well I thought of these without really thinking about where the archtype is going so if anyone has an idea for a card or a pic i can use that would be great (but we all no that no one is going to help me exept maybe @Bladecharge or @Cinque )
Dark Cult Disciple, Zendar of the Red Eye
monster, effect, Dark, level 5, spellcaster
you can special summon this card from your hand by paying 1000 life points. when ever you pay life points to activate a card effect, you can increase this card's ATK by the amount of life points payed. You can tribute a monster you control to inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. You can only activate this effect of 'Dark Cult Disciple, Zin of the Red Eye' once per turn
ATK 0 DEF 2000
Dark Cult Disciple, Urvon of the Blue Eye
monster, effect, Dark, level 5, spellcaster
you can special summon this card from your hand by tributeing a monster you control. when ever you tribute a monster(s) to activate a card effect, you can increase this card's ATK by the amount of ATK those monster(s) had on the field. You can pay 1000 life points you control to inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. You can only activate this effect of 'Dark Cult Disciple, Urvon of the Blue Eye' once per turn
ATK 0 DEF 2000
Dark Cult Disciple, Naradas of the White Eyes
monster, effect, Dark, level 5, spellcaster
If you control no monsters you can summon this card from your hand. You can either tribute a monster you control or pay 1000 life point to activate one of these effects.
Gain 2000 life points
summon one 'Dark Cult' monster from your hand or grave
you can only activate each effect of 'Dark Cult Disciple, Naradas of the White Eyes' once per turn
ATK 2500 DEF 0
Dark Cult Disciple, Zendar of the Red Eye
monster, effect, Dark, level 5, spellcaster
you can special summon this card from your hand by paying 1000 life points. when ever you pay life points to activate a card effect, you can increase this card's ATK by the amount of life points payed. You can tribute a monster you control to inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. You can only activate this effect of 'Dark Cult Disciple, Zin of the Red Eye' once per turn
ATK 0 DEF 2000
Dark Cult Disciple, Urvon of the Blue Eye
monster, effect, Dark, level 5, spellcaster
you can special summon this card from your hand by tributeing a monster you control. when ever you tribute a monster(s) to activate a card effect, you can increase this card's ATK by the amount of ATK those monster(s) had on the field. You can pay 1000 life points you control to inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. You can only activate this effect of 'Dark Cult Disciple, Urvon of the Blue Eye' once per turn
ATK 0 DEF 2000
Dark Cult Disciple, Naradas of the White Eyes
monster, effect, Dark, level 5, spellcaster
If you control no monsters you can summon this card from your hand. You can either tribute a monster you control or pay 1000 life point to activate one of these effects.
Gain 2000 life points
summon one 'Dark Cult' monster from your hand or grave
you can only activate each effect of 'Dark Cult Disciple, Naradas of the White Eyes' once per turn
ATK 2500 DEF 0