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Get your game on!

descriptionstar dust/ red archfiend dragon deck Emptystar dust/ red archfiend dragon deck

rate or fix please.

side deck: 10

Stardust Dragon x 3 - lv 8
Red Dragon Archfiend x 3 - lv 8
Majestic Star Dragon x 2 - lv 10
Majestic Red Dragon x 2 - lv 10

monsters: 18

Guard of Flamvell x 3 - lv 1
Axe Dragonute x 2 - lv 4
Vice Dragon x 2 - lv 5
The Dragon dwelling in the Cave x 2 - lv 4
Twin-Headed Behemoth x 2 - lv 3
Dark Resonator x 3 - lv 3 - tuner
Trap Eater x 2 - lv 4 - tuner
Majestic Dragon x 2 - lv 1 - tuner

spells: 15

Monster Reborn x 1
Swords of Revealing Light x 1
Swords of Concealing Light x 3
Book of Moon x 2
Nobleman of Crossout x 3
Monster Reincarnation x 2
Mystical Space Typhoon x 1

Traps: 10

Scrap-Iron Scarecrow x 3
Radiant Mirror Force x 3
Mirror Force x 1
Draining Shield x 2
Raigeki Break x 1

I'm aware its random, so don't point that out but there are no dragon arch types out and I wanted to stick to dragons cause of my synchros, even though I've never played with dragons before, ever.

descriptionstar dust/ red archfiend dragon deck EmptyRe: star dust/ red archfiend dragon deck

ok here goes..

first of all i dont advice you to combine both majestic dragons on one single deck why?

1. Both of them are really strong... very,very,very strong
2. there effects collaborate with each other
3. when there is a time to summon him youll be confused on who choose
(note: in every duel luck i think you can only summon 0-2 majestic dragons in a duel)
4. and if i were to choose which dragon would stay i would choose majestic star dragon.... after all he has more effects than the red one...

now if you say i dont care! of whats above... then lets get started shall we?

now as i see your deck i think youre focusing to summon the
"majestic dragons"
and the other cards defend youre feild until you summon one...

now the question here is: what will happen if you fail to summon the dragon? (you cant just cry right.?)

the only way to answer that question is to change youre deck to somthing that can stand on its own without the "majestics" and also gives you a
30-50% chance to summon the dragon..

now i want you to study this deck and every monster effect they have and the traps & spells too..

(note: this is not to be copied by anyone, and this is not my deck list...)
also a cute reminder this is not what you call perfect but its okay to study it...

(this came from a nice guy named: -Lux Luccis Oppugno-)

Total Cards - 41

Monsters (20)
2x Stardust Xiaolong
3x Majestic Dragon
3x Masked Dragon
3x Mist Valley Soldier
2x Red-Eyes Wyvern
2x Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
2x Psychic Commander
1x Sangan
1x Hyper Synchron
1x Summoner Monk

Spells (14)
3x Heart of Clear Water
1x Future Fusion
2x Gold Sarcophagus
2x Lightning Vortex
2x Instant Fusion
1x Emergency Teleport
1x One for One
2x Forbidden Chalice

Traps (7)
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Dark Bribe
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Mirror Force

Extra Deck (15)
3x Stardust Dragon
3x Majestic Star Dragon
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Five-Headed Dragon
1x Exploder Dragonwing
1x Trident Dragion
2x Ojama Knight
2x Darkfire Dragon
1x Goyo Guardian

as you can see it has the red eyes.. to do what?
it is to summon the "majestic dragon" and recycle summon the majest star dragon again...

then theres forbidden chalice to let the star dragon to stay for 1 more turn..
(you can even add skill drain)

also notice, the red eyes and other synchro monsters on the extra deck..?
this is what i call it can stand on its own when the majestics are gone..
after all the deck still have other strong synchro monsters..

im so sorry if youre not satisfied..... i know the deck you want is a dragon one, but its really hard for dragons to quickly summon them but the example above has some few dragons.. hope thats what you want

now... that you can see this deck list.. think of a much better one..

hope this helps... and please no bad compliments..
(i work dead hard on this..)

descriptionstar dust/ red archfiend dragon deck EmptyRe: star dust/ red archfiend dragon deck

well i can see ur point, and i must say i like that deck, exept for the fusion cards. thanks

descriptionstar dust/ red archfiend dragon deck EmptyRe: star dust/ red archfiend dragon deck

hmm could u tell me with what i could switch the fusion spells, im not a big fan of fusion Smile

descriptionstar dust/ red archfiend dragon deck EmptyRe: star dust/ red archfiend dragon deck

though you really dont need to like the fusion monsters.... they are summoned for with.. instant fusion.... to synchro summon. not to attack... and use their effects or anything...

so the deck above is really not a fusion one its full synchro! with majestics...

now if you want fusion spells:

the basic one is the infamous "polymerization"

then theres... "future fusion"

also the hex-sealeds
(monster that has a special way of summoning fusion monsters but not fusion summoning them)

theres the field spell.. "fusion gate"

.. Im not really sure about the meaning of the sentence (you posted) above so I assumed
the answer is this...

Hope This Helps!...

descriptionstar dust/ red archfiend dragon deck EmptyRe: star dust/ red archfiend dragon deck

side deck: 10

Stardust Dragon x 3
Red Dragon Archfiend x 2
Majestic Star Dragon x 2
Black Rose Dragon x 1
Exploder Dragon Wing x 1
Trident Dragon x 1

monsters: 20

Stardust Xiaolong x 2
Majestic Dragon x 3
Masked Dragon x 3
Soldier of Mist Valley x 3
Red-Eyes Wyvern x 2
Red-Eyes Darkness-Metal Dragon x 2
Psychic Commander x 2
Sangan x 1
Hyper Synchron x 1
Summoner Monk x 1

spells: 14

Heart of Clear Water x 3
Lightning Vortex x 3
Swords of Revealing Light x 1
Nightmare's Steelcage x 3
One for One x 1
Mist Body x 3

Traps: 7

Bottomless Trap Hole x 2
Dimensional Prison x 2
Dark Bribe x 2
Mirror Force x 1

i took your advice but made a few changes, what do u think?

descriptionstar dust/ red archfiend dragon deck EmptyRe: star dust/ red archfiend dragon deck

u copied it (a little but almost the same).. but who cares...

the traps and and monsters are great but the spell cards are not perfect yet:

few changes..

-2x clear water
(we dont want to copy the deck and mist body will get the work done)

-1 to 2x nightmare's steelcage
(it does give you more time but if you have the needed cards you can synchro summon and win eventually)

-1x vortex
(its bad to run 3 vortex in a deck even 2 copies youll end up with no cards in hand)

+1 psychic teleport (for psychic commander)

+1 monster reborn (this is a staple for any deck.. until its banned again)

+1 MST - mystical space typhoon..
(to remove the competition's badass traps and even your own traps)

+ 1 starlight road... its a trap
(and you might not know when it will be needed)

+3 negate bribe (youll need it at this days)


these are some combos I discovered and its very fun...

from 1 put
+2x MST (for the combo... but if you dont want it then put it back to 1)
+2 skill drain
(the infamous trap that will give you a 3800 beat-stick if you summon the majestic star dragon)

when you summon the majestic star dragon activate its effects...
(you can activate the tribute part but this combo will fail sadly..)
then in the end phase when star majestic is about to comeback to the extra deck activate skill drain... so he will stay..

when your beast-stick dies youll have to activate MST to stop the trap and continue with the duel...

(thts why there is 3x negate bribe to not let your beast-stick die)
but if its really his faith/destiny to die then so be it..

also this combo also devastates duelers who uses monster effects as their theme deck..
so its your choice if the continuous trap (skill drain) stays or not..

NOTE: do not set MST.. always leave it in your hand where it is safe
(except of course if you opponent runs a "discard" deck)

now for fun:

you may want to have the assault modes...
after all stardust's assault mode is pretty awesome and destructive..

+1-2-3 ( you choice) stardust dragon - assault mode
+1-2-3 (your choice) assault mode activate

the combos section really isnt of use here.. i was just giving you some suggestions so that the copying of the "example deck" is not gonna happen..

OK hope this helps!

descriptionstar dust/ red archfiend dragon deck EmptyRe: star dust/ red archfiend dragon deck

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