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Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

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12 posters

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyReason why IRL dueling sucks.

I play Yu-Gi-Oh in school (considering I have a rather large collection of Yu-Gi-Oh cards), and in my 4th period class, theres this REALLY annoying kid who challenges me all the time. I bet you're thinking, "That sounds cool" right? WRONG.
He challenges me to a duel, looks through his deck and stacks cards (he thinks I don't notice it), then when he wins because his stacking beats my deck every time, because he summons out huge beatsticks once per turn, making it impossible to beat him, he prances around the room and, like a broken record, chants- "I won, I woooon... I wooooon!"
Then when I inform him he's cheated, he interrupts me and says "Wait, wait, hold on, hold on, waaaaaaaaait... Who won? Thats right, I woooooon..." and continues in his incessant chanting.
This has been going on for at the very least a month now. It is driving me insane.

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

Lol, just kick his a** man why they heck you even let him open his mouth .. when he does ... and open his mouth next time .. put a **** in it >_<

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

Here is the deck build he used just this evening. (He built this out of spare cards, stacked, and won.)
Normal Monsters: 7
Gene-Warped Warwolf
Spirit of the Harp
Sonic Duck
Archfiend Soldier
Cyber-Tech Alligator
Great Angus
Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Effect Monsters: 11
General Gantala of the Ice Barrier
Lady Panther
R-Genex Ultimum
Genex Ally Birdman
Sand Moth
Dragunity Primus Pilus
Flame Ogre
Man-Eater Bug
Ganbara Knight
Ultimate Obedient Fiend
Genex Ally Reliever

Traps: 5
Dust Tornado x2
Trap Hole
Raigeki Break
Anti-Fusion Device

Spells: 18
Soul Exchange
Remove Trap x2
Malevolent Nuzzler
Ancient Telescope
Rush Recklessly
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Horn of the Unicorn
Dian Keto the Cure Master
Monster Reborn
Fissure x2
Pot of Greed
Swords of Revealing Light

and here's my classic Heroes Deck build
Deck: 44
Effect Monsters: 10
Elemental Hero Wildheart
Elemental Hero Bladedge
The Light - Hex Sealed Fusion
Elemental Hero Necroshade
Elemental Hero Bubbleman x2
Man-Eater Bug
Penguin Soldier
Magician of Faith

Normal Monsters: 9
Elemental Hero Neos
Elemental Hero Burstinatrix x2
Elemental Hero Sparkman x2
Elemental Hero Avian x2
Elemental Hero Clayman x2

Traps: 12
Hero Signal
Elemental Recharge
Mirror Force
Trap Hole
Spellbinding Circle
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Negate Attack
Sakuretsu Armor
Magic Cylinder
Power Frame
Threatening Roar

Spells 13
Polymerization x2
Fusion Recovery
The Warrior Returning Alive
Pot of Greed
Graceful Charity
O - Oversoul
Heavy Storm
Monster Reborn
E - Emergency Call x2
Dark Hole

Extra: 10
Elemental Hero Thunder Giant
Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster
Elemental Hero Plasma Vice
Elemental Hero Mudballman
Elemental Hero Necroid Shaman
Elemental Hero Electrum
Elemental Hero Wildedge
Elemental Hero Mariner x3

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

LOL, punch him in da face. How then you supposed to feel when are you dueling at DN with cheater, that is driving me crazy.
RL cheater is peace of cake :D

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

I love dueling in real life! lol you get to feel that connection with you opponent and laugh and just have a good time lol. but kids that brag like that are just stupid the don't even know what dueling is about. they're worse then the "Pro players".

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

Reasons why IRL dueling is amazing:

It takes skill
There's 96% luck involved instead of 100% luck.
Everyone doesn't have a rabbit XYZ deck.
Everyone doesn't have tour guides
Everyone isn't say "gl hf" before their duel
Everyone is chill
Road Trips.

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

Not mentioning you can punch your opponent when he is about ragequit ._.

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

Lol anzo i've actually had some one rage quit on me in real life XD. he was all like "I just spent over 200 dollars making this deck. there's no way any one here can beat me." he was playing six sams and he lost to chain burn and my heroes. after he lost to me he was like "This is all you fault i lost!" then threw some cards at me and left. funniest thing i have ever seen at that locals lol. we never saw him again XD.

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

well im glad nothing like that ever happen at my locals ^_^ looks like ive gotten lucky i've also gotten pertty lucky on DN when it comes to other duelists there theres only been a few times i got stuck with idiots though there was 1 who beats the rest but other then ive gotten lucky when it comes to dueling other people

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.


Jaden_yuki-- wrote:
I love dueling in real life! lol you get to feel that connection with you opponent and laugh and just have a good time lol. but kids that brag like that are just stupid the don't even know what dueling is about. they're worse then the "Pro players".

I don't really mind dueling IRL that much, but that annoying kid in my class is just about the only person I duel, and as I've already explained... he is INCREDIBLY annoying.
And then the other people in the class are always shocked when I mouth off to him with sarcasm.
Thankfully, he's too stupid to comprehend 1/4th of what I'm saying.
and sadly, I'm not even exaggerating.
The closest thing he has to a comeback to anything I say to him is- "I get more girls than you."

Jaden_yuki-- wrote:
Lol anzo i've actually had some one rage quit on me in real life XD. he was all like "I just spent over 200 dollars making this deck. there's no way any one here can beat me." he was playing six sams and he lost to chain burn and my heroes. after he lost to me he was like "This is all you fault i lost!" then threw some cards at me and left. funniest thing i have ever seen at that locals lol. we never saw him again XD.

but yeah, sadly that annoying person is one of a small handful I can duel, and he not only is poorly skilled, he assumes he is the best duelist in the world. By God if I don't wind up killing him by the end of this school year I shall be proud of myself x_x

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

So 1 person, out of the many duelists out there, makes dueling IRL bad. Makes perfect sense.

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

I don't see how irl dueling is bad... I like it more than on DN.

Dn is comprised of the following Percentages:
99% luck
1% skill

IRL is based on the following percentages:
94% luck
4% Consistency (Consistency makes everything)
0.50% Topdeck power
1.50% Skill

Last edited by Harbinger on Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:56 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

Harbinger wrote:
I don't see how irl dueling is bad... I like it more than on DN.

Dn is comprised of the following Percentages:
99% luck
1% skill

IRL is based on the following percentages:
96% luck
3.50% Consistency (Consistency makes everything)
.25% Topdeck power
.25% Skill

Well, my concern has absoultely NOTHING to do with percentages or the likelyhood of drawing what you need, dueling IRL sucks when you wind up dueling some moron who not only cheats, but consistantly BRAGS about winning while cheating.

LethalAfterZ wrote:
So 1 person, out of the many duelists out there, makes dueling IRL bad. Makes perfect sense.

1 person can be the representation of many. Considering there are billions of people on Earth, and lord only knows how many of them are duelists and what-not, There could be hundreds, or even THOUSANDS of duelists just like him.
And I don't enjoy dueling IRL because of that ONE person. Makes total sense to me.

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

Well, I for one like dueling in real life.
people like that aren't truly duelists.
I'd tell you to man up, but if you can't even carry your duel disk with pride (yugioh joke) then you need to step out of the kitchen.

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

Harbinger wrote:
Well, I for one like dueling in real life.
people like that aren't truly duelists.
I'd tell you to man up, but if you can't even carry your duel disk with pride (yugioh joke) then you need to step out of the kitchen.

I'm less concerned about my pride and more so about my sanity and his well being within the next year. xD

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

Then hit him in the face... forserious.

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

If only it were so simple...

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

I prefer dueling IRL to online. I just like having the card phsyically there with me. DN in terms of shuffling always kicks my face.

3 Games example, one after another.

Openinhg hand:
-3 Tour Guide + Sangan
Next game
-3 Rai-oh
Next Game
-2 Tour Guide + Sangan, then draws TGU

Like wtf.

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

do ou know what cards he useing cause if u do just make a anti a**hole deck just for him Twisted Evil

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

The worst part about dueling IRL, the cost.

Also, I hate when people shuffle your cards with no regard for keeping them in nice condition when "cutting your deck"... I was had this one guy do this to me, broke like 4 of my sleeves. I was kind of pissed.

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.


I hate it when the kid in my class loses to me with the deck I give him, say its complete crap, then duels me with my heroes and wins. I'm like wtffff

brandy263 wrote:
do ou know what cards he useing cause if u do just make a anti a**hole deck just for him Twisted Evil

Also, check page 1, I posted the deck he made from scratch there.

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

IRL dueling, Yu-Jyo Friendship. Your a germ-a-phobe or he makes his hand gross. trolololol.

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

Well, dont let him stack!

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

Don't have to worry about him anymore :3

What happened is, today actually, he challenged me to duels for money ($1 per win)

AND he stacked.

won 3-0 :3

And I played fairly :3

Someone owes me $3 >:3

(I don't like dueling for money, but he pestered me into it. His loss. >:3)

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

lol IRL dueling is fun right :D you get to do things you cant do online like talking instead of typing or gambling when you know its wrong.
Reason why IRL dueling sucks. 4144076462

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

i wish yugioh was still around here... they used to sell at least the ilegitimate copy around, but after that whole "yugioh is satanic" bs they stopped selling even those... dan you media... well it wasnt thta great either, i mean it was a little awkard playign a "mario the plumber"... yeah some guys didnt even see what they print

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.


nd what part of YGO is satanic? Oh Shit its a children's card game xD

anyway, I had the greatest fun ever dueling IRL while beating him too

he ran me down into two cards: Monster Reborn nd elemental Hero Burstinatrix

all he had was a 3200 ATK Sonic Duck with 2 equips- Manavolent Nuzzler + Horn of the Unicorn, nd 250 LPs

shuffled my deck, had a "heart of the cards" moment

drew monster reborn.


SSed Ehero Plasma Vice from my graveyard ("except" rule :3)

all I had left in hand is Kuriboh, so I discarded kuriboh, popped Sonic attacked for game :D

that was the last duel xD


got nothing.

best part is, he had been taunting and teasing me all year about how awesome he was because he was able to cheat and win, and I'm sure he cheated in at least 2/3 duels

and I STILL WON :3

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

Eheroduelist wrote:

nd what part of YGO is satanic? Reason why IRL dueling sucks. 932147 its a children's card game xD

anyway, I had the greatest fun ever dueling IRL while beating him too

he ran me down into two cards: Monster Reborn nd elemental Hero Burstinatrix

all he had was a 3200 ATK Sonic Duck with 2 equips- Manavolent Nuzzler + Horn of the Unicorn, nd 250 LPs

shuffled my deck, had a "heart of the cards" moment

drew monster reborn.


SSed Ehero Plasma Vice from my graveyard ("except" rule :3)

all I had left in hand is Kuriboh, so I discarded kuriboh, popped Sonic attacked for game :D

that was the last duel xD


got nothing.

best part is, he had been taunting and teasing me all year about how awesome he was because he was able to cheat and win, and I'm sure he cheated in at least 2/3 duels

and I STILL WON :3

and then, you woke up...

Reason why IRL dueling sucks. Trollface-dance

Last edited by train on Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

Train your post is missing a trollface
Reason why IRL dueling sucks. 3147896512

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

Harbinger wrote:
Train your post is missing a trollface
Reason why IRL dueling sucks. 3147896512

now is fixed :I

descriptionReason why IRL dueling sucks. EmptyRe: Reason why IRL dueling sucks.

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