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my suggestion

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Naito Raizu
10 posters

descriptionmy suggestion Emptymy suggestion

My idea is well that is if, everyone else is fine with it, is like if you have a problem IRL people can help you work through it. It might help some people like this site even more. That is my suggestion. And people could talk about their opinions. I hope you enjoy it if it is added. Smile 

descriptionmy suggestion EmptyRe: my suggestion

A nice suggestion if the majority legitimately cared for one another. Not saying that it isn't possible. . . you're just more likely to get hit by your neighborhood trolls here at DA rather than being helped, especially on some topics that may get posted.

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Sorry mate. A forum like this isn't a place where you should post problems about your personal life. 'Specially with Centrik around.

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your right

descriptionmy suggestion EmptyRe: my suggestion

there's an offtopic section where you can post any kind bullshit that comes in your mind, so if you wanna share some rl problem you can post there and if ppl are interested or have nothing else to do, they will reply.

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^ Yeah, what he said...

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Still.. Don't expect actual help..

descriptionmy suggestion EmptyRe: my suggestion

Technically, DA can help you resolve your issues like that. If you post your problems in Off-Topic section, there is a high chance of a reply since your topic is vulnerable and a great playground to grow trolls. So, you post it and at first get squashed by the fact that instead of getting a nice reply you got something like "you don't say" etc kind of a thing. If you are weak you will get hurt badly with all those replies that accumulate on one another and ruin your self-confidence. However, after spending a month or more here you realize that it's how this site functions, people can care less about your problems, they want to do their own stuff, play games, smoke weed and of course watch porn like a boss. So, you realize that you are not so important for the world around you. After some time, like anti-organisms in your body fight foreign bacteria, you build up a shield against those "insults" since you spend too much time on this site and realize how it is. So, instead of getting hurt, you are now happy cuz at least you got some replies on your topic. Then, instead of drinking pills after Centrik's replies, you are now waiting in all excitement what will that awesome troll write to you there. How is he going to make your laugh this time and make you realize your problems are in fact like rules, and same as Kaiba screws his rules you can screw your own problems just like that and chill. At the end, you realize you have more confidence in yourself than ever, you met really great ppl here who claim they don't care for you, and they really don't, but now you don't care about that fact either and this is how you begin to be a true member of this awesome community.

So, technically it can help you, even if no one wants to help you here. The system works like that on its own. What's even better, the fact that you can just go and post your problems right away ^_^

P.S. Centrik, you owe me now. K.

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He's 13, Amy have some restraint..

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if the cruel admins don't delete or hide that post of mine, he can set reminder in 5 years to come back here and read that shiz again.

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Amy Kool wrote:
Technically, DA can help you resolve your issues like that. If you post your problems in Off-Topic section, there is a high chance of a reply since your topic is vulnerable and a great playground to grow trolls. So, you post it and at first get squashed by the fact that instead of getting a nice reply you got something like "you don't say" etc kind of a thing. If you are weak you will get hurt badly with all those replies that accumulate on one another and ruin your self-confidence. However, after spending a month or more here you realize that it's how this site functions, people can care less about your problems, they want to do their own stuff, play games, smoke weed and of course watch porn like a boss. So, you realize that you are not so important for the world around you. After some time, like anti-organisms in your body fight foreign bacteria, you build up a shield against those "insults" since you spend too much time on this site and realize how it is. So, instead of getting hurt, you are now happy cuz at least you got some replies on your topic. Then, instead of drinking pills after Centrik's replies, you are now waiting in all excitement what will that awesome troll write to you there. How is he going to make your laugh this time and make you realize your problems are in fact like rules, and same as Kaiba screws his rules you can screw your own problems just like that and chill. At the end, you realize you have more confidence in yourself than ever, you met really great ppl here who claim they don't care for you, and they really don't, but now you don't care about that fact either and this is how you begin to be a true member of this awesome community.

So, technically it can help you, even if no one wants to help you here. The system works like that on its own. What's even better, the fact that you can just go and post your problems right away ^_^

P.S. Centrik, you owe me now. K.

I think I died a little inside when I read this. .-.

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Naito Raizu wrote:
Amy Kool wrote:
Technically, DA can help you resolve your issues like that. If you post your problems in Off-Topic section, there is a high chance of a reply since your topic is vulnerable and a great playground to grow trolls. So, you post it and at first get squashed by the fact that instead of getting a nice reply you got something like "you don't say" etc kind of a thing. If you are weak you will get hurt badly with all those replies that accumulate on one another and ruin your self-confidence. However, after spending a month or more here you realize that it's how this site functions, people can care less about your problems, they want to do their own stuff, play games, smoke weed and of course watch porn like a boss. So, you realize that you are not so important for the world around you. After some time, like anti-organisms in your body fight foreign bacteria, you build up a shield against those "insults" since you spend too much time on this site and realize how it is. So, instead of getting hurt, you are now happy cuz at least you got some replies on your topic. Then, instead of drinking pills after Centrik's replies, you are now waiting in all excitement what will that awesome troll write to you there. How is he going to make your laugh this time and make you realize your problems are in fact like rules, and same as Kaiba screws his rules you can screw your own problems just like that and chill. At the end, you realize you have more confidence in yourself than ever, you met really great ppl here who claim they don't care for you, and they really don't, but now you don't care about that fact either and this is how you begin to be a true member of this awesome community.

So, technically it can help you, even if no one wants to help you here. The system works like that on its own. What's even better, the fact that you can just go and post your problems right away ^_^

P.S. Centrik, you owe me now. K.

I think I died a little inside when I read this. .-.

With all due respect, I skip everyone's post if it's like a novel :3

descriptionmy suggestion EmptyRe: my suggestion

@Galaksii,stop reading hentai it makes you find books borring..
What Amy said is right,sadly Gremlin is not active here,he's the guy for all of your IRL problems and I'm not even kidding.He helped me so much just bu being a troll,because of him I think a bit different now and I'm not afraid to do the right thing.

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lol, Skitt, shut up...

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skit we were joking here. and galaxi i know you read it multiple times already but its always hard to confess lol. Razz

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Amy Kool wrote:
skit we were joking here. and galaxi i know you read it multiple times already but its always hard to confess lol. Razz
And I wasn't?

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Hidalgo™️ wrote:
Amy Kool wrote:
skit we were joking here. and galaxi i know you read it multiple times already but its always hard to confess lol. Razz

And I wasn't?

You were totally serious.

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Everyone here is 100% cereal, not sure what you're on about.

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Amy Kool wrote:
skit we were joking here. and galaxi i know you read it multiple times already but its always hard to confess lol. Razz

From now on you guys should write something like Long stroy short or summary for Galaksii and things like that :3

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Galaksii wrote:
Amy Kool wrote:
skit we were joking here. and galaxi i know you read it multiple times already but its always hard to confess lol. Razz

From now on you guys should write something like Long stroy short or summary for Galaksii and things like that :3

no need cuz no matter what, you still read it :D

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Amy Kool wrote:
no need cuz no matter what, you still read it :D

Actually, I don't xD :D

descriptionmy suggestion EmptyRe: my suggestion

Amy Kool wrote:
Galaksii wrote:
Amy Kool wrote:
skit we were joking here. and galaxi i know you read it multiple times already but its always hard to confess lol. Razz

From now on you guys should write something like Long stroy short or summary for Galaksii and things like that :3

no need cuz no matter what, you still doesnt matter :D

descriptionmy suggestion EmptyRe: my suggestion

Someone should save all threads that talk about me then after that I'll check them all.

@amy k.*

descriptionmy suggestion EmptyRe: my suggestion

If you guys think Amy's post is long you should have seen her 'usual' posts in the admins section back when she was an admin, you could spend an entire day reading them and still won't understand anything.

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galaxi now be grateful for my short post.

descriptionmy suggestion EmptyRe: my suggestion

VERY grateful .-.

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Amy Kool wrote:
galaxi now be grateful for my short post.

+1 For you Amy :3

descriptionmy suggestion EmptyRe: my suggestion

thanks galaxi, we all learned from this thread. musicman finds this place wonderful. you started to look at my posts as short instead of long, which is how it is in fact. I got a +1 and on top of all, Centrik replied in this topic with his favorite letter k. There is only one thing missing though. Admins should do what they do best in suggestion topics: lock them, and then it will be perfect Razz

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Why Centrik's name isn't Kentrik? :3

descriptionmy suggestion EmptyRe: my suggestion

i know, at first it makes that a logical move but it isn't. See it as this:

A hairdresser/barber can make great haircuts, but most of the time they never do it on their own hair, but go to another hairdresser/barber.

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