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pollShould L-Einstein be an administrator

Total Votes:
Poll closed

descriptionAdministrator EmptyAdministrator

Dark Master and JadenYuki are inactive

Well not as active as they were before
This is the best time for DA - DK is not so active, DA is the only updated academy

I need someone to help me out and make DA the best

So temporarily and if he does well permanently I want to make L-Einstein an admin

1) He is the first Forumotion academy creator
2) He keeps himself updated with forumotion updates - i learnt to keep myself updated from him- So if there are any updates like the one i recently made he can do it immeadiately
3) He is very friendly as well as harsh whenever necessary.
4) If you dont know him - He is admin at APDA and PSU
5) He in a way is Evil Jaden's (Academy Creator's) Teacher and thought him abt ipb and helped him in making PSU
6) I know him from the day 1 of my academy life so I can trust him

So i need DAs Opinion on making him temporary admin to help me out and if he does well permanent admin (Permanent on the agreement of other admins)

If you respect my decision vote "yes", if not vote "no"


Post your reasons if "NO"

descriptionAdministrator EmptyRe: Administrator

my vote was yes because i know many things for him from u Assassin so i guess he will really help DA become even better

descriptionAdministrator EmptyRe: Administrator

If my net crashes I can keep in touch with Einstein

If he is not admin and i go inactive ... There wont be any active admin and DA will become like old DA

descriptionAdministrator EmptyRe: Administrator

I accept. He needs to be an admin.

descriptionAdministrator EmptyRe: Administrator

After a little Discussion we have decided to re-open this topic

Voting re opened

U can vote now

descriptionAdministrator EmptyRe: Administrator

I am posting instead of the person who Voted No

His identity is Anonymous

Reason he said.... Exact words

"i dont like him as person and he had been promoted fery fast"

I copy pasted it

descriptionAdministrator EmptyRe: Administrator

I dislike how you worded this topic. "If you respect my decision vote yes, if not vote no."

descriptionAdministrator EmptyRe: Administrator

I dislike the way you organized it with a threatening message, but I must say yes. Assassin you're a hell of an admin and we can't afford to lose you. Reborn is inactive so I think Einstein will fit in just fine.

descriptionAdministrator EmptyRe: Administrator

I just need a Co-admin to share the responsibilities in these crucial times

Thats why i said temporary and only Permanent if he fairs very well

JY - I dont understand wat u meant by threatening message

I wont quit If Einstein is not selected (did i ever say i will)

descriptionAdministrator EmptyRe: Administrator

Due to the acceptence of the 3 admins, 2 Moderators and also 4 other members

i am making L-Einstein Temporary admin till DM and JY become active again

The staff will discuss later and decide whether he will be given permanent admin ship or moderation powers or any sort of power

For now with the decision is that L-Einstein is a Six Star, temporary admin

Topic Closed (If any staff have problems with this decision PM me and if u r a mod or admin u can directly re-open this toic)

descriptionAdministrator EmptyRe: Administrator


descriptionAdministrator EmptyRe: Administrator

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