CCOTW is a competition held every week by the staff to showcase people's fan-made Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. CCOTW is short for Created Card of the week. The winner will receive 261 DP.
001:Avoid posting spam/double posts/unnecessary posts, if you really need to tell me something about this try PMing me about it instead.
002:You only get one submission, if you attempt to post more than one submission (loophole explained in 003), I will ask you which one you want to submit, if no reply is given I'll delete both(/all) of them.
003: If you wish to post more than one card REALLY badly, you may post a combo set. Please explain how it works if it isn't blatantly obvious.
(Ex- Junk Synchron works perfectly with Quillbolt Hedgehog to synchro summon Junk Warrior. This is because Junk Synchron...)
004:Stay on theme.
005:In order to participate you need to send me your submission in a private message. Anyone posting their card in this topic shall not be allowed to participate.Click here to send me an private message!
006:You have to use Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Maker for your submission.
How are we going to vote:
- Each person will vote by writing the top 3 arts; in his/her Opinion, are the best. You're obligated to write them down in order, first person gets 3 points, second person gets 2 points, and third person gets 1 point. Please write it like this:
A: 3 points
C: 2 points
B: 1 points
Essentially, vote times and say how many points you are giving.
When does the competition start, and when it ends:
You have until 20.09.2014 00:00 GMT+1 to send me your submissions, after clock ticks midnight you have time till 23.09.2014 to vote for your favorite submission!
Theme: My Loli is better then yours!