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descriptionThe Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido) EmptyThe Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido)

The Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3

Welcome everyone to the 3rd Season of the Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Tournament!
I, your favorite host shall be hosting the 3rd season of The Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror. In this particular tournament you shall be dueling all mirror matches as I provide a list of 25 cards you MUST use in your deck, although feel free to choose the other 15.

The rules for the tournament:

1. Respect your opponent. Arguments will be settled in a professional manner or else both participants will be booted.
2. You must at least contact your opponent via hamachi or PM before posting here that he/she is inactive. If 1 person shows activity and the other does not, the inactive player will be booted. If both are equally active but do not play their match by the deadline of the round, both will be booted.
3. There will be no extensions on when rounds will end. All deadlines are final.
4. You must use the 25 cards listed for each round. Your opponent can require you to verify that you have all the cards at the end of every duel. DO NOT LEAVE A DUEL UNTIL YOUR OPPONENT SAYS THEY TRUST YOUR DECK IS LEGAL.
5. All duels will be match duels (best 2/3). You can side in between duels, but your main deck must always contain the 25 required cards.
6. The September 2010 ban list is in effect. There is nothing banned except what is on the list.


There was a Total of 32 Players so The Top 8 Shall be Getting Prizes.

8th Place: 150 DP
7th Place: 200 DP
6th place: 400 DP
5th place: 600 DP
4th place: 800 DP
3rd place: 1000 DP + dorm upgrade (if applicable)
2nd place: 1500 DP + dorm upgrade (if applicable)
1st place: 2500 DP + Title change if desired + Medal (if not a previous tournie winner) + Dorm Upgrade (if applicable)


Hamachi Name:
Time Zone:

Hamachi network:

TBD by participation how many will be created and which you should join. Joining the net is 1 way of showing you were more active than your opponent in disputes of inactivity.

Now, start registering!! Registration will not last no more than 1 week, and may end before that.

Accepted participants:

DA Name -- HAM Name -- Time Zone

1. Ray1500 -- [KOUz Emblem of Sexiness] Ray1500 -- GMT -8
2. Placido -- Placido -- GMT +2
3. kyosuke kiryu -- kyosuke -- GMT -6
4. Xae -- {PX} Xae (XV) -- GMT -5
5. A L u c a r d -- ALucard -- GMT +2
6. RebornShadow -- RebornShadow -- GMT -5
7. Crow95 -- Crow95 -- GMT +2
8. MUFC -- [TS Hellviper] MUFC -- GMT +2
9. KratoS --[IT's spartan] Krat0$ -- GMT +3
10. Sam -- [TS' G6] Sam -- GMT +3
11. DrakonEX -- Drakon -- GMT +2
12. stify -- [FL's nub] Stify -- GMT +2
13. ssss -- ssss -- GMT +3
14. King Kaiba -- [IT's Moonwalker] King Kaiba -- GMT +2
15. Evil_Bakura -- {EX} Evil_Bakura -- GMT +1
16. buntage21 -- [The Twilight Night] buntaga21 -- GMT +1
17. Kira Amadeus --{TB}Kira Amadeus{DA} Admin -- GMT +2
18. KingMP94 -- KingMP94 -- GMT +2
19. FenixFX -- [TS Hellwind] FenixFX -- GMT +2
20. BliTz -- BliTz [The Phoenix] -- GMT -4
21. King of Fusion -- King of Fusion -- GMT +2
22. Edward. -- [LE's £§þåР4] Edward -- GMT -5
23. Enigma_m7 -- [LE El Nino] Enigma_m7 -- GMT +2
24. The_Dutch_Prince -- { EX's } Dutch Insanity -- GMT +1
25. Black Dragon -- Black Dragon -- GMT +3
26. _Vash_ -- [KOUs Diddy Kong] VashKong -- GMT -9
27. FinasLionheart -- Finas_Lionheart [TST - The Suffix Tree] -- GMT +7
28. Magician of Black Chaos -- |Ex|Mago-Kc Assistant] -- GMT -5
29. K7S7A -- K7S7A7 -- GMT +3
30. Pain -- Pain[KillSwitch]{FL`s Viper} -- GMT +2
31. FeeltheStar -- [FL's Gareth Bale] FTS -- GMT +2
32. Dashing -- Dashing -- GMT +2

Will Add More If Necessary

Last edited by Ray1500 on Mon Jan 17, 2011 11:25 pm; edited 15 times in total

descriptionThe Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido) EmptyRe: The Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido)

DEADLINE: December 29th Midnight GMT -8

Round 1 - Plant Synchro

Well starting off Round 1 I'll be choosing Plant Synchro, Why? Because It's My Favorite Meta Deck Currently. So let's begin.

Plant Synchro

x2 Lonefire Blossom
x2 Dandylion
x1 Tytannial, Princess of Camellias
x2 Debris Dragon
x1 Caius The Shadow Monarch
x1 Spore
x1 Glow-Up Bulb
x1 Card Trooper
x2 Ryko, The Lightsworn Hunter

2x Pot of Avarice
x1 Giant Trunade
x1 Cold Wave
x1 Monster Reborn
x1 Dark Hole
x1 Mystical Space Typhoon
x1 Foolish Burial
x1 Book of Moon

x2 Bottomless Trap Hole
x1 Torrential Tribute

As it will be with all rounds, the other 15 cards are entirely up to you. Here are the match-ups for this round.

Group A/Hamachi: MirrorA No Pass

MUFC -- [TS Hellviper] MUFC -- GMT +2


Pain -- Pain[KillSwitch]{FL`s Viper} -- GMT +2

Enigma_m7 -- [LE El Nino] Enigma_m7 -- GMT +2


King of Fusion -- King of Fusion -- GMT +2

Dashing -- Dashing -- GMT +2


Kira Amadeus --{TB}Kira Amadeus{DA} Admin -- GMT +2

FeeltheStar -- [FL's Gareth Bale] FTS -- GMT +2


DrakonEX -- Drakon -- GMT +2


Group B/Hamachi: MirrorB No Pass

stify -- [FL's nub] Stify -- GMT +2


KingMP94 -- KingMP94 -- GMT +2

Placido -- Placido -- GMT +2


Crow95 -- Crow95 -- GMT +2

A L u c a r d -- ALucard -- GMT +2


FenixFX -- [TS Hellwind] FenixFX -- GMT +2

King Kaiba -- [IT's Moonwalker] King Kaiba -- GMT +2


KratoS --[IT's spartan] Krat0$ -- GMT +3


Group C/Hamachi: MirrorC No Pass

Sam -- [TS' G6] Sam -- GMT +3


ssss -- ssss -- GMT +3

Black Dragon -- Black Dragon -- GMT +3


K7S7A -- K7S7A7 -- GMT +3

FinasLionheart -- Finas_Lionheart [TST - The Suffix Tree] -- GMT +7


buntage21 -- [The Twilight Night] buntaga21 -- GMT +1

The_Dutch_Prince -- { EX's } Dutch Insanity -- GMT +1


Evil_Bakura -- {EX} Evil_Bakura -- GMT +1


Group D/Hamachi: MirrorD No Pass

RebornShadow -- RebornShadow -- GMT -5


BliTz -- BliTz [The Phoenix] -- GMT -4

Edward. -- [LE's £§þåР4] Edward -- GMT -5


Magician of Black Chaos -- |Ex|Mago-Kc Assistant] -- GMT -5

Xae -- {PX} Xae (XV) -- GMT -5


kyosuke kiryu -- kyosuke -- GMT -6

Ray1500 -- [KOUz Emblem of Sexiness] Ray1500 -- GMT -8


_Vash_ -- [KOUs Diddy Kong] VashKong -- GMT -9

Last edited by Ray1500 on Wed Dec 29, 2010 8:21 am; edited 10 times in total

descriptionThe Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido) EmptyRe: The Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido)

DEADLINE: January 2nd Midnight GMT -8

Round 2 - Gravekeeepers

Starting the second round we have Gravekeepers, the deck that topped the YCS Atlanta in the top 3 slots.


x3 Gravekeeper's Spy
x2 Gravekeeper's Descendant
x2 Gravekeeper's Assailant
x2 Gravekeeper's Commandant
x1 Gravekeeper's Recruiter(Gravekeeper's Vassal is the Proxy for this)

x3 Necrovalley
x2 Pot of Duality
x2 Book of Moon
x1 Allure of Darkness
x1 Royal Tribute
x1 Gravekeeper's Stele
x1 Dark Hole
x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

x1 Mirror Force
x1 Solemn Warning
x1 Torrential Tribute

As it will be with all rounds, the other 15 cards are entirely up to you. Here are the match-ups for this round.

Hamachi: MirrorA No Pass

MUFC -- [TS Hellviper] MUFC -- GMT +2


DrakonEX -- Drakon -- GMT +2

Kira Amadeus --{TB}Kira Amadeus{DA} Admin -- GMT +2


KingMP94 -- KingMP94 -- GMT +2

Placido -- Placido -- GMT +2


A L u c a r d -- ALucard -- GMT +2

King Kaiba -- [IT's Moonwalker] King Kaiba -- GMT +2


Sam -- [TS' G6] Sam -- GMT +3


Hamachi: MirrorB / No Pass

Black Dragon -- Black Dragon -- GMT +3


buntage21 -- [The Twilight Night] buntaga21 -- GMT +1

Evil_Bakura -- {EX} Evil_Bakura -- GMT +1


BliTz -- BliTz [The Phoenix] -- GMT -4

Edward. -- [LE's £§þåР4] Edward -- GMT -5



kyosuke kiryu -- kyosuke -- GMT -6


Ray1500 -- [KOUz Emblem of Sexiness] Ray1500 -- GMT -8

For Those Who Had a BYE You immediately get an automatic win, although to prove you are active you are required to join the Hamachi Net.

Last edited by Ray1500 on Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:46 am; edited 7 times in total

descriptionThe Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido) EmptyRe: The Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido)

DEADLINE: January 6th Midnight GMT -8

Round 3 - Formula Monarchs

On To The 3rd Round, This Round shall have Formula Monarchs, an idea combing Frognarchs with the new released Formula Synchron to gain advantage. So Let's Begin!

Formula Monarchs

x3 Caius The Shadow Monarch
x3 Raiza the Shadow Monarch
x3 Battle Fader
x2 Treeborn Frog
x1 Light and Darkness Dragon
x1 Thestalos The Firestorm Monarch
x1 Gorz, The Emissary of Darkness
x1 Fishborg Blaster
x1 Swap Frog
x1 Tragoedia
x1 Ronintoadin

x2 Enemy Controller
x2 Soul Exchange
x1 Monster Reborn
x1 One for One
x1 Dark Hole

As it will be with all rounds, the other 15 cards are entirely up to you. Here are the match-ups for this round.

Hamachi: MirrorA No Pass

MUFC -- [TS Hellviper] MUFC -- GMT +2 2


KingMP94 -- KingMP94 -- GMT +2] 1

Placido -- Placido -- GMT +2 2


Sam -- [TS' G6] Sam -- GMT +3 0


Hamachi: MirrorB / No Pass

buntage21 -- [The Twilight Night] buntaga21 -- GMT +1 1


[BliTz -- BliTz [The Phoenix] -- GMT -4 2

Edward. -- [LE's £§þåР4] Edward -- GMT -5 0


kyosuke kiryu -- kyosuke -- GMT -6

Last edited by Ray1500 on Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:37 am; edited 7 times in total

descriptionThe Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido) EmptyRe: The Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido)

DEADLINE: January 12th Midnight GMT -8

Round 4 - Stardust Assault Mode

On The Semi-Finals we have an Assault Mode Mirror Match.

Stardust Assault Mode

x2 Stardust Dragon/Assualt Mode
x3 Gravekeeper's Spy
x1 Gravekeeper's Descendant
x2 Assault Beast
x1 Summoner Monk
x1 Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
x1 Sangan
x1 Cyber Dragon

x2 Book of Moon
x2 Mystical Space Typhoon
x1 Mind Control
x1 Dark Hole
x1 Monster Reborn
x1 Enemy Controller

x2 Assault Mode Activate
x1 Torrential Tribute
x1 Solemn Warning
x1 Solemn Judgment

As it will be with all rounds, the other 15 cards are entirely up to you. Here are the match-ups for this round.

Hamachi: MirrorA No Pass

MUFC -- [TS Hellviper] MUFC -- GMT +2


Placido -- Placido -- GMT +2


Hamachi: MirrorB / No Pass

BliTz -- BliTz [The Phoenix] -- GMT -4


kyosuke kiryu -- kyosuke -- GMT -6

Last edited by Ray1500 on Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:34 pm; edited 4 times in total

descriptionThe Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido) EmptyRe: The Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido)

DEADLINE: January 15th Midnight GMT -8

Round 5 - Scraps

And Today We Have Our Finals With Placido and Blitz. Today we are going to use the deck that swept all other decks in the DA YCS, that's right you love them, you know them, Scraps! Anyways Let's have a clean match and Good Luck To You Both.


x3 Scrap Chimera
x2 Scrap Goblin
x2 Scrap Beast
x2 Gravekeeper's Spy
x1 Scrap Golem
x1 Summoner Monk

x3 Scrapstorm
x2 Book of Moon
x2 Mystical Space Typhoon
x1 Monster Reborn
x1 Dark Hole
x1 Mind Control

x1 Dark Coffin
x1 Solemn Warning
x1 Torrential Tribute
x1 Mirror Force

As it will be with all rounds, the other 15 cards are entirely up to you. Here are the match-ups for this round.

Hamachi: MirrorA No Pass

BliTz -- BliTz [The Phoenix] -- GMT -4


Placido -- Placido -- GMT +2


For Title of 3rd Place in this tournament, MUFC and Kyosuke Will Duel.

Hamachi: MirrorB No Pass

MUFC -- [TS Hellviper] MUFC -- GMT +2


kyosuke kiryu -- kyosuke -- GMT -6

Last edited by Ray1500 on Sun Jan 16, 2011 7:02 pm; edited 4 times in total

descriptionThe Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido) EmptyRe: The Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido)

Uhh....USE PMS TO ARRANGE A TIME TO DUEL! You don't have to post here....

Posts deleted.

descriptionThe Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido) EmptyRe: The Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido)

i won blitz 2-0, Ggz.

descriptionThe Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido) EmptyRe: The Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido)


descriptionThe Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido) EmptyRe: The Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido)

Gratz To The Top 8:

8th: Buntaga21
7th: KingMp94
6th: Sam Tisdale
5th: Edward
4th: Kyosuke Kiryu
3rd: MUFC
2nd: Blitz
1st: Placido

Note: Admins Transfer Your Points, Handled Everyone Elses.

descriptionThe Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido) EmptyRe: The Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 3(Winner: Placido)

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