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Post time on the latest posts

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6 posters

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyPost time on the latest posts

Can you add the post times back to the latest posts? I have no idea which posts are new or old the order seems awkward to me for some reason. Adding post time would take care of this and show how long ago a post was made from a first glance at the board. :L Just a quality of life change  bounce

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

What would you care about the post time about? All latest topics are the recent topics for the last day or so, the difference in hours shouldn't matter.

I basically took it down because we don't have enough space for topics title + username + post time.

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

Post time is useless.

Besides, you can see posts while you're gone by clicking on a widget: http://prntscr.com/c4c1dr

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

He means have an order that the new posts appear at the top and so on. For now new posts are all over the place and you really just notice that it is new if you see someone with a different name has posted in said topic.

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

They are on top lol.

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

I realize that space would definitely be an issue. But they're all over the place and it's awkward I don't know. It's just a QOL change. But I guess I understand. :/

The main reason I care is because I don't know really know the order for new posts. Is it up/down each column or left to right.. If the post times were the this wouldn't be an issue. xD

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

Newest posts fill from top to the bottom, and from left to right. 

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

It basically takes a horizontal shape, similar to this:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, etc

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

Yep, and glad we got more latest topics now ^.^

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

and but sad that we dont have the top poster chart anymore in homepage


^its here tho

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

I though we need a special access to that page.

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

o fk well I didnt know lol

guess only staffs can see it

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

Nop, I can access the forum that's why I had that voice of surprise Post time on the latest posts 3974120512 

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

well guess u dont need special access to it then

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

That activity drop though. 

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

We're monitoring it QQ

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

well its not the first time for activity drop so its ok

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

I mean this happens every year. Lmao. School is starting again.

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

That's funny...In GDA activity droped over the summer and got up when school started...

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

GDA's activity would always drop during holidays, yea. 

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

I myself have always liked academys more during school time...oh well i do hope that this place gets more active soon...tho with you lot not playing any yugimons nowadays...

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

Funny thing is that even when Duel Academy is not "as active" it's still quite active and great forum to hang around. I think that the activity is very solid at the moment, especially considering this is a yugioh forum.

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

Most definetly. The topics are active there people in chat that you can hang out with. Hopefully Mafia will come soon so we will have something to play and keep us occupied. Definitely shows that this is the biggest Yugioh forum. When everything falls only the things with a strong foundation stand tall...

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

Dn dying was like heart being ripped out for many. Activity imo is top these days with all the topics always active.

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

Yeah but not having the dueling and the tournament to look for, it just kinda feels empty...like yeah it a great place to hang, but it seems like there is no purpose...

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

You should have joined DA like 7-8 months ago Pep Razz 

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

Dueling will be back soon. It's just that time of the year that most take a break

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

Well even tho i really hope tou are right, I don't see how people are gonna come back to it. To many of them have gone to the state that some of our members are atm...

Yeah Lux shame really...was too busy with teenage problems...glad i got trough them tho...still would've liked to be part of the academy in its best times...

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

I know I am not coming back in the world of dueling.

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

Well that's hard words to say, but it's a game that can't really occupy you for a massive period of time if you are not playing it competitively, so never say never...let's hope one day we will all return to it, since this is the reason for this place to be made after all...

descriptionPost time on the latest posts EmptyRe: Post time on the latest posts

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