Hello ladies and gentleman! We have came to a closing to another successful tournament for Duel Links. Thank you for those who participated.

This tournament was not like the other one. I banned most of the "tier 1 decks" in this tournament and I am surprised to say that we had some diverse decks this format. But only one had to reign supreme! And that is Xecovik's Ice Barrier OTK deck!

[img]Duel Links Tournament #2 Winning Deck Unknown

Originally his deck had "Restart" skill since this tournament began before the new skill nerfs. Just in time before the top 4 he asked to use "Destiny Draw". This deck went undefeated. (technically, since the draw in last round was due to time zone issues with opponent). That gave him a draw.

This deck is a standard Ice Barrier which focuses on OTK'ing opponents.

Here is some fun facts on what decks were used this tournament.

2x Crystal Beasts
2x Alien
1x Chain Reaction 
1x Machina (machine based deck)
1x Aromages
1x Destiny Fusion (Destiny Heroes)
1x Dragonic Knights (Dragon based deck)
1x Dragon Overlords (Dragon based deck)
1x Water Based deck
