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[End] TCG September Tournament

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10 posters

description[End] TCG September Tournament - Page 2 Empty[End] TCG September Tournament

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[End] TCG September Tournament - Page 2 Tcg_generic_header-672x372

Welcome to the TCG September Tournament!

Rules: Swiss Rounds based on number of players.

Banlist: Current TCG banlist (no OCG exclusive cards are allowed)

Deck restriction: NONE (you can play all your degenerate decks that fit the TCG banlist) You cannot change decks during the course of the tournament. A screenshot of the last game(final deciding game) is required to confirm who won OR conformation from both players on the forum (you can also message me directly). To make sure you are not cheating by changing cards as the tournament goes on I would need a screenshot of your deck before the start of first round sent to me as a private message. I will randomly check on people and if you suspect somebody of cheating, let me know and I will investigate.

Disconnecting and cheating

Click :

Game Format - 2 out of 3 Match duels

You can play on any platform that supports the newest Yu Gi Oh Field with the extra monster zones and Link cards! 

(Dueling Book is recommended and don't run it on Chrome because it crashes, use a different browser)

Prices are Dueling Points ,which you can spend at our shop for various items ,and a custom made gfx for the first place winner made by our kind staff(me) 

So Rewards:

1st place - 1200 DP dorm upgrade and a GFX
2nd place - 600 DP
3rd place - 300 DP

Signed up so far:

1.DA Name : MetaphysHunter/In-game Name : MetaphysHunter/Time Zone : Eastern 
2.DA Name : TricMagic/In-game Name : TricMagic/Time Zone : Global UTC -6
3.DA: CutieLucie83/Duelingbook: Lucie/Irish Standard Time (GMT +01:00)
4.DA Name : Olethros/IGN: Olethros/Time Zone : BST
5.DA Name: Susanoo/IGN: Susanoo!/Time Zone:Eastern
6.DA Name: ploalexis/in-game db name: ploalexis/time zone:eastern
7.DA Name : Atlus/In-game Name : Atlus/Time Zone : +2
8.DA name: bladecharge/in-game name: bladecharge or thebladecharge/time zone est
9.DA Name : DarkAngel/In-game Name : Dark Angel/Time Zone : CET+1
10.DA Name : WondeRy/In-game Name : Wondery/ Time Zone : Eastern

The people that did not send me decklists -> I will check on you to make sure you are not cheating so be very afraid. I added myself to the tournament because otherwise one person gets a free win each round. If I win first place 2nd place will get all the prices and 3rd will get the 2nd price and so on.

Tournament Ended!

You have 3 days to find your opponent and play. If your opponent refuses to play screen shot the conversation and send it to me.If a majority of duelists did not duel till the deadline I will give everybody one more day to duel. If the majority of duelists finished their duel the inactive players will get one warning and game loss.2nd warning will be equal to dropping out of the tournament. I hope you all take this tournament seriously and play fair. Good luck and have fun!

[End] TCG September Tournament - Page 2 Captur18

Challonge Link

Last edited by WondeRy on Sun Sep 24, 2017 12:06 am; edited 15 times in total

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*cries in kaijju*
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