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60 Seconds rule.

Kira Amadeus
7 posters

description60 Seconds rule. Empty60 Seconds rule.

Hi DA Staff. I'm sorry if it's wrong place for this but I'm always bad about choose places. OK I want to say:

Flood control is active on this forum, please wait 60 second(s) before replying or posting.

This rule is nonsense, no offense please. It really annoys me. Tean seconds are minimum and best.

description60 Seconds rule. EmptyRe: 60 Seconds rule.

That rule stops the spammers, so no need for removing it.

description60 Seconds rule. EmptyRe: 60 Seconds rule.

I agree with MUFC but i never recived that Smile)

description60 Seconds rule. EmptyRe: 60 Seconds rule.

i always recive that >.>

description60 Seconds rule. EmptyRe: 60 Seconds rule.

Kira Amadeus wrote:
I agree with MUFC but i never recived that Smile)

admins dun see it :]
the rule si ok, but its will be better to make it 60sec only to post again, cuz i see that message when i try to edit my post before these 60secunds.

description60 Seconds rule. EmptyRe: 60 Seconds rule.

There are other academies too not using this many seconds and there is no spam. I don't think it stops spam. It just annoys.

description60 Seconds rule. EmptyRe: 60 Seconds rule.

its a good thing annoying people xD
cuz this way maybe that people will be so annoyed that wont spam so early :D

description60 Seconds rule. EmptyRe: 60 Seconds rule.

Flood control will remain at 60 seconds. That is a reasonable amount of time. I have seen other forums that do 300 seconds, so be happy that it is only 60 here. Flood control prevents spammers, and very importantly, spambots, from ruining the forums. I have seen it before (and had to personally deal with) spambots on a forum that managed to make 100+ posts inside of an hour just because there was no flood control. That is quite insane work for moderators to deal with constantly trying to ban the spambots and delete all the posts. What can be even worse is there are some crazy forum-goers out there who will do insane amounts of spam and if you ban them they create another account. You IP ban them and they switch to another IP. The flood protection drastically helps the forum staff with dealing with these types of forum threats. Again I will stress, 60 seconds between posts is not an absurd amount and although perhaps it may be more than some forums, it is less than many others.

description60 Seconds rule. EmptyRe: 60 Seconds rule.

Thanks for very nice answer nekofjung. Smile

description60 Seconds rule. EmptyRe: 60 Seconds rule.


description60 Seconds rule. EmptyRe: 60 Seconds rule.

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