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[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

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14 posters

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! Empty[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

There is a very low number of TCG [ Banlist & Cardpool ] tournaments on Duel Academy right now. All I see is TCG + OCG card pool and tournament organisers too afraid of the word meta, so afraid they ban decks to create an abortion that is that tournament's meta game. That has to stop, if competitive Yu-Gi-Oh! is what you seek (Tournaments are competitions, so tournament play = competitive play) then provide the participants with eather OCG Banlist + Cardpool or TCG Banlist + Cardpool, host a propper tournament, please!

Activate events, Mafia should not be the most active event on Duel Academy. I do enjoy Mafia but that ain't why we are here, the forum is slowly turning into WDA and that is allso not what people are here for, promote the game that unites the userbase a bit more, organise more stuff, write articles and tutorials to justify the name Duel Academy.

Get the team scene up and going, it does wonders to community and forum activity.

And build the damn wall!

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

We play ygo, ygo includes every card released. There is no harm in ocg cards as well, seeing as tcg might even get the same cards a week late. If people wanna play tcg only for some reason , they simply state so and duel. No one fears meta, some people play it, some don't, it's just that the meta right now makes the game very dull and people wanna have fun. 

As for mafia being the most active event we have, it kinda is and isn't. It's a fun game and people like to play it, therefore it's hosted.

Also tcg/ocg cardpool is the same game, its not like you are using ocg rulings or ocg only so that the game is completely different, it's also the most competitive version of the game, seeing as to how players adjust almost daily to new cards, instead of waiting a year for an archetype (ddd) to even drop in the tcg. It's the same game. 

Also we have tournies, circuit ladder and all that, but with dn dying, most quit because they can't handle change. You can see for yourself that all tournies hosted atm have gone stale because there is simply not enough interest in using ygopro systems to duel. 
If you still have some way of reviving the DA craze you crave, then by all means bring something to the table.

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

Well, I am here actually because of Mafia :/ 

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

The deal with OCG cards in TCG banlist is that presance of these decks could result in unstopable decks, and impose a tournament in whom one deck is going to go on a bloody rampage as it has more support than it does in OCG or has less decks that control it and slow it down. It has happen o' so many times that OCG card pool decks dominate "OCG + TCG" format, as they simply have too much shit and little opposition. Every time KONAMI releases a new expansion they adjust the banlist to it, and provide answers to some new strategies in said expansion.

Meta stands for most played decks, so you are telling me most played decks are making the game less fun? Why do people play decks if not to have fun? You say that having to edit your deck "daily" is the most compeditive way to play the game? I am sorry but that does not follow the laws of logic, daily release od cards makes it more dynamic but not more compeditive, what does make it more compeditive is people playing consistent decks, now without "meta" (Decks that are popular because they are consistent) that compeditivness is less then it originally would have been.

"It is the same game" argument would have been valid when TCG and OCG had the same banlist, it does not work anymore and if you would put this statement on a stack of paper wind would 100% wreck the stack. Why OCG cards make the meta game of tournaments and abortion I explained before and will not get into again.

End note:
Every format people say that "meta" makes the game less fun and unfair, only time people did not bitch was during the secound Wind-Up format, and then someone figured out Rescue Rabbit and people started saying what they allways had and allways will.

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

Because i don't see how playing generic 1+1=2 always decks and that they stop opponent from even playing is fun. And again if you like tier 0 decks, just ask for that tier of a duel, one would happily oblige.

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

You really need to fix the issue with Editor Mode in replies @Anzo I just posted a paragraph and it shows up blank like its been doing for a while now

I'll cut what I said short, host tournaments that appeal to both sides of the world. It's not beyond DA's capability to run a tournament in both TCG and OCG. While this may split up tournaments, and possibly cause some activity issues, DA isn't some place that isn't willing to test the waters (at least when I was active staff). Some however will have to be TCG+OCG (Worlds). Anyone who is truly competitive will play both, but its nice to be able to focus on one's tournament format (for me its TCG) since before even considering something on international level, you have to win in your country.

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

the problem is not OCG or TCG when it comes to tournaments lol

chet, the problem is not enough participants and half of the actual participants if we got enough sometimes dont even duel after signing up

So the laziness spreads on and staff become lazy, and users become lazy.

so most ppl dont even bother to do anything now lol, and half of us dont do shet just because the others are not doing shet. This actually been happening for a while now......

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

I agree with most of what Skitters said. I've been saying some of those things since I joined actively. The REAL problem tho, as Paramsy said, is activity. There are people to play the game, like myself, you, Crimson and many more. But problem is that sometimes we wanna get into a tournament and then don't play. That is because the state of the academy overall is pretty bad. We admittedly have more active members now then before 2 months, but everything feels empty. Everything feels stale.

Now there are 2 parts of this problem: 1) The game has become less fun AND competitive. That is mostly due to players not being creative and trying decks that can counter decks like D/D/D or Shiranuis or ABC. Decks are far from overpowered, tho Shiranuis are definitely going that way. 2) DN died. Little or less this was the beginning of the end for many people. It was, for most, a place to chill and make friends, have fun and get angry at stupid noobs and long awaited admins that are even worse at rullings (Sorry...). Overall the experience was great. And when it ended, people started loosing interest in the game. Not even trying to give YGOpro a chance. So more then half of our community slowly died. After time they might return, but till then...

One thing on tournamnets. You need to have something for everybody. Get people involved. Have like one tournament a month that is hosted by a member and co-hosted by a staff. Have a regular wekly tournament. NEVER close a tournament. If you have to, flip a coin on all matches, but end the thing. And keep doing it and doing it, till activity rises.

@Anzo, why don't you spam emails to some old members, maybe they can join again? We need to go on YGOpro and try and get some people to join as well. There is ways, we just need to stop being lazy and discuss them and make them happen. 

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

Pointing out the problems won't really improve the situation, will it? 

We all know what the problems are. 

A wise man called @DDS once said: "be the change you wanna see"

Complain less and do more.

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

I've been doing a lot of shit since I came Razz 

We are now more active...

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

You make it sound like you are the only reason DA got a slight dueling boost in recent weeks. 

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

Actually, to some extent Razz 

I was the one that actively started dueling and making more people duel me. Then came Dazo and shit. Then Jolty desided to start dueling more again...we had 2 wars and a 3 is running atm. 

So...nuf said. Xd 

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

That's cool. 

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

When you don't have anything to say...

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

I have many things to tell, I'm just not sure would you like to hear them. Hence I have decided to keep them for myself. 

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

Summary: All of you can write really really long.

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

I would like to add I am obviously joking, tho I am trying to do my best to get this place active, mostly by being active. 

So @Lux, It would be nice to give your opinion. 

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

No offense Skit but I think you shouldn't bother much with this as you went with Amy and left this place behind when it was hardest for us. But still, members are the ones who are most responsible for future of this Academy

DA ditched articles 2 years ago and Anzo said multiple times that he has no intention bringing them back. When you think about it, he was right even though I was first against removing classrooms, articles and professor team. Right now, we are not in the position to bring back activity in that way. We don't even have staffers who can write quality articles unless it is an archetype or card reviews like jjh and Naito did. We also haven't realised how much did we depend on DN because when we reached top activity it was because of our tournaments and events. The main problem is lack of online players, big number of them is lost and our World Championship could probably be delayed. Jin once made all staffers participate in every event and tournament just to boost things up and which eventualy did turn out good and brought other player in too.
My opinion:
-Advertise this place on smaller comunities that have small links to online player groups. Spams, e-mails, admins know how...
-Host new stuff where staffers along with members who play will get everybody's attention. Give people some custom thingies.
-Reduce the prices, add new items and bring back awards with fancy ranks, userbars and other similar things once we get people around, if we get them actually. Every GFXer can help, I believe Anzo has the PSD files.
-Keep the side events still open. At least SotW and Mafia are most active.

k. thnx, bye <3

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

I know this is out of topic, but an article about the history of DA would be something I would love. The thing with Amy and stuff is something that would make a great story...@Anzo make it happen lol. 

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

Pepchoninga wrote:
I know this is out of topic, but an article about the history of DA would be something I would love. The thing with Amy and stuff is something that would make a great story...@Anzo make it happen lol. 

We need to look towards future, not past lmao

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

I said it just because it would be interesting for newer members like myself to learn trough what has this academy been trough. 

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

It's not worth of a mention.
New members don't experience this place as you, me and other oldies do. Though they find out about it all sooner or later. Also, Cent really described what happened here not so long ago [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! 3974120512

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

We really dont need the depression of old members now. Help sure, but no use talking about the past

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

I just wanna know the history of this place and what is got trough...

But then again, it might be just me...

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

Also @galaksii, half of our staff team duels lol

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

CrimsonOverlord wrote:
Also @galaksii, half of our staff team duels lol

It should be that way, I'd help you too with tournies but I can't duel and I'm slowly disapearing because of school and life :'<

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

I don't see why are we seperating members into 'old' and 'new'. We are all here together. But if I have noticed something that is that 'old' members are not really fond of the new ones.

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

@Galaksii, I did not leave the academy when it was the hardest for it, what are you on about? I joined as staff on Amy's site but I was still staff here and I did do my job well. The reason I quit staffing here is that Itallian guy who joined staff, I forgot his name but I do remember he used to spam single card discussions just so he would seam as most active member here. So no I did not leave DA for DAi ._. .

Anyway, suggestions if they are okay should not be judged based on whom said them. Even if I was "the enemy" (wich I am not). Devaluing a suggestion based on who proposed it is a logical falacy, here take this https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/ad-hominem .

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

I think you think about @Jv

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

old members (those who once stopped DA for a while and came back) don't fit with the new ones is only natural lol, I mean afterall, even irl shet works like that. Like you here ppl say "OMG this is shet now it was waaaay better years ago EGAO heh" right?

As for the passive aura regarding YGO in DA? as I said half of us are just affected my the laziness by other ppl. It should be my job to think of doing something, so gl hf me

description[Suggestion] Make DA Great Again! EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Make DA Great Again!

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