Monsters = 20
Archfiend Soldier x 2
ShadowKnight Archfiend x 1
TerrorKing Archfiend x 1
VilePawn Archfiend x 2
InfernoQueen Archfiend x 1
ImpressionedQueen Archfiend x 2
Archfiend General x 1
DarkBishop Archfiend x 2
Desrook Archfiend x 2
Mist Archfiend x 1
Skull Archfiend of Lightning x 2
Pandemonium Watchbear x 2

Spells = 10
Pandemonium x 3
Lightning Vortex x 1
Monster Reborn x 1
Heavy Storm x 1
Mystical Space Typhoon x 1
Terraforming x 1
Archfiend's Oath x 1
Fissure x 1

Traps = 12
Bottomless Trap Hole x 1
Trap Hole x 1
Torrential Tribute x 1
Dice Re-Roll x 3
Dark Bribe x 2
Archfiend's Roar x 2
Mirror Force x 1
Sakuretsu Armor x 1

The deck does not really have a main card to get out on the field, but its best to try to dominate with it. So post any suggestions you may have for it plz.