
Envoys of Fashion By Roach

Format: TCG+OCG. TCG October Banlist.


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3x Elemental Hero Prism
To send Edge Imp Sabres from deck to grave for quicker access to fusion monsters

3x Edge Imp Sabres
For the fusions obviously

3x Fluffal Dog
The main seacher of the deck, Search for what ever monster you need or a extra matrial for fusion

3x Fluffal Owl
Polymerization searcher also acts as a Polymerization.

3x Fluffal Rabbit
Fluffals use up alot of resources for fusion so rabbit helps bring them back to use again

2x Fluffal Cat
Recycles Polymerization

2x Fluffal Leo
Fusion fodder + not a bad beatstick on YOUR turn

1x Fluffal Bear
Because no bear leaves another bear behind! + It can recycle a Polymerization.

3x Polymerization

2x Fusion Recovery
Recycles a Polymerization and a fusion matrial

1x Soul Charge

1x Raigeki

3x MST

3x Forbidden Lance

3x Wiretap

3x Warning

3x Upstart Goblin
To thin the deck and get cards

3x Frightfur Wolf
The OTK'er of the deck.

2x Firghtfur Tiger
The field wiper of the deck

1x Frightfur Bear
Again because no bear leaves another bear behind! + Once this card has used his effect a few times he becomes a huge beatstick

1x Exciton Knight
1x Dweller
1x Castel
1x Divine Knight Saintaurea
1x Shining Elf
1x Gachi
1x Ghostrick Dullahan
1x Number 39
1x Slacker Magician

Main Combo's:

Summon Tiger and used his eff to clear the field, Then Summon Wolf for game (depentant on how many resouches you have)
Summon Prism and use his effect to get the missing piece you need for a fusion (normally Edge Imp Sabres)