Right, this is a deck I've recently made and despite that, I think it was doing quite well when I was testing it. Now for the decklist:

Monsters (20):
-2x D-Hero Plasma
-3x Junk Synchron
-3x Doppelwarrior
-2x Dark Grepher
-2x Malicious
-1x Plaguespreader
-2x Caius
-1x Gorz
-1x DaD
-2x Grinder Golem

Spells (14):
-2x Token Sundae
-1x Scapegoat
-2x Mystical Space Typhoon
-1x Reinforcement of the Army
-1x Tuning
-1x Monster Reborn
-1x Dark Hole
-1x D-Draw
-1x Allure of Darkness
-1x Trade-In
-2x Soul Exchange

Traps (6):
-1x Mirror Force
-2x Solemn Warning
-1x Bottomless
-1x Dimensional Prison
-1x Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck (15):

It contains staple synchroes like Stardust and 6 Junk synchroes.

The "Well-Done" parts of the Deck:
1. I can get Plasma out every time I have Junk Synchron and Doppel in grave.
2. The deck is fairly aggressive, which is can be a downfall of it.
3. Multiple destruction cards.
4. Speed on the rating of 1 to 5 with one being the highest would probably be about 2 or 3.
5. Draw power.

The problems I've faced with this deck:
1. Even though I can get Plasma out quickly, it is really easy for my opponent to destroy it.
2. A lot of bad top-decks and dead hands. For example, having 2 Grinder Golems + 2 Caius + 2 MST's = Fail or having a top-deck when losing a match for a Bottomless
3. No control - looking at other Plasma decks, I need more Traps or more "field-controlling" monsters.
4. My opinion: having 2 Soul Exchanges with only 4 targets = not that great.

I hope my pros and cons of the deck will help you at helping me.