So with the new skin we're going to bring back the notorious achievements system which nobody really liked back at the time. And I say notorious because the last time we had it we didn't really put our hearts into it, and eventually we ended up removing it. This time we tried to be better at our jobs and actually pour more effort to make it work. The new achievements system will be displayed in both your profile and messages, and it'll apply on past achievements as well - that is, if you've won a tournament 3 years ago, you'd still get the 'Win a Tournament' achievement and unlock the icon permanently.
Earning achievements should be one way to have fun around here
You can check all of our available achievements by following this link: http://www.duelacademy.net/h34-achievements
This is how they'd display in your profile: http://prntscr.com/c1va1c
We're going to roll it out in a couple of days, we still have few things to work out before we kick things off. If you've got any questions please do let me know.
So with the new skin we're going to bring back the notorious achievements system which nobody really liked back at the time. And I say notorious because the last time we had it we didn't really put our hearts into it, and eventually we ended up removing it. This time we tried to be better at our jobs and actually pour more effort to make it work. The new achievements system will be displayed in both your profile and messages, and it'll apply on past achievements as well - that is, if you've won a tournament 3 years ago, you'd still get the 'Win a Tournament' achievement and unlock the icon permanently.
Earning achievements should be one way to have fun around here
You can check all of our available achievements by following this link: http://www.duelacademy.net/h34-achievements
This is how they'd display in your profile: http://prntscr.com/c1va1c
We're going to roll it out in a couple of days, we still have few things to work out before we kick things off. If you've got any questions please do let me know.