This is my Mecha Phantom Beast Deck
Don't be fooled by the decks size, there is more to a deck then size. For me I play 45 cards because I have more options.
Basic Idea:
Summon as many "Mecha Phantom Beasts" tokens instead of the other tokens. Scapegoat is like its name a scapegoat incase I have no tokens to summon and if my hands are bad. As for call of the haunted I use that to summon Coltwing to get his eff (Remember you can only use Coltwing if you have another "Mecha Phantom Beast" monster on the field) so you use his eff and maybe pop if you need to. As for Xyz summoning you mostly try and pull of the level 7 xyz monsters by using the Monsters effect to gain levels. And for synchro sumoning don't worry about that I use that because Blue Impala is only good for summoning tokens when you really need it as back-up (Remember Blue-Impala can't synchro summon a monster that is not an XYZ monster). And if your asking why I don't run Fires of Doomsday read the first sentence.
I Hope you guys enjoy my Mecha Phantom Beast deck! :D (Its good as a competitive deck)