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DA Awards 2015!

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JC the shadow hunter
Yarn Tethers
16 posters

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyDA Awards 2015!

First topic message reminder :

Welcome to DA Awards nomination for 2015. As per usual, at the end of every year we nominate people for a set of prizes of categories in your opinion they did great at.

This year we have been through a lot of changes and seen lots of new faces, we had to make tough decisions, and we had to overcome our opponents to make sure DA is always a place for people to enjoy, and have a good time.

In our journey many people decided to join our community and be part of our big family, and we're truly thankful to each and every one of you for sharing our pain and joy.

DA Awards is an event that allows you as an individual to nominate people for prizes - from your perspective they did enough to earn these prizes.

You can nominate 1 person for each prize, you can also use 'N/A' when you don't want to nominate someone for a certain category, for instance:
- Member of the Year (2014): Roach
- Duelist of the Year (2014): N/A
(These are mere examples)

However, we prefer that you refrain from using too much of 'N/A' for It'll make our job a tad harder when counting total nominations and deciding the winner of each category, but It's all up to you.
The prizes are as the following:
- Admin of the Year (2015): This prize is given to the person - in your opinion - is the Admin who worked for the better good to assure this community's ever growing growth continues.

- Mod of the Year (2015): This prize is similar to that of an Admin's, only difference, is you'll be nominating the Mod who in your opinion deserves such an award. Someone who has always been there for you when you sought help.

- Assistant of the Year (2015): Similar to the two other awards above. This prize is given the person - in your opinion - did the best among all the other remaining Assistants.

- Member of the Year (2015): This prize is given to the most loyal, active, and friendly member who in your opinion deserves to be entitled member of the year.

- Duelist of the Year (2015): This prize is earned rather than given; however, you're the one who decides who 'earn' this prize. After all, you're the one who decides who has been the best all-around duelist in Duel Academy for this year.

- Deck-Builder of the Year (2015): This prize is given to the member who probably has the best selling this year, someone who always able to make competitive decks that aren't meta and still put a good show using these decks.

- Artist of the Year (2015): This prize is given to the best artist in this community, someone who always seems to make cool GFX and Tags from time to time.

- Underdog of the Year (2015): This prize is given to someone who started from the bottom and worked his way up to the top of the food chain claiming his righteous place as a real duelist. Someone who was good, then turned great during this year as a duelist.

- Spam-Bot of the Year (2015): O'well, this one doesn't require elaboration, simply put: someone who spams a lot no matter what topic it was. He'll always be there making sure he or she increases his post amount at the end of the day.

- Grammar-Nazi of the Year (2015): The prize is given to the person who, in your opinion, always use proper spellings, and correct others when using improper grammar. Someone that you want to punch in the face using a steel chair each time he tells you to use commas.

New Prize:

- Sexiest Poser of the Year (2015): The living glamour. Already Won by Yarn Tethers.

Nominations will take place starting today: 9th of November until 9th of December.
(note: It's preferable that you provide reasons for why you're nominating each person)

You can use this code to make it easier for you:


[b][color=#0033cc]Admin of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#0033cc]Mod of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#0033cc]Assistant of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#0033cc]Member of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#0033cc]Duelist of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#0033cc]Deck-Builder of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#0033cc]Artist of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#0033cc]Underdog of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#0033cc]Spam-Bot of the Year:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#0033cc]Grammar Nazi of the Year:[/color][/b]
b][color=#0033cc]Sexist Poser of the Year: Yarn Tethers[/color][/b] 
[color=#003333]Reason: The Living Glamour. [/color]

Last edited by Roach on Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:54 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Keep them coming in

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

(Speechless Bump)

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Admin of the Year: Roach
Mod of the Year: ParaBox
Reason: Most helpfull ^^
Assistant of the Year: Jc the scrublord
Reason:  he is scrubz
dMember of the Year:
Duelist of the Year: Nightbot
Reason: He chets 2 much
Deck-Builder of the Year: 
Artist of the Year: 
Underdog of the Year:
Spam-Bot of the Year:
Grammar Nazi of the Year:

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

(Admin of the year) Roach Reasoning (Being responsible and honorable)

(Mod of the year) Parabox (being helpful to me and everyone else here) 

(Assisant of the year) JC the shadow hunter (N/A)

(Member of the year) DDS (I wasn't here the whole year but when I was DDS was a hard worker, easy to like in this community)
(Duelist of the year) PowerNova (Nova, was always doing BA's and often times helping others. Though, I only dueled Nova like 4 times I thought of him as a friend quick.

(Deck Builder of the year) DeathStalker (I haven't seen many of his decks but often times I looked at links in the chat and saw they were his decks and other links were gross like you guys. I some him duel a couple times and he seemed pretty good from my perspective.

(Artist of the year) N/A

(Underdog of the year) Lux (About a few days before I was banned Lux joined the academy and like everyone else at first I didn't like him but when I got back I was proud to see what he had made of himself while ranking up to assiant

(Spambot of the year) Heartbreaker (Spamming is the reason why I was banned several months ago, and it didn't bother me that much when I found I was banned. DN was becoming a burden to me before I was banned so a few days after I quit  DN. If indeed I am wrong I have no problem owning it. What I plan on to change is posting a lot less than I use to but as for my behavior, this is the way I act everywhere and everyday and I have no one here to impress so I'm not changing my behavior.

(Nazi of the century) Jv (I nominated Jv for this because I see he has guts but their very small. psychological insults and grammar corrections don't hurt me @Jv

Last edited by Heartbreaker on Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:35 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : .)

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Thanks for nominating.

Only 10 Days left to nominate!

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

(Speechless Bump)

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Damn people just take the time vote.

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

It's okay though.  The most important award was already given.  DA Awards 2015! - Page 2 Girl

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Only one more week so hurry up and vote!

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Speechless bump!

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

5 more days left to nominate!

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

close tha sheet non one will do ;_;

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

I haven't been here long but I will nominate a couple people.

Admin of the Year: 
Mod of the Year: Jv
Reason: Helpful and active
Assistant of the Year: Linda
Reason: Easy to find for tournaments
Member of the Year:
Duelist of the Year: 
Deck-Builder of the Year: 
Artist of the Year: 
Underdog of the Year:
Spam-Bot of the Year:
Grammar Nazi of the Year:

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Luffy1 wrote:
I haven't been here long but I will nominate a couple people.

Admin of the Year: 
Mod of the Year: Jv
Reason: Helpful and active
Assistant of the Year: Linda
Reason: Easy to find for tournaments
Member of the Year:
Duelist of the Year: 
Deck-Builder of the Year: 
Artist of the Year: 
Underdog of the Year:
Spam-Bot of the Year:
Grammar Nazi of the Year:

Best one so far.

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

I need an award of "Speechless MADist of the year" Smile Since MADs are too OP ._.


descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Admin of the Year (2015): @psychoturtle. Well turtle's my favourite admin. As is lokos and Roach. But turtle takes this one.

- Mod of the Year (2015): well. @Nightbot cause he's fam. And he deserves it.

- Assistant of the Year (2015): @Linda-senpai well he's a good deck builder especially when it comes to machines......as is there when I need to test.

- Member of the Year (2015): DA Awards 2015! - Page 2 4204681869 I'm taking this one.

- Duelist of the Year (2015): @Train Heartnet he is unarguably the best blackwing player I've ever seen. ^.~ @jv

- Deck-Builder of the Year (2015): @Jv cause he is.

- Artist of the Year (2015): @Linda-Senpai well senpai's story/literature is considered an art. And it's really good. So this award shud go to senpai

- Underdog of the Year (2015): well, @Parabox. From my point of view. He joined DA when I was in RA, joined me in RA, passed me to obelisk, became assistant and now moderator, while I'm still RA. RIP me. But yeah he shud get it imo.

- Spam-Bot of the year (2015): well @Roach. Cause duh.

- Grammar-Nazi of the Year (2015): I can't tell..I'll skip this.

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Admin of the year: @Roach does everything.

Mod of the year: @Parabox, Hes a baka but he also does everything, and also xtremely helpful

Assistant of the year: Cant say tbh, None of us are putting work (me too), i know linda has a reason but liek yea :D

Member of the year: ME, my idle is too OP

Duelist of the year: @Nightbot , tho he isnt better then me DA Awards 2015! - Page 2 1151057309 he is most definitely one of the best duelists here

Deck-builder of the year: I would say me, but thats because im personally a bad-ass, and people always ask me for decks >.> (specifically @NightBot)

Artist of the year: @Linda-senpai Her literature skillz is equivalent to naittos chet

Underdog of the year: @farkion , tho this thing DA Awards 2015! - Page 2 1554389127 is a skrub, he is the 2nd best slifer (first being me) and tho he may not look like it, he kicks ass with FLUFFALS

Spam-Bot of the year: @DuskMage Hashbrowns.

Grammer-Nazi of the year:@Nightbot this kid is sooooooooo annoying, correcting my spelling when I KNOW i spelt it wrong, like hop off DA Awards 2015! - Page 2 1554389127

And i want to nominate @Jv for just being @Jv DA Awards 2015! - Page 2 1151057309

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Admin of the Year: Roach
Reason: He does seem to do everything lol
Mod of the Year: Parabox
Reason: Baks was one of the first members that helped me around here and he is extremely active and chets....plus MADs
Assistant of the Year:
Member of the Year:Parabox
Reason:Box has contributed to this academy every day tbh and he is the friendliest member imo plus he is very active as i mentioned and always supportive so he takes muh vote
Duelist of the Year: NightBot
Reason:Botto is 2op for words and i really do think he is among the best here
Deck-Builder of the Year: JV i guess?
Reason:He does seem to top a lot and he has some gud decks
Artist of the Year: idk
Underdog of the Year:SilentKatana
Reason:He achieved everything in one night basically soooo from slifer to op chetstar
Spam-Bot of the Year:Lux lol
Reason:I always see lux in almost every post really
Grammar Nazi of the Year:none
Reason:All of us are skrubs at gramaaaaaa get mad elitists Razz

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

2 days left to nominate!

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Yea, go Lovelies and Gentlelovlies, everyone vote, FOR THE GREATER GOOD.
Into the Woods: Act 2, Scene 5 - Finale/Children Will Listen -DA Awards 2015! - Page 2 33333310

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

Admin of the Year: Roach
Reason: Very active and speaks with the community almost everyday, though I'd have to say the main reason being; He doesn't let his power get inside his head, so when speaking to, you feel like you're on the same level.
Mod of the Year: DDS
Reason: Helpful and someone you'd admire, he'll show respect to whomever, even if you don't show it back.
Assistant of the Year: Dice Jar
Reason: Everyday he's rollin'!
Member of the Year: PowerNova
Reason: He's always there to help or give his input on something, much like a fatherly figure.
Duelist of the Year: Jv
Reason: He's always topping events and he's tied with me.
Deck-Builder of the Year: N/A
Artist of the Year: ParaBox
Reason: I don't know anyone else, but his artworks are really good, considering their mostly hand drawn. That takes skill.
Underdog of the Year: JC the shadow hunter
Reason: I couldn't think of anyone else, but I guess he's gotten better.
Spam-Bot of the Year: Jv
Reason: I think he's secretly Dice Jar's brother.
Grammar Nazi of the Year: DDS
Reason: Some may think Grammar Nazis are bad, but I like them, they help you get better at spelling so you don't look like a complete fool. I'd much rather have someone correct me, then continue on as if what I said was correct, when in fact was horribly wrong.

@Roach you can end this now.

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!


I will start a new topics soon with the results, Thank you everyone who nominated.

descriptionDA Awards 2015! - Page 2 EmptyRe: DA Awards 2015!

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