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Character Creation (RtF)

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Azure King
Jain vi Bookshelvia
Angry Dueling Nerd
lord drakus
Naito Raizu
16 posters

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Race to Freedom Character Creation

Here's the character creation sheet. For anyone dumb, this is not your personal details, but your made up character's. You are making them up now. Try and have a bit of character in your character.

Explanation of character creation:
Name: Give your character a name.
Age: How old are they?
Appearance: Give description or supply image.
Skills: What are they good at? Are they intelligent? Etc.
Personality: What are they like?
Backstory: Optional. Note that all gladiators have experience in the colosseum, but many were brought here as criminals or slaves. Explain how they were brought here and why they might want to get out.

Copypaste this and fill it out.



Once you have filled this out you can post and duel in the RP immediately. Just remember that your first post must be made in the Office.

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Been waiting for this. Woot!

Name: Wes (Last name unknown)

Age: 24

Appearance: Character Creation (RtF) MorNVqk

Skills: Martial Arts, persuasion, thievery, hacking, lock picking

Personality: Distant, Cold, Hostile though polite when he chooses to be, Short-Tempered

Backstory: Once part of a criminal organisation that struck terror throughout the nation, Wes was a high-ranking member, responsible for multiple thefts of important artifacts and kidnappings. Throughout his membership, Wes grew eventually to dislike the organisation, and began his plans to cripple it. This plan involved using high-powered explosives to destroy the organisation's headquarters, stationed out in the desert. While the explosion did it's job in destroying the base, and wiping out most of the organisation, authorities found Wes before he could escape, and imprisoned him, along with the rest of the survivors. Being the only healthy one, Wes was chucked into the gladiator arena, as the rest, covered in 3rd Degree Burns, with broken limbs and no sight, were executed. He now fights for freedom, in order to make amends for his crimes.

Final Note: Anything I need to add Jj, or am I good to go?

Last edited by Naito Raizu on Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:10 am; edited 3 times in total

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Tis all good. Go ahead.

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Now this is amusing :>

Name: Lucas Bloodfurry
Age: 25
Appearance: Height: 175; Silver-white hair; black eyes; ordinary body build.
Skills: Archery; Swords; Kalaripayattu; Okinawan kobudō.
Personality: Wise, tends to solve problems using his head first, then his sword. Merciless on the battleground. Will do anything to protect those he cares for.
Backstory: Being the son among 7 siblings, he was the youngest, yet he showed a promise unlike any of the others, which grew up to hatred. His other siblings did what they could to prove themselves to be better worthy of their father's complements so they put him through many tests - thinking it would either kill him or pressure him to where he cannot lift a sword anymore; however, their plans took another path where all the hard tests led the boy to grow up stronger than anyone would have ever expected surpassing everyone else the history has ever witnessed from his clan. That turn-around didn't leave a good effect on his siblings, so one night they gathered to kill their younger brother for they cannot stand him anymore - their plans failed when the young brother lifted his sword for self-defense ending up killing all of them. Right on spot; his father came in after he heard the noises to see the sight that no father wants to see; all of his sons are dead, one standing covered with their blood, his eyes turned sore for what he has witnessed and decided to send his son away form home before the clan kill the last boy he has left in this world. The boy was then sent away from the area with a merchandiser who was visiting, he was then sold as a slave to a very wealthy princess who loved to watch him fighting for his own survival.

Last edited by Anzobuse on Sun Jul 06, 2014 11:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Note: Fix the goddamn grammar :>

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Just a question: Did you mean Bloodfury? Because "fury" and "furry" are very different. "Fury" is anger, whereas "furry"... uuuh...

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I meant furry and not fury, wannet to make it weird :>

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Oh, and also, grammar isn't too important as long as you tried.

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Temptation to take a walking piece of toast as a character x3

Name: Yuki~


Tiny, dark short hair, unusual grey eyes which have the same pupils as a cat.

Great at games, plays first class violin and since noone specified, wields large amounts or arcane magic cause why not x3

Cute and vicious yet indefinetly charming, tends to have a half-smile, is a compulsive liar, does anything for amusement 
Ps: can't resist cuddling with cats ^-^

Noone knows what's the story of how a child like this came to this world, but the rumors say that she was the only living soul found amongst the ruins of the capital city of trade, the city itself had been destroyed overnight leaving behind a pile of rubble within a massive spellcircle dug into the earth. Seeing how she was found in the epicentre, holding a dead pet, the authority believed that she was the cause of the calamity and so was brought to the palace of madness to amoungst other bewildering individuals, the colosseum.
But those are just rumors, right?

Now I don't usually RP, but for the sake of whatever we are doing here, here's my "chaotic evil" character. Tadaaa~ ..It's shit isn't it..

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Appearance:like my proflle picture


skills:fusing with a duel dragon or truing into one until end of duel or until that monster is destroyed summoning an duel dragon spirit in full size and can be seen by anyone

back ground story:???

Last edited by lord drakus on Mon Jul 07, 2014 2:44 am; edited 4 times in total

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lord drakus wrote:

skills:fusing with a duel dragon or truing into one until end of duel or until that monster is destroyed

That's okay as long as you know that this will have no in-game effect.

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lord drakus wrote:



Appearance:like my proflle picture

skills:fusing with a duel dragon or truing into one until end of duel or until that monster is destroyed

back ground story:???

The skill is okay as long as you know it has no in-game effect, but you ought to write something about the personality. Right now, your character literally has no character.

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i know it wont effect game

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Name: Elite

Age: 18

Appearance: 5'7', Short Grey Hair, Tan skin, Muscular Build, Brown Eyes, 

Skills: Speak Multiple Languages, Martial Arts, Acrobatics, Archery

Personality: Elite is very humble and observant. He always tries to think of the best possible way to get out of a situation rather than fighting. Understanding his opponents fighting styles and emotions behind them is his passion. He has a big heart and is not easily angered.

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Name: Lawrence
Age: 22
Appearance: Character Creation (RtF) Sakami11
Skills: Music, Hypnosis
Personality: Calm, chill, relaxy, etc,...
Backstory: Lawrence is a musician who wanders everywhere to play music. But somehow, everywhere he went and played the music, every people died. That started happening when a strange guy bumped into him and threw a deck to him. Of course, he didn't know how to use and he considered it as lucky charm. But, not really lucky, people thought that he was the murderer, and then he was thrown an unknown place, where all the anger, hatred, revengeful,.....are all there. He knew that someone had already planned to get him there, but why? The answer.....

Please don't make your characters too OP, guys.

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Having overpowered characters only makes it more awkward when they lose duels.

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If I can join then here is mine:

Name: Soyuku Fudo

Age: unknown

        5'6", medium length light green hair, 1 purple eye and 1 white eye, wears green sleeveless dress with knee length skirt, white knee high socks,  with black and gold high heal boots. 136 LBS Size 11 women shoe, B-size breasts.


Can manipulate all Special Summons summons (Ritual, fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Pendulum)
Most Skilled in Synchro. best deck Spell-caster Synchro


Tenacious, always tense and serious, and easy to get along with. Favorite Card "Star Dust Dragon" has same beliefs as her father Yusie Fudo

Back story: 

Not knowing who her father was, Soyuku enters the Tournament on the promise of meeting her father... Yusie.
(music to represend her backstory)

Last edited by Angry Dueling Nerd on Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:42 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Too blan of back story)

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Angry Dueling Nerd wrote:
If I can join then here is mine:

Anyone can join and start posting in the RP right away.

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Name: Suika Ibuki

Age: N/A

Appearance: :

Skills: Manipulation of Gathering and Dispersing, Supernatural Strength

Personality: Outgoing, Boisterous, Straightforward, Jolly

Background: Lead by her insatiable wanderlust, Suika found her way to the colosseum. 

While initially disappointed by the lack of a physical brawl, she decided to enter as a contestant.

The only thing an oni loves more than a good fight is a good drink.

Who knows? Maybe she'll meet a drinking buddy or two along the way.

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Name: Xavian Widak
Age: 18
Appearance: Character Creation (RtF) 892ce4d35fa8e3c9f807cb1a0931ba83-d6cdoq7
Skills: Psychic and can move from one plane of existance to another (Basically teleport)
Personality: Cold, blunt
Backstory: Reveled by society for having powers.

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Jain vi Bookshelvia wrote:
Name: Suika Ibuki

Age: N/A

Appearance :

Skills: Manipulation of Gathering and Dispersing, Supernatural Strength

Personality: Outgoing, Boisterous, Straightforward, Jolly

Background: Lead by her insatiable wanderlust, Suika found her way to the colosseum. 

While initially disappointed by the lack of a physical brawl, she decided to enter as a contestant.

The only thing an oni loves more than a good fight is a good drink.

Who knows? Maybe she'll meet a drinking buddy or two along the way.

Really, you chose a Touhou character, nice to see someone blatantly used an unoriginal idea lol

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Name: Zarik "Leon" Masters

Age: 20

Spoiler :

Skills: Marial Arts, Archery, Computer Hacking, Aura Manipulation

Personality: Level-headed and laid back. A calm and calculating person when not dueling. Sadistic and egotistical when really getting into a duel.

Backstory: "It's just a training program." Those words now filled Leon with brutal anger and rage every time he heard them bouncing around inside his head. Having been known as one of the best hackers in the nation, Leon's help had been requested by large corporations from time to time when they wanted to test out their new firewalls or other programs that needed hacking resistance. On what he had thought to be just another boring request, Leon had proceeded to hack into a rather heavily guarded site. Upon completion, he had been hit across the back of the head with something rather heavy and metallic. Next time he had woken up, it was in a peacefully serene garden with sweet smelling flowers and a bright blue sky. Then he had sat up and seen the words etched into the building on his right. "Gladiator Living Quarters". Immediately he knew he had been tricked. But by whom, he could not say. With his pride severely wounded, Leon now seeks escape from this gladiatorial prison to exact revenge on those who had ruined his life, with what they had called "a training program".

Thanks go to Naito for help with the backstory

Last edited by The Great Wyrmking on Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:33 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionCharacter Creation (RtF) EmptyOriginal the Character

Angry Dueling Nerd wrote:
Jain vi Bookshelvia wrote:
Name: Suika Ibuki

Age: N/A

Appearance :

Skills: Manipulation of Gathering and Dispersing, Supernatural Strength

Personality: Outgoing, Boisterous, Straightforward, Jolly

Background: Lead by her insatiable wanderlust, Suika found her way to the colosseum. 

While initially disappointed by the lack of a physical brawl, she decided to enter as a contestant.

The only thing an oni loves more than a good fight is a good drink.

Who knows? Maybe she'll meet a drinking buddy or two along the way.

Really, you chose a Touhou character, nice to see someone blatantly used an unoriginal idea lol

Oh sure. Point out the Touhou shout out only.

It's not like there's another glaringly obvious one.

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Name: Virginia Elliot
Age: 23
Appearance: Yeah so you know Nico from 5D's? We thinking almost an older version of her, but different. Just use that as a basic concept. Dark, almost black hair that runs slightly past her shoulders, down to the center of her trapezius. Piercing blue eyes stereotypically described as the deep blue of the Atlantic ocean, the blue color of the summer sky over the temperate belt before a torrential downpour with no evidence of its coming, the blue of those beams of light that come out of crystals in Legend of Zelda games. Combine those and you get her eye color. In layman's terms, sapphire blue. She stands at approximately 160 centimeters, or about 5'3" for those of you who don't know what a metric conversion is. Now, back to her face and those eyes with a very detailed description. She has average set cheekbones, the most defining facial feature. Her slightly elliptical face is ended at her soft chin. Continuing onwards, we see that she has defined collarbones, a trait that many men find intimidating (subconsciously, anyway). She has limbs of average length, so as not to look all that conspicuous. I like to keep things (mostly) PG, so we aren't going to discuss various parts of her anatomy that you won't be seeing anyway, cool? Cool. Her attire consists mainly of those types of dresses you see in Westerns (I forgot what the style is called, sue me), and her favorite colors (she does tend to wear solid colors, not checks as are also common) are forest green, indigo, royal purple, and other deep and cool colors. She also tends to wear the only piece of jewelry she owns, a golden chain featuring a gilded (read: decorated with gold) Imperial Venus shell of average size as a pendant. She wears her almost-black-but-not-quite hair straight and down most days, although she has been known to wear a braid on occasions that hair could get in the way.
Skills: A real sharpshooter. Unfortunately, shotguns and other sorts of weaponary excepting yu-gi-oh cards are frowned upon in her establishment. Other skills include more traditionally feminine things such as sewing and baking. That doesn't mean that her skills with fisticuffs, as the gents in the 1800's would say, aren't prepared to knock you flat on your behind. A real brawler, this one.
Personality: Fairly enthusiastic and rash. She doesn't have a short temper, she just makes quick decisions without thinking of future consequences. Fiery is a good word. Impulsive, as well. One thing that she doesn't rush are her decisions about people. She takes a bit to judge which people she likes or doesn't, and is also slow to depart from this initial decision. Think of a female protagonist from a Western. Yeah. That's her. That brings us to the Western part of her personality, which will be revealed in the backstory, I suppose.
Backstory: Born and raised in Crash Town. Western as they come (and go). She grew up here, tough, stubborn, and ready to rumble. Noting the lack of possibility for the future in Crash Town (marry a miner and hope you don't get in the way of Malcolm or Ramon), she hightailed it out of that dusty dump. Seeking challenges and excitement, she found the arena. She was hoping to put her fistfighting skills to the test, but it turns out it's a special type of arena. I believe the phrase "they found her and didn't let her leave, aka, she's basically a slave now" fits nicely. That being noted, she took up a deck and she's learning how to get along in the arena. Due to her lack of dueling finesse and experience, she's not the strongest competitor, but she's working on honing her skills and earning her freedom.

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Appearance:He is thin and tall but not too tall for his age,has green hair and eyes and has long and pointy ears like all other elves.
Skills:He used to be able to be very good at casting wind spells but ever since coming to this world he has lost all his magic.
Personality:He's usually confused and tries to understand what's going on around him even though he doesn't know English at all,but during the duel the only thing that he knows well about this world he looks excited and happy as if it's bringing back memories to him.
Backstory:Elvedui was born with rare talents and the elders of his town were interested in his abilities from the very beginning.He used to spend all his free time dueling with his friends and studying about forbidden magics.He managed to win the tournament of dark magics at the age of 11...however beating acharnion in the finals made him mad and he got envious of his power.At that night acharion casts a forbidden magic on him.The magic's called the "dark portal" that even the elders don't know it very well;All they know is that whoever has gone to other side has never came back.Elvedui woke up in a city with people very different from what he knew.Soon he realized he can't use magic and is trapped in some kind of...gladiator arena.After living there for a week and losing all his hope of going back he saw an old elf called Estelion there who looked really old;He told him he's been here for a really long time and he was one of the very 1st elves that tried the dark portal spell;Also he told him before trying that he studied about this world and found out that there's a way to get back from here;He told him about an island that had the most magical power on Earth and they might be able to use their magics there.That night they tried to escape but on their way they got seen by the guards and got chased.The attempt to escape was a failure and Estelion died on the way.Later on he heard about this "Race to Freedom";Hearing the word "freedom"(which was one of the few words he had learnt from Estelion) got him interested and he joined the event in hope that he can get his freedom back.

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Name: Rika Furude
Age: 10
Appearance: Character Creation (RtF) 350px-Ber_a24_akuwarai3
Skills: She's a Witch, she can use Magic to do almost anything. Her weapon is a giant black scythe.
Personality: Acts cute and innocent in public, but she's actually very dark and cruel.
Backstory: Rika was killed once again, but this time, her powers sent her to this very bizzare world, instead of Hinamizawa.

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Name: Alabaster Mercies
Age: Twenty-Five
Appearance: Character Creation (RtF) 9k=
Skills: Alabaster used to use blood magic, and could summon great beasts. But he no longer can.
Personality: Alabaster is a very stuck up, snotty person. He's a snob, he drinks fine wines, has the most expensive duel disk, cards, and car.
Backstory: N/A

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Appearance: Character Creation (RtF) MyStyle
Skills:Unnatural intelligence, the ability to negate any and all millenium items, cooking.
Personality:Always cool, never taken by surprise, ALMOST able to predict his oppentents moves during duel. Loves dragons and dragon slayers.

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