I do believe that the average PePe player runs only 1 Hattricker and 1 Trick Clown. And, from what I've seen, these two cards are often sided out.
Other than that, they tend to run 1 of that Performapal snake...thing, so that they can have a searchable low-scale for King of the Feral Imps.
2 Jigabyte, instead of 1 Archfiend + 1 Jigabyte seems to be the trend at the moment as well, since Jigabtye is searchable.
And, lastly, the average PePe player only runs 1 Masked Chameleon, because it cannot be normal summoned if you control that gem-knight fusion AND if you do normal summon him, and use his effect, you cannot Special Summon, except by synchro summon.