• Hosted more often!
  • Better match up of the duelists that may not be as skilled
  • Make sure the tournament host is online for the entire duration of the tournament.
  • An ELO tableboard
  • The live tournaments are aright, just boring with the same people
  • Schedule for the  tournaments
  • Variation in the types of tournament.
  • Active moderation (i.e., judges spectating on matches to catch cheating.
  • Not be set at one fixed time so everyone could have a chance to participate. I played during my vacations but now that they are over I can’t participate in them as they happen at 1 AM in my time zone which is far too late for me. 
  • When signing up, have participants say which 2/3 platforms they use to ensure all participants are able to face against each other. This will prevent instances of people joining with only one platform. As a counterbalance, there can be an occasional tournament that only uses one platform for the people that can only use one (for some reason).
  • I often see either not enough participation or too much, and people who are late aren't included. Maybe there could be multiple tourneys depending on the number of players?

    Lets discuss which one of these suggestions will work and how to implement them.