With the recent teasers that synchros are getting released and judging by the icon change to Yusei on the game, we will be getting the 5Ds world really soon. A lot of people are complaining saying that "synchro is bullshit and duel links was supposed to be for the oldschool players" well it has been 3 years since DL got released and in order for it not to remain stale I really like that we are getting this update. GX world was a complete hit but it sped up the game so much with archtypes like destiny heroes and Dark Worlds etc. It is possible to spam the board now and to finish up your opponent in 1-2 turns if you draw your combo.When the synchros get out though I have a feeling that the characters released will bring their ace monsters with them, which means that you will have access to all 5 dragons just by unlocking the characters, which is crazy strong. Stardust dragon is like mad strong in DL since you cant destroy cards while he is there you have to summon a bigger monster to get rid of it or play dark cores. Black rose will have its broken use as usual and there might be some combos with ancient fairy and powertool dragon as well. That might mean that most decks will be synchro oriented decks and the others will be synchro countering decks. Other problem is that you will have only 5 extra deck slots giving you almost no flexability - you would have to focus on summoning the same monster every game and hope it works. Quasar decks or Red Nova Decks if those cards get released will be almost impossible to summon with the 3 monster slots.
Well that is what I think about that, what do you think guys - are synchros good or bad for the game and are we expecting XYZ's in an year?
Well that is what I think about that, what do you think guys - are synchros good or bad for the game and are we expecting XYZ's in an year?