled, he has helped so much, I think he should be considered? :D

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

why do you have to leave :l
I hope you'll come back

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

nekofjung took that place before it happened lol.

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

he not even activate though.... :_(

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

Exiled108 wrote:
Sad to see you go Anzo, you will be missed.

But now we need another admin, this guy named Exiled, he has helped so much, I think he should be considered? :D

I agree. and I know this Guy named Staxx he'll be perfect to replace exiled mod position. :D

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

Yeah but unfortunately for you two I heard of this sexy *this word has exceeded its tolerance limit -_-* named KingMP94 that says no to both of you.

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

I wouldn't say sexy at all....

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

Good luck with life, Anzo.

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

KingMP94 wrote:
Yeah but unfortunately for you two I heard of this sexy *this word has exceeded its tolerance limit -_-* named KingMP94 that says no to both of you.

King... i thought we were lovers brothers Crying or Very sad

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

Later anzo... you seem like a pretty cool dude. and i can only aspire to be a good a troll/spammer as you were D':

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

um i really dont know you to well but good luck with everything u kept the academy interesting, cya anzo

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

I'm not on all the time, but you're posting streak is hard to miss xD

Sucks to seeya go, hope you get everything sorted out

Cya round the dueling broski

descriptionCode: Bai Bai EmptyRe: Code: Bai Bai

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