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description[S/F] Pendulumn Counter Fairies Empty[S/F] Pendulumn Counter Fairies

Been a while huh?

Indeed, it's been quite some time since I've last had the inspiration to try and invent something.

I've always like the concept of counter fairies, and played the deck in its original incarnation early in 2008.. Since then the deck has gone through many incarnations, with builds including Agents, Chaos and classic Anti-Meta strategies.

Now I believe I've invented the next incarnation of the deck, a pendulum based hybrid.

Deck Screenshot :

This build was inspired due to the release of Ariadine the Absolver, a pendulum monster that allows you to mitigate the costs of counter traps while acting as a scale and as a monster allows you to  tutor a counter trap. Both effects are imperative to this new variant as the concept of 'power at a price' has been somewhat lessened in recent years.

I also believe a pendulum engine solves a lot of problems the deck had in it's original incarnation, those being recursion and field presence. I used the 'empowered warrior engine' it seemed to fit the best in terms of a play making engine, it also gives some nice searchability and more light targets for Honest, which is always welcome.

Any Suggestions are welcome, also the side deck is more of a showcase of other things I was considering adding to the deck.. not a side deck intended for competitive play. So keep that in mind when posting any suggestions you may have.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have about the deck.

description[S/F] Pendulumn Counter Fairies EmptyRe: [S/F] Pendulumn Counter Fairies

Have you considered using Majespecters at all? They boost your stun game substantially whilst also having a themed searchable counter trap

description[S/F] Pendulumn Counter Fairies EmptyRe: [S/F] Pendulumn Counter Fairies

u didn't invent it.... Booo DDS Boooo, i dueled against it today.

Jokes Aside the deck i played, maybe not the same build..but i get they center around Countering shit, while using Ariadine the Absolver. but i won that duel because i was able to utilize my wavering eyes, Dragonpit Magician and totem bird, as well as my own traps well, Majespecter Frog also helped boost my back row searches.

But i really like the idea, but i hate the deck, i hope it doesn't get popular, it will be annoying to deal with. But with good removals, you can deal with it easily, as well as force your opponent to manage what cards they activate and when, and you can slip effects through the cracks and catch them offguard and win.

But if they do become popular, i will have to main Wavering eyes, and increase Totem Bird to 2. this shit is a force to be reckoned with

description[S/F] Pendulumn Counter Fairies EmptyRe: [S/F] Pendulumn Counter Fairies

stop calling it frog, is a fucking toad!

not member of the frog archetype.

anyway I love the DDS idea, it is a fast-get-absolver + pendulum engine meanwhile. so its not a full stun.


time to bump that SD ^ with a reloaded new after the Dragons KONAMI!

description[S/F] Pendulumn Counter Fairies EmptyRe: [S/F] Pendulumn Counter Fairies

SilentKatana wrote:
Have you considered using Majespecters at all? They boost your stun game substantially whilst also having a themed searchable counter trap

I hadn't, but seeing your suggestion made me think on that, but eh.. doesn't seem like an appealing idea to me for a few reasons.

1) Ariadine doesn't placate the cost for their traps.

2) To use thier S/T effectively you must have some Maje monsters + a consistent scale which would interfere with what the deck is focused on.

3) If I were to add a maje engine it'd really just be 'techy' version of the majespecter deck, at which point I feel like I'd just do that better with the Majespecter Magician build.

4) I just don't like how the things look design wise.. Is that petty? Probably, but disliking a card art does make it undesirable for those of us that go for style points..haha!

DeathStalker wrote:
u didn't invent it.... Booo DDS Boooo, i dueled against it today.

Jokes Aside the deck i played, maybe not the same build..but i get they center around Countering shit, while using Ariadine the Absolver. but i won that duel because i was able to utilize my wavering eyes, Dragonpit  Magician and totem bird, as well as my own traps well,  Majespecter Frog also helped boost my back row searches.

But i really like the idea, but i hate the deck, i hope it doesn't get popular, it will be annoying to deal with. But with good removals, you can deal with it easily, as well as force your opponent to manage what cards they activate and when, and you can slip effects through the cracks and catch them offguard and win.

But if they do become popular, i will have to main Wavering eyes, and increase Totem Bird to 2. this shit is a force to be reckoned with

I used the term 'may have' for a reason... I mean odds are slim that I am the only one running around with something like this.. I just hadn't seen any builds floating around while I was brewing this so that would be the reason I'd even attempt to make such a claim, perhaps the term 'reinventing' would have been better :p

Thanks for the stealth complements..haha! But yeah.. in all seriousness It probably won't be too popular, unless someone who genuinely likes the deck wins some big event with it or something. Then It might get a cult following and representation on a wider scale. As is the case with pretty much any player brewed deck.

Jv wrote:

anyway I love the DDS idea, it is a fast-get-absolver + pendulum engine meanwhile. so its not a full stun.


time to bump that SD ^ with a reloaded new after the Dragons KONAMI!

I'd say this is more control then stun, I mean stun usually tries to ensure your opponent doesn’t get a foothold in the game whatsoever which is often accomplished by something placing blanket limits on what your opponent can attempt to do, which this deck isn't really built to do.

I would love the fairy type deck to get a Reborn structure deck! I'd like to think we'd get a retrained Sanctuary with an actually useful ability.. That'd open up some fun possibilities, and maybe some more additions to the Pendulum Fairy Family.. hey man can dream!

Thanks for comments everyone :3

description[S/F] Pendulumn Counter Fairies EmptyRe: [S/F] Pendulumn Counter Fairies

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