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descriptionDuelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale) EmptyDuelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale)

The Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2

Welcome everyone to the 2nd Season of the Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Tournament!
I, your amazing cat host shall show you just how much you can enjoy playing in mirror matches! That's right, all the duels here will be mirror matches! I will provide you with a list of 25 cards that must be included in your deck. The other 15+ cards will be up to you.

The rules for the tournament:

1. Respect your opponent. Arguments will be settled in a professional manner or else both participants will be booted.
2. You must at least contact your opponent via hamachi or PM before posting here that he/she is inactive. If 1 person shows activity and the other does not, the inactive player will be booted. If both are equally active but do not play their match by the deadline of the round, both will be booted.
3. There will be no extensions on when rounds will end. All deadlines are final.
4. You must use the 25 cards listed for each round. Your opponent can require you to verify that you have all the cards at the end of every duel. DO NOT LEAVE A DUEL UNTIL YOUR OPPONENT SAYS THEY TRUST YOUR DECK IS LEGAL.
5. All duels will be match duels (best 2/3). You can side in between duels, but your main deck must always contain the 25 required cards.
6. The March 2010 ban list is in effect. There is nothing banned except what is on the list.


TBD. Will be based upon total # of participants. # of participants will decide how many places receive prizes and how much they receive, so the more people who enter, the more places that will receive prizes, and the more each place will earn! Encourage your friends to enter!


hamachi name:
time zone:

Hamachi network:

TBD by participation how many will be created and which you should join. Joining the net is 1 way of showing you were more active than your opponent in disputes of inactivity.

Now, start registering!! Registration will not last no more than 1 week, and may end before that.

Accepted participants:

DA Name -- HAM Name -- Time Zone

1. nekofjung -- [TS Cat]Nekofjung -- GMT-6
2. BliTz -- Blitz[DA] -- GMT-4
3. .:MUFC:. -- [FE].::MUFC::. -- GMT+2
4. DrakonEX -- Drakon -- GMT+2
5. firestorm -- firestorm -- GMT+2
6. Sam Tisdale -- DLKz Assassin ~ Sam Tisdale -- GMT+3
7. bTw^Yusei Fudo -- bTw^Yusei Fudo -- GMT+1
8. shafi5557 -- shafi5557 -- GMT+0
9. Pilover -- DLK'z Legendary Knight - PiLover -- GMT+0
10. Evil_Bakura -- {EX} Evil_Bakura -- GMT+2
11. Italiano -- [LE's PєηαL] italiaησ -- GMT+1
12. Ichigo Hollow -- {EX} Ichigo Hollow -- GMT+2
13. Ballin1521 -- [LE's Chaos] Ballin1521 -- GMT-5
14. ghita2009 -- ghita2009 -- GMT+2
15. kyosuke kiryu -- Kyosuke Kiryu -- GMT-6
16. Crow95 -- EvilCrow -- GMT+2
17. svstar34 -- {LE's Bouncer} svstar34 -- GMT-8
18. teamyugioh5d -- yugioh5d -- GMT+1
19. Chazzprinceton -- [LE Saiko]EJ[DA Founder] -- GMT+2
20. EJ -- [LE Saiko]EJ[DA Founder] -- GMT+2
21. hamouda -- {PX}H@moud@ -- GMT+0
22. Enriki -- Enriki -- GMT-5
23. Enigma_m7 -- Enigma_m7 -- GMT+2
24. FenixFX -- [TS Hellwind] FenixFX -- GMT+2
25. JB -- JBourne -- GMT+2

Last edited by nekofjung on Wed May 26, 2010 10:30 am; edited 16 times in total

descriptionDuelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale) EmptyRe: Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale)

Round 1 - Synchro Cat

It's my tournie and I say that with a cat host it is only appropriate to start things off with a Cat deck! Here is the deck you'll be using for this round.

Synchro Cat

1x Rescue Cat
1x Summoner Monk
2x X-Saber Airbellum
1x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
1x Sangan
1x Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
1x Plaguespreader Zombie
2x Gravekeeper's Spy
1x Gravekeeper's Descendant
2x Caius the Shadow Monarch

2x Pot of Avarice
1x Mind Control
1x Brain Control
1x Giant Trunade
1x Cold Wave
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Solemn Judgment

As it will be with all rounds, the other 15 cards are entirely up to you. Here are the match-ups for this round. There were an odd number of competitors so 1 person received a BYE. All match-ups were made using random.org.

EJ -- [LE Saiko]EJ[DA Founder] -- GMT+2
DrakonEX -- Drakon -- GMT+2

Enigma_m7 -- Enigma_m7 -- GMT+2
Pilover -- DLK'z Legendary Knight - PiLover -- GMT+0

Ballin1521 -- [LE's Chaos] Ballin1521 -- GMT-5
shafi5557 -- shafi5557 -- GMT+0

Sam Tisdale -- DLKz Assassin ~ Sam Tisdale -- GMT+3
DQ DQ Crow95 -- EvilCrow -- GMT+2 DQ DQ

Evil_Bakura -- {EX} Evil_Bakura -- GMT+2
firestorm -- firestorm -- GMT+2

BliTz -- Blitz[DA] -- GMT-4
nekofjung -- [TS Cat]Nekofjung -- GMT-6


ghita2009 -- ghita2009 -- GMT+2
Ichigo Hollow -- {EX} Ichigo Hollow -- GMT+2

Enriki -- Enriki -- GMT-5
Italiano -- [LE's PєηαL] italiaησ -- GMT+1

.:MUFC:. -- [FE].::MUFC::. -- GMT+2
teamyugioh5d -- yugioh5d -- GMT+1

hamouda -- {PX}H@moud@ -- GMT+0
Chazzprinceton -- [LE Saiko]EJ[DA Founder] -- GMT+2

bTw^Yusei Fudo -- bTw^Yusei Fudo -- GMT+1
svstar34 -- {LE's Bouncer} svstar34 -- GMT-8

kyosuke kiryu -- Kyosuke Kiryu -- GMT-6

FenixFX -- [TS Hellwind] FenixFX -- GMT+2
JB -- JBourne -- GMT+2

If you are above the dashed line, join this ham:


If you are below the dashed line, join this ham:


The password for both networks is:


@Kyosuke: You have a bye which means you don't have to duel for the round, but in order to advance to the next round, you will have to join the proper hamachi net and make a post here stating "I am active." or else you will be dropped.

All duels for this round must finish by Wednesday, May 5 at midnight GMT+0. If you are not finished by then, the most active duelist will advance. If neither duelist is active (or if both are equally active but don't get around to dueling each other) I do not have a problem with doing a double forfeit.

Last edited by nekofjung on Wed May 05, 2010 10:52 pm; edited 10 times in total

descriptionDuelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale) EmptyRe: Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale)

Oh right before I forget, there were 23 entries. Therefore, I will give prizes to the top 6 players. Prizes will be the following:

6th place: 200 DP
5th place: 400 DP
4th place: 600 DP
3rd place: 1000 DP + dorm upgrade (if applicable)
2nd place: 1500 DP + dorm upgrade (if applicable)
1st place: 2500 DP + title change if desired + medal (if not a previous tournie winner) + dorm upgrade (if applicable)

Last edited by nekofjung on Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionDuelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale) EmptyRe: Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale)

Round 2 - Quickdraw

This round is going to be dedicated to the deck that won the most recent SJC. Here is what you'll be using:

Quickdraw DandyWarrior

2x Quickdraw Synchron
3x Debris Dragon
2x Dandylion
1x Sangan
2x Lonefire Blossom
1x Tytannial, Princess of Camelias
1x Caius the Shadow Monarch

1x Foolish Burial
1x Brain Control
1x Mind Control
2x Pot of Avarice
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Lightning Vortex
1x My Body as a Shield

2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Mirror Force

As always, the last 15 cards are up to you. Here are the match-ups for Round 2:

JB -- JBourne -- GMT+2
firestorm -- firestorm -- GMT+2

svstar34 -- {LE's Bouncer} svstar34 -- GMT-8
hamouda -- {PX}H@moud@ -- GMT+0 (FORFEIT)

Ballin1521 -- [LE's Chaos] Ballin1521 -- GMT-5
EJ -- [LE Saiko]EJ[DA Founder] -- GMT+2


nekofjung -- [TS Cat]Nekofjung -- GMT-6
Sam Tisdale -- DLKz Assassin ~ Sam Tisdale -- GMT+3

Pilover -- DLK'z Legendary Knight - PiLover -- GMT+0
.:MUFC:. -- [FE].::MUFC::. -- GMT+2

ghita2009 -- ghita2009 -- GMT+2
kyosuke kiryu -- Kyosuke Kiryu -- GMT-6

If you are above the dashed line, join this ham:


If you are below the dashed line, join
this ham:


The password
for both networks is:


All duels for this round must finish by Wednesday, May 12 at midnight GMT+0. If you are not finished by then, the most active duelist will advance. If neither duelist is active (or if both are equally active but don't get around to dueling each other) I do not havea problem with doing a double forfeit.

Last edited by nekofjung on Tue May 11, 2010 12:22 am; edited 2 times in total

descriptionDuelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale) EmptyRe: Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale)

Round 3 - Machina Gadgets

Congratulation to everyone who made it to this round since you all will be winning at least some DP. =D This round is dedicated to another newer deck-type that has seen some good tournament play. Same rules as previous rounds apply, so enjoy and here's the deck you'll be using!

Machina Gadgets

2x Red Gadget
2x Yellow Gadget
2x Green Gadget
2x Machina Fortress
3x Machina Gearframe
2x Machina Peacekeeper
1x Scrap Recycler

3x Machina Armored Unit
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Limiter Removal

1x Roll Out!
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute

And here are the pairings for Round 3:

Sam Tisdale -- DLKz Assassin ~ Sam Tisdale -- GMT+3
svstar34 -- {LE's Bouncer} svstar34 -- GMT-8

JB -- JBourne -- GMT+2
kyosuke kiryu -- Kyosuke Kiryu -- GMT-6

EJ -- [LE Saiko]EJ[DA Founder] -- GMT+2
.:MUFC:. -- [FE].::MUFC::. -- GMT+2

The only ham you need to join is DIMDA1 with password = DAFTW.

All duels for this round must finish by Wednesday, May 19 at midnight GMT+0. Good luck to all the remaining competitors!

Last edited by nekofjung on Sun May 16, 2010 12:13 am; edited 3 times in total

descriptionDuelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale) EmptyRe: Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale)

Round 4 - Froggy Monarchs
This round will feature another tournament deck that has been doing really well recently. If a tie occurs this round and I have to go into Bonus Rounds, the decks are going to get a bit more silly, but hopefully I won't need to punish you all with that, so good luck with deciding a winner this round. Here's the deck:

Froggy Monarchs

3x Caius the Shadow Monarch
3x Raiza the Storm Monarch
2x Treeborn Frog
2x Swap Frog
2x Substitoad
1x Gorz, Emissary of the Afterlife
1x Tragoedia

1x Foolish Burial
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Brain Control
2x Enemy Controller
2x Soul Exchange

2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Torrential Tribute

For this round, MUFC, Kyosuke, and Sam will all duel each other in a best 3/5 match and you will receive 1 point per game won. Person with the most points will win.

EJ and svstar will duel in a normal best 2/3 match to determine 4th and 5th place. They each lost their previous round matches 1-2, whereas JB lose 0-2 so he will take 6th place by default.

All duels should complete by Sunday, May 23 at midnight GMT+0.

descriptionDuelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale) EmptyRe: Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale)

Sam Tisdale Vs. MUFC 3-2 In my favor.
Sam Tisdale Vs. Kyosuke Kiryu 2-3 I can't believe the damn shuffler Oh Shit. I run 9 damn monarchs and i get none in open hand ... And i keep getting swap frog and foolish without monarchs...wtf....

Points till now : 5

Last edited by Sam Tisdale on Tue May 18, 2010 4:49 am; edited 4 times in total

descriptionDuelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale) EmptyRe: Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale)

Lost to Sam Tisdale 3-2...Man wtf i can't believe i was leading 0-2 and then he hit me to 3-2...I just hate 3/5.
Won against KK 3-1.
Points so far:5

Last edited by .::MUFC::. on Thu May 20, 2010 4:55 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionDuelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale) EmptyRe: Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale)

I will keep track of my duels here.

Kyosuke Kiryu vs Sam-Tisdale 3-2 I won... very good games mate =)
Kyosuke Kiryu vs MUFC. - 3-1 lost...

Points: 4 points.

descriptionDuelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale) EmptyRe: Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale)

Won against Kyosoke kiryu 3-1.Good games,so we have a tie between me and Sam,both of us have 5 points.

descriptionDuelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale) EmptyRe: Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale)

Come on EJ .. duel Svstar so we can move on :/

descriptionDuelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale) EmptyRe: Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale)

Ok, neither EJ nor svstar responded in this thread, but EJ is in the tournie ham, so he will receive the prize of 4th place while svstar receives 5th place. Kyosuke receives 3rd place for the 4 points he earned in the previous round which means things are down to just 1 final round! MUFC and Sam will play 1 more best 3/5 match duel to end this thing and here is the deck they'll be using!
Final Round - Sabers

1x X-Saber Airbellum
2x XX-Saber Emmersblade
3x XX-Saber Faultroll
1x XX-Saber Fulhelmknight
1x XX-Saber Ragigura

2x Saber Slash
1x Brain Control
1x Mind Control
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Giant Trunade
1x My Body as a Shield
1x Foolish Burial

3x Saber Hole
2x Gottoms Emergency Call
1x Torrential Tribute
2x Bottomless Trap Hole

Good luck and may the best duelist win and the 2nd best duelist take 2nd. =3

descriptionDuelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale) EmptyRe: Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale)

I won against MUFC 3-1. He made a mistake with Tuner's sheme And not knowing a ruling is ur fault man, Im sorry for this. Anyway It'd be a game for me since i had advantage and stardust would get back to me on the end phase ;], However those were some nice games ;]. And YAY finally won my 1st tourney on DA ! :D

EDIT : Damn i totally forgot to thank u xD. Thanks a million for hosting such a great tourney Neko, Keep it up Razz

Last edited by Sam Tisdale on Wed May 26, 2010 10:46 am; edited 2 times in total

descriptionDuelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale) EmptyRe: Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale)


descriptionDuelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale) EmptyRe: Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale)

6th - JB
5th - svstar
4th - EJ
3rd - kyosuke kiryu
2nd - MUFC

1st - Sam Tisdale

Gratz to all top finishers and a big gratz to Sam for his 1st DA tournie win.

descriptionDuelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale) EmptyRe: Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale)

Prizes given out, tournie locked. Good job everyone.

descriptionDuelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale) EmptyRe: Duelist-Imprisoning Mirror Season 2 (winner = Sam Tisdale)

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