Hello ladies and gentleman! I bring to you the winning deck for our DA's Duel Links Tournament!

This deck is provided to you by our member @evowarrior5 and it's a Destiny Masked Hero deck. This deck brought home the title for this tournament, and he even went 6-1 the whole tournament. (With the only lost being @Hase0, one of the other finalists.) The only rule that we added to this tournament was that we allowed our players to have a 5 card side deck limit. We did not ban any decks or cards this tournament. 

His Masked Hero deck uses Skill: Restart, which allows him to get rid of any possible starting bad hands. 

I bring to you his deck list. This is being shared with his permission of course.

Duel Academy Duel Links Tournament 1 - EvoWarrior5’s Deck: 

Skill: Restart 

Monsters: (9)

3x Destiny Hero – Decider 
3x Destiny Hero – Celestial 
3x Destiny Hero – Drilldark 

Spells: (10) 

2x Cosmic Cyclone 
3x Mask Change 
2x Forbidden Chalice 
1x Super Rush Headlong 
2x Enemy Controller 

Traps: (1) 

1x Treacherous Trap Hole

Side Deck: (5)

2x Chaos Hunter
1x Cosmic Cyclone
1x System Down
1x Different Dimension Ground

Congratulations once again!