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descriptionTrain's Chaos Magician Revival Fun Deck EmptyTrain's Chaos Magician Revival Fun Deck


Dark Magician x3
Chaos Sorcerer x2
Dark Armed Dragon
Elemental Hero Stratos
Elemental Hero Prisma x3
Skilled Dark Magician x2
Crusader of Endymion x2
Apprentice Magician x2
Old Vindictive Magician
Plaguespreader Zombie
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
Snipe Hunter (to get rid of Dark Magicians in hand, clears field from stallers)

Spell Cards:

Swing of Memories x2
Dark Magic Attack x2 (or 1 but i prefer running 2 now)
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Giant Trunade
Monster Reborn
Dark Hole
Reinforcement of the Army
Book of Moon (considering running Forbidden Lance over it)
Magical Dimension (good card, chainable, can get you Dark Magician on the field + destroy a monster)

Trap Cards:

Birthright x2
Call of the Haunted
Solemn Warning x2
Solemn Judgment
Torrential Tribute
Mirror Force

Extra Deck:

Dark Paladin x2
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
12 Synchro Staples

Ok now let's talk about the strategy of the deck. It's really simple one: "Get out Dark Magician on the field as fast as possible and protect him!" The cards that are gonna help us do it are: Eh Prisma, Swing of Memories, Magical Dimension, Monster Reborn, Call of the Haunted, Birthright, Skilled Dark Magician (if you are lucky enough to get him to 3 counters). The main goal of the deck is to send Dark Magician from the deck to the graveyard and revive him with the cards mentioned above. The cards that are gonna help us keep him on the field are: Dark Magic Attack, Trunade, Mystical Space Typhoon, Book of Moon/Forbidden Lance, Solemn Judgment. The backup plan of the deck is to get out Chaos Sorcerer as support + some synchros with the help of Gale, Plaguespreader Zombie or if you want to use the apprentice magician engine to it's full extend Night's End Sorcerer. Dark Armed Dragon is there to make sure we get a nice hit on the opponents Life Points and build pressure on your opponent. You can also tech in Magician's Curtain in the deck for even easier Dark Magician Summon, Trap Stun can also be of great help to the deck by negating your own Call of the Haunted or Birthright to save your Dark Magician or push for game when your opponent has a big backrow and you don't have Dark Magic Attack or Trunade in your hand. Basically you control the field by gaining fast field presence when needed and possibly OTK your opponent. And finally old school decks FTW :D


descriptionTrain's Chaos Magician Revival Fun Deck EmptyRe: Train's Chaos Magician Revival Fun Deck

I always liked Dark Magician decks. Thing I will suggest to you is to completely remove Skilled Dark Magician and Crusade of Endymion. They both are only beatsticks nothing more to this deck. You cannot force and wait to get 3 counters on Skilled, it can work but you can lose duel before you get them ^^ I dont say this just random I played this kind of deck many times and I tested this very good. Just remove them and don't waste time on testing with them. Prisma will also force your Magicians to grave which leaves less chance that you will have DM in your deck for Skilled's effect.

Your main weakness is getting rid of monsters. With only staples in deck like Dark Hole, Warnings etc. you cannot gain advantage. You focus on Dark Magician too much so you have to bring some back-up. I would say max out Apprentice, he is really cool with keeping field presence and giving you options like summoning a tuner from deck or just Old Vindictive to get rid of strong opponents monsters. With this you have backrow which will protect you when your Magician is not there. Also I would bring more Old Vindictive into play cuz one is poor solution when you combine it with Apprentice.

Snipe Hunter. I would bring him out too. If you have Magician in hand and you want to rid of him why would you waste it on Snipe and risk a die chance when you can include one more copy of Magical Dimension and gain advantage instead of risk. With Apprentice and Old Vindictive you will have most of time some spellcaster on field to use this spell and exchange your weak monsters for Dark Magician and destroy a card you want :D This card is just awesome in this kind of deck. Also if you want to keep balance of dark-light attributes you can include Frequency Magician as he is a tuner and can be summoned by Apprentice which means you can fast tune and fill the grave with dark+light for Chaos Sorcerer.

Cool notice. When you use Frequency magician (or Night's End Magician but I prefer Freq since he is light and Apprentice dark which means Chaos comes fast) with Apprentice, Situation goes mainly like your opponent destroys Apprentice and you get Frequency. Then in your turn you can simply use Instant Fusion and bring LV 6 Synchros or LV 7 Arcanite Magician which is very cool in this deck Smile Then you can use Arcanite in ATK mode (to make your opponent come into your trap) and remove his counters to clear some cards from field. Your opponent will want to atk such low atk synchro and then you use Magical Dimension since you don't need Arcanite anymore Smile Also you always want to have Arcanite possibility even in DM deck since he is a key for clearing cards on field that can make you troubles.

I don't know why you did not include any copy of Breaker? He was a way better than Skilled or Crusader Smile Especially when used with Apprentice counter eff :D

descriptionTrain's Chaos Magician Revival Fun Deck EmptyRe: Train's Chaos Magician Revival Fun Deck

good points, i didn't include Breaker due to lack of space and i am used to my Destiny Magician build which was way faster and more consistent then this but now the Destiny Draw engine is dead and unusable. I will do the changes, also removed 1 Dark Magic Attack for a copy of Allure of Darkness for some much needed draw power.

descriptionTrain's Chaos Magician Revival Fun Deck EmptyRe: Train's Chaos Magician Revival Fun Deck

Just an idea I had, and I do not know how to change the deck to be honest. ( in meaning what cards to remove for the following suggestions since the suggestions I make will influence the deck a lot ).

As seeing what Amy said and looking for ways to get out of that plus having more strength in the deck while still being able to abuse the revival cards such as Swing of Memories and Birthright I came to the following idea for the deck:

2-3 Alius ( Stratos Searches it and PRisma can also dump it, plus a a target for CS )
3x Gemini Spark ( extra speed, singulair destruction and control )
2x Miracle Fusion ( you have plenty of Heroes and other materials for it )
1x Return from the Different Dimension ( you remove with CS,Miracle's and some will just get removed I guess )

I have no idea how this will turn out, when you actually run the deck, but in my eyes it should be more consistent than the above deck is plus it should be able to win more games.

descriptionTrain's Chaos Magician Revival Fun Deck EmptyRe: Train's Chaos Magician Revival Fun Deck

The_Dutch_Prince wrote:
Just an idea I had, and I do not know how to change the deck to be honest. ( in meaning what cards to remove for the following suggestions since the suggestions I make will influence the deck a lot ).

As seeing what Amy said and looking for ways to get out of that plus having more strength in the deck while still being able to abuse the revival cards such as Swing of Memories and Birthright I came to the following idea for the deck:

2-3 Alius ( Stratos Searches it and PRisma can also dump it, plus a a target for CS )
3x Gemini Spark ( extra speed, singulair destruction and control )
2x Miracle Fusion ( you have plenty of Heroes and other materials for it )
1x Return from the Different Dimension ( you remove with CS,Miracle's and some will just get removed I guess )

I have no idea how this will turn out, when you actually run the deck, but in my eyes it should be more consistent than the above deck is plus it should be able to win more games.

That would work if the deck wasn't made to abuse Dark Magician revival, though i already thought about the cards you suggested, it's just that i have to space for it and it changes what the deck is trying to do too much.

I also tested the deck vs Plant's, Counter Fairies and Archlord Kristia Fairies and was quite amazing by what the deck could do XD (vs the Archlord deck i made an infinite loop of Kristia + Colossal Fighter since Kristia always returns to the top of the deck)

descriptionTrain's Chaos Magician Revival Fun Deck EmptyRe: Train's Chaos Magician Revival Fun Deck

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