-2 Fine (-1)
-2 Cheerful Coffin(-1)
-2 Dangerous Machine(???)
-2 Newdoria(???)
-2 Dark Resonator(Raven can synchro faster)
-1 Vandalgyon (???)
-1 BlackHorn of Heaven(???)
+1 Rigorous Reaver
+1 Reign Beaux (Overlord?)
+1 Card Destruction
+2 Darkness Neosphere (Backup, DW monster has 2500 max atk)
+2 Fiend Roar Deity Raven
+2 Forced Requisition (rapes your opponent hand)
+3 Creature Swap (Swap morphing/Reaver for 2nd effect of DW)
+Synchro monster definitely
the rest is up to you but adding gorz/trago wouldn't hurt, but please tune it down into 40-43
having card like Morphing jar/Card Destruction in the opening hand would be great.