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King of Games - Duel faceoff

10 posters

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyKing of Games - Duel faceoff

King of games is run through the shadow arena. u bet all your DP.
1st 10 other people to accept the challenge are your competitors.

u duel all of them, one by one. Rules are:
-No burn/exodia decks allowed
-you = 4000 LP while your competitors start with 8000
-you always go first, unless you choose not to.
-No changing decks, side decking ok.

Prize (if ok with Anzo) 5000 DP and rank up from dorm

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

I won't pretend that i actualy able to understand your idea exactly, only replied cuz you mentioned me lol

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

I think what he is trying to say is that you have to duel with 10 people in a row, a little like one of those karate thing when you get 50-100 opponents come at you in a row, and if you manage to beat each and everyone of them, you rank up, or at least that what I got from it.
And just because that doesn't sound hard enough he wants to start with 4000 LP XD (and by that I hope he means at the start of every duel), in another words it would be like a battle to show your strength.
One of the main issues in my opinion with this is the betting all your DPs, cause then someone with 100 DP can just bet them all, and if they lose make 1 DP and try again XD. So maybe make a consistent DP cost for this challenge, like 500 DP. Since 10 opponents, 500*10 = 5000 which is the prize you were going for, kind of make sense in my head. And also what do the opponent get if they beat you? Is it like the one who beats you get the DP you wagered?

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

this is interesting but eh i think that you only having 4000 and opponet having 8000 just to show your srength is kinda redundent both players should start witht he same amount of LP to keep it fair isnt it hard enough you have to be X amount of people in a row witht he same deck in wich they could just build a anti-meta deck against your deck before they duel you :/ if anything you should get a LP boost LMFAO plus with only 4000 LP it kinda makes solemn warning useless :/ so yea it sounds interesting but to me there are alot of fualts in it

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

all but anzo made good points, and shingo's summary is correct. so here's what i think

to make the challenge, gotta put up 500 DP
Both LP = 8000

no one can use Exodia Stall / Burn decks

you always go first, unless you choose not to.

you continue duels with the life points u ended your last duel with. in duels
#3, #5, #7, and #9 your LP goes back up to 8000. (gotta have some type of handicap.

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

thats a bit better but i still think there has to be something about the people your dueling nto allowed to build a deck just to kill your deck in case they watch your duel OR one of the pople you dueled before you tell the person your about to duel so changin decks should be allowed i think (im guessing thats still there though im not sure :/) as TBTH you cant show how powerfull you are against a deck thats specificly made to beat yours ._. but im just guessing the no deck change is still there :/

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

the 10 people u duel will be listed on your post, (if anzo wants) you can have a judge watch, make sure no one is watching your game

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

well the watching of the game is easily blocked with password it was just a exapmle but there wouldnt be any one stopping some one you already beat telling your next opponet what deck u use :/ but eh w/e

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

well you could always make the competitors announce their deck beforehand and before the first duel the challenger has to announce his. I realize that means that the challenger gets to know what decks he will be playing against, but I doubt someone will be able to build a deck that kills 10 other decks even if he knows what they are.

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

then there it is, the row of ten have to announce their decks beforehand, and how about the guy who beats you, gets the 500 DP u put up.

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

probably not going to happen, to much confusion and to many people would have to join to make this even possible, also the way i understand it, it is really only a tournament for 1 person

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

Which would give that person the Title "King of Games" and he'd be the 10th duel if someone else decides to challenge. it'd give us all another new match type here at the academy and gives us a chance to show off what decks we're working on til the next tournaments come. fun way to kill time, AND possibly rank up, AND show your deck's strength and superiority.

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

Okay I'm sorry but this is more stupid than people listening to Hitler..
"OKAY! Everyone, the Jews are the problem!"

They all listened.

This is probably worse than that.
One person is the best from everyone else?

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

well how long do u think you could hold the title?

im not saying 1 person can be the best, just how long can they last.

before u make such a stupid comment again, try reading first and prevent yourself from looking like such an asswipe.

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

A day, you'd be able to hold the title for a day.
A better suggestion would be wait till there's like 15 people who got through that test thingy, then they all play for the title.

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

Well the way I was seeing it was more of a gamble kind of thing, you bet your 500 DP and you got to beat 10 people to make 10 times your bet, and as I was writing that I just realized that in that case wouldn't that just be the same as doing 10 single matches in the shadow arena... brain King of Games - Duel faceoff 1211185477 realize this stuff sooner... but I did like the idea of the defending champion being the tenth duel for the new challenger.

Also Harbinger, it wouldn't be like the winner would be the best from everyone else, it would be more like he is the "King of Games" or the "King of The 10" or the "Survivor" or whatever title you want to give it, until a new challenger comes along. But I have to admit when Exiled puts it as a tournament for 1 person, it doesn't sound that great anymore, but the concept is not totally bad, it just needs some tweaking in my opinion.

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

if i were you krysis i would suggest this in a game that is not 70 % luck, 10 % patience, 10 % courage to swarm with TT fd and 10 % thinking ...


descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

dont u mean 16? then a 16 man tourny?

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

Make it like King of the Hill thingy were there is 1 Duelist on top betting some amount of DP then there would be competitors whoever beats the guy on top gets the set number of DP's and so on, like an endless chain, which is fun. Also a small increase in DP's for each win of the one on top then whoever beast him has a bigger reason to challenge him.

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

now that's progressing an idea

sounds hot to me

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

but what is the one on the top getting out of every duel? Is he just there to protect his title or???

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

Protect his title, (which should be where our things say "slifer red" or moderator") and 200 more for every win

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

the one on top gets DP for each win he has until someone beats him. The set Number of Dp of course.

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

yeah, makes sense

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

And if they deny a challenge (unless they can't ofc.) Then they lose their title O--O!

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

well isnt that the same as not being able to deny the challenge?

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

Krysis wrote:

-you always go first, unless you choose not to.


descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

lol wind-ups can be stopped though

its not like facing lightsworns

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

Krysis wrote:
lol wind-ups can be stopped though

its not like facing lightsworns

ever heard of light mirror /macro ?

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

nope, show me a decklist

descriptionKing of Games - Duel faceoff EmptyRe: King of Games - Duel faceoff

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